AI Lec2
AI Lec2
AI Lec2
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
• When we use search to solve a problem we must
• Capture the knowledge needed to formalize the problem
• Apply a search technique to solve problem
• Execute the problem solution
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• Importance of KR:
• KR way highly affects system:
• Development
• Efficiency
• Speed9and maintenance.
• ES shells are designed for specific
type of KR such as rules or logic
• Meta-knowledge is one step over,
it is known as knowledge about
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Knowledge Classes
Procedural knowledge:
Knowing how to do something, e.g. Knowing how to boil a pot of water.
Declarative knowledge:
Know that something is true or false, stated in a form of declarative
statements, e.g. Don't put your fingers in a pot of boiling water.
Tacit knowledge:
Is something called unconscious knowledge, because it cannot be expressed
by language, e.g. Knowing how to move your hand or how to eat, walk, ride a
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Different knowledge representation techniques have been devised e.g.
Rules, commonly used.
Semantic nets
Conceptual graphs
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Role of KR
• The first step is the role of “knowledge representation” in AI.
• Formally,
• The intended role of knowledge representation in artificial
intelligence is to reduce problems of intelligent action to search
• A good description, developed within the conventions of a
good KR, is an open door to problem solving
• A bad description, using a bad representation, is a brick wall
preventing problem solving
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A Knowledge-Based Agent
• We previously talked about applications of search but not about methods of
formalizing the problem.
• Now we look at extended capabilities to general logical reasoning.
• Here is one knowledge representation: logical expressions.
• A knowledge-based agent must be able to
• Represent states, actions, etc.
• Incorporate new percepts
• Update internal representations of the world
• Deduce hidden properties about the world
• Deduce appropriate actions
• We will
• Describe properties of languages to use for logical reasoning
• Describe techniques for deducing new information from current information
• Apply search to deduce (or learn) specifically
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Representation, Reasoning and Logic
• Semantics: Mapping from sentences to facts in the
• Sentence: Individual piece of knowledge
- English sentence forms one piece of - They define the truth of a sentence in a “possible
knowledge in English language - Add the values of 2 and 3, store them in the
- Statement in C forms one piece of memory location indicated by variable a
knowledge in C programming language • In the language of arithmetic:
x + 2 >= y is a sentence
• Syntax: Form used to represent sentences x2 + y > is not a sentence
- Syntax of C indicates legal combinations x + 2 >= y is true in all worlds where the number
x + 2 is
of symbols no less than the number y
- a = 2 + 3; is legal x + 2 >= y is true in a world where
x = 7, y = 1
- a = + 2 3 is not legal x + 2 >= y is false in a world where
- Syntax alone does not indicate meaning x = 0, y = 6
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Semantic Nets
• A classical AI representation • Semantic Nets Structure
technique used for propositional • A semantic net is shown
information. Some times called a graphically in a form of directed
propositional net. graph, consisting of nodes and arcs
• Statement that either true or false • Nodes ≡objects
is called a proposition e.g. “the • Arcs ≡links/edges.
sky is blue”, or “UofK is not • Nodes represent physical objects,
inside Khartoum”. where links represent relationships
• First developed to between objects.
model/represent human memory
and language (analyzing meanings
of words within sentences).
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• Semantic nets
• Semantic nets are referred to as associative nets, because they associate or relate nodes or objects
represented by nodes to each others.
• Some useful relationships are IS-A, A-KIND-OF, and HAS-A, (ISA,AKO,HSA). The first two
associate a member or an object to a class, and the third relates two objects .e.g.
• “balloon AKO aircraft”,
• “car HAS-A tire”
• “car ISA vehicle”
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• Some product rules problems
• To represent a comprehensive grammar for even a subset of a natural
language one needs a very large set of product rules.
• When following a grammar definition one can end out with sentences
that make no sense. e.g. the simple grammar:
<sentence> →<determiner><noun><verb><noun>
<determiner> →a | the | an | this
<noun> →man | woman | food | car
<verb> →greet | drive | eat
• May produce the following three valid sentences:
the man eat the food
the car drive the man
the food ate the woman
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• Frames: a frame is analogous to a record structure in programming
languages, corresponding to fields and values of a record are the slots
and filters of a frame.
Slots Filters
Manufacturer Giad
Model Accent
Year 2006 a car frame
Color White
Tires 4
Transmission Manual
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• Frames Limitations
Frames were designed to represent
stereotyped knowledge. Stereotyped
knowledge have well defined
features so that many of its slots have
default values. For non-stereotyped
data in which default values cannot
be defined some problems may
Major problems have occurred in
frame systems that allow
unrestrained alteration or
cancellation slots.
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Predicate Calculus Predicate Calculus
• In propositional calculus, each • A propositional calculus (first order
propositional atom (variable) represents logic) have three parts Predicate
an indivisible proposition. calculus = (PC, ∆, R)
• For example, A variable P means: “The
• PC is a formal language :
car is white”. The variable cannot
separate terms like “car” and “white”. • P = {wff: wff subscribes to a
This is ineffective when we want to grammar}
express knowledge, such as • ∆is the knowledge base:
• ∆= {wff: wffs are true for a certain
“All cars are white”
domain }
• This will have to be represented by a • R is a set of inference rules
number of propositions, one for each car. • R = { rule 1, rule 2, ...rule n}
• The predicate calculus extends the
• This is the same as propositional
propositional calculus by providing a
richer language. calculus, just the former language
• PC is more expressive than P.
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• In propositional calculus, all variables are Boolean. In the predicate
calculus, variables can be Boolean, integers, floats, others
Limitations of predicate logic
Although it is very useful in many cases, there are some statements
that can not be even expressed in predicate logic using universal and
existential quantifiers. For example:
Most of the class received their books.
Expressing thing that are sometimes but not always true is also a
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