Eco Chapter - 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy
Eco Chapter - 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy
Eco Chapter - 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy
Lesson – 2
Since secondary sector gradually became associated with the different kinds of
industries that came up, it is also called as industrial sector.
Tertiary sector helps in the development of the primary and secondary sectors. It
does not produce any good but they are an aid or a support for the production
process. Since tertiary sector generate services rather than goods, it is also known
as service sector.
Does tertiary sector include only the services that help in the
production of goods ?
sector for manufacturing through the transportation system like trucks. The
2. It is through the secondary sector that cotton is changed into cotton textile clothes
3. The produced cotton textile clothes need transport to reach the market for their
sales. So vehicles are used for providing services in the tertiary sector and at the
same time support the primary and the secondary sectors to carry out their
4. Fertilizers are produced in the secondary sector that are used by the primary sector.
How can we count various goods and services and know the total production in each sector ?
• The total production of each sector is calculated by adding the value of all final goods and services
of the sector in a year.
• The total production of all three sectors within a country is known as the Gross domestic product
of the country.
To know the total production in any one of the three sectors, we need to count the goods and
1. There are too many goods and services produced so counting them is difficult.
2. Sometimes Intermediate goods are also counted. It is called double counting. It will not give the
These problems can be overcome by adding the values of final goods and services produced
rather than the actual numbers. For example, if 10,000 kg of sugar is sold at Rs. 20 per kg, then
value of sugar will be Rs. 2,00,000. The value of 5000 coconuts at Rs 15 per coconut will be
Rs 75,000. Similarly, the value of goods and services in the three sectors are calculated, and then added
Final Goods: Final goods refer to the finished goods which are sold in the market.
Intermediate Goods: All those goods which are used by the producer for producing
other goods.
There is a precaution one (a person) has to take while calculating the total production of a
1. Not every good (or service) that is produced and sold needs to be counted. It makes
2. For example: A farmer sells wheat to a flour mill for Rs. 20 per kg. The mill grinds the
wheat and sells the flour to a biscuit company for Rs. 25 per kg.
3. The biscuit company use the flour and things such as sugar and oil to make flour
packets of biscuits. It sells biscuits in the market to the consumers for Rs. 80 (Rs. 20
per packet). Biscuits are the final goods i.e., goods that reach the consumers.
1. GDP – The value of final goods and services produced in each sector
during a particular year provides the total production of the sector
for that year. And the sum of the production in the three sectors is
called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
2. The task of measuring GDP – It is undertaken by a Central
Government ministry.
3. Measurement of GDP - The ministry with the help of various
government departments of all the Indian states and union
territories, collects information relating to total volume of goods
and services and their prices and then estimates the GDP.
4. Importance of GDP – The GDP of a country shows the size of
economy of the country. It reflects whether the country is poor or
rich and the status of employment and people’s living condition.
Historical Change in Sectors.
1. The history of developed countries indicates about the shifts that have taken place
a) At the initial stages of development, primary sector (agriculture) was the most important sector
of economic activity.
b) With the changes in the methods of farming, agriculture production increased tremendously that
made people to take up other activities like trading. Some people become as craft-persons and
traders that led to growing need for transportation and other facilities.
c) With the passage of time, machines were invented that led to the establishment of factories to
manufacture various goods. Those people who earlier worked on farms began to work in factories
in large numbers. People began to use many more goods that were produced in factories at cheap
rates. So secondary sector gradually became the most important in total production and
d) In the past 100 years, there has been a further shift from secondary to tertiary sector in developed
countries and the tertiary sector has become the most important in terms of production.
1. Which was the largest producing
sector in 1973-74 ?
2. Which was the largest producing
sector in 2013-14 ?
3. can you say which sector has
grown the most over forty years ?
1. In any country several services such as hospitals, educational institutions, post and telegraph
services, police stations, courts, village administrative offices, municipal corporations, defence,
transport, banks, insurance companies, etc. are required. These can be considered as basic
services. In a developing country the government has to take responsibility for the provision of
these services.
2. The development of agriculture and industry leads to the development of services such as
transport, trade, storage and the like, as we have already seen. Greater the development of the
primary and secondary sectors, more would be the demand for such services.
3. As income levels rise, certain sections of people start demanding many more services like eating
out, tourism, shopping, private hospitals, private schools, professional training etc.
4. Over the past decade certain new services like information and communication technology have
become important and essential. The production of these services has been rising rapidly.
‘Tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of
Indian economy’.
important ?
1. Peculiarity of skills in the tertiary sector – Highly educated and
1. Because enough jobs have not been created in the secondary and tertiary
2. Even though industrial output of production of goods has increased by more
than nine times, but the employment in the industry has increased by around
three times only.
3. Similarly in tertiary sector, the production has increased by 14 times but the
employment has increased only around five times.
4. As a result of it, more than half of the workers in the country are working in
the primary sector, mainly in agriculture.
The status of employment in India
(Where are most of the people employed ?).
1. The distribution of work-force has improved but even today primary sector continues
to be the largest employer. There has been a shift directly from primary sector to
2. Though agriculture contributes one sixth of the GDP, it employs more than half of
the workforce because not enough jobs were created in the secondary and tertiary
3. The secondary and tertiary sectors produce four-fifths of the produce, but they
willing to work but is not able to get employment of his choice. Disguised
4. Apart from that the secondary and the tertiary sectors employ people with high skills
The primary sector is the largest employer in India. But it
1. Productivity in the primary sector is very low due to the use of outdated
means of production.
2. Land holdings are very small which cannot produce the desired output.
4. The government has not been able to provide an effective system of financing
semi-rural areas ?
1. Loans should be provided to small farmers by the government or bank to have more irrigation
facilities like wells and tube-wells in order to enable them grow second crop.
2. New dams and canals should be constructed which lead to more employment in the agricultural
3. Transportation and storage facilities must be improved to provide productive employment to not
only the farmers but also to others in services like transport and trade.
4. Banks should provide agricultural credit to the farmers for farming to improve.
5. Industries like dal mill, cold storage, honey collection centres and processing of vegetables should
6. More schools should be opened in rural areas which provide jobs to about 20 lakh people in the
education sector..
8. Tourism, regional craft industry and information technology should be encouraged by the
How can employment opportunities be increased in urban areas ?
conducts economic survey and chalks out programmes and policies to tackle
economy-related issues.
2. The steps taken by the NITI Aayog (Planning Commission) to tackle the
economic issues.
NREGA - 2005
The objectives of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
2. Under MGNREGA – 2005, all those who are able to, and are in need of work
3. Rules and Regulations are followed. 3. Rules and regulations are not followed.
4. Workers get benefits like provident 4. Workers do not get any such benefits.
fund, paid leave and medical benefits.
5. Working hours are fixed. 5. Working hours are not fixed. Sometimes,
workers work for 10 - 12 hours straight.
6. It has some formal processes and 6. It has no formal processes and
procedures. procedures.
1. In the rural areas, the unorganised sector mostly comprises of landless agricultural labourers,
small and marginal farmers, sharecroppers and artisans (such as weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters
and goldsmiths).
2. Nearly 80 per cent of rural households in India are in small and marginal farmer category. These
farmers need to be supported through adequate facility for timely delivery of seeds, agricultural
inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets.
3. In the urban areas, unorganised sector comprises mainly of workers in small-scale industry,
casual workers in construction, trade and transport etc., and those who work as street vendors,
head load workers, garment makers, ragpickers, etc.
4. Small-scale industry also needs government’s support for procuring raw material and marketing
of output. The casual workers in both rural and urban areas need to be protected.
5. We also find that majority of workers from scheduled castes, tribes and backward communities
find themselves in the unorganised sector.
6. Besides getting the irregular and low paid work, these workers also face social discrimination.
Protection and support to the unorganised sector workers is thus necessary for both economic
and social development.
How to protect workers in the unorganized sector ?
1. The vulnerable people in the unorganized sector are landless agricultural labourers,
small and marginal farmers, artisans, weavers, carpenters, etc. who should be given
2. In urban areas, government should help small-scale industry in procuring raw material
3. The interests of the casual workers in rural and urban areas must be protected by
enacting law.
4. As majority of the workers are generally from low castes who are also socially
discriminated. The government should take steps to ensure equal treatment for all.
6. The government should take steps to ensure regulation of working hours and grant medical
facilities, etc. 7. The government should take strict action against those employers who
Public sector Private sector
Distinguish between
Public Sector Private Sector
1. In public sector, ownership of assets 1. In private sector, ownership of assets and
and delivery of services are in the delivery of services are in the hands
hands of government. private individuals or companies.
3. The government raises fund through 3. To get such services, we have to pay
taxes and other ways to meet the money to the individuals or companies.
expenses on the services rendered by it
to the people.
4. For example: Railways and post offices. 4. For example: Tata Iron and Steel
Company (TISCO) and Reliance.
There are several things needed by the society as a whole but which the private
1. Some of these need spending large sums of money, which is beyond the capacity of
2. Also, collecting money from thousands of people who use these facilities is not easy.
3. Even if they provide these things they would charge a high rate for their use.
5. Thus, governments have to undertake such heavy spending and ensure that these