Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Human Evolution
Neolithic Revolution
The Peopling of the Region
Religion and Religious Processes
To show the region is home to diverse peoples, and cultures (languages, religion,
customs…) and economic activities.
Brainstorming Question
How do you think human beings came into being?
Regarding origin of human being, there are two divergent views.
1. The creationist view that argues super natural force or God created non-living
and living things including human being with complete physical shape and
2. The evolutionist view asserts that living things and non living things
developed from small beings through gradual changes of many million years.
The earliest evolution theorist Charles Darwin (1809- 1882) published Theory
of Evolution or Origin of Species by Natural Selection (1859) and Descent of
Man (1871)
Human Evolution
Human evolution accounts only a fraction of history of the globe since about 4. 5
billion years before present (B. P.).
The earliest life came into being between 3 and 1 billion years B. P. In the form of
Blue green algae, small plants, fishes, birds and other small beings at c. 800 million
years B. P.
This produced the genus Homo, believed to have emerged 2-2.5 million years B.P.
Different evidences of the genus homo have been recovered in different parts of
Ethiopia and the Horn.
The word homo habilis derived from Latin terms "Homo" (human being) and
"Habilis" (skillful use of hands)
It has been found in the Lower Omo dated 1.9 million years B. P.
Homo erectus (walking upright, dated 1. 6 million years B. P.) was discovered at
Melka Kunture, Konso Gardula and Gadeb with 900-1100 cc brain size.
Homo erectus have originated in Africa and then spread out to the rest of the world.
Archaic homo sapiens (knowledgeable human being, dated 400, 000 years B.P.)
named Bodo with brain size of 1300-1400cc was discovered in Middle Awash.
Homo sapiens-sapiens dated 100, 000 years B.P. were discovered at Porc Epic
near Dire Dawa, and Kibish around Lower Omo (in 1967).
In 2004, Kibish fossils were re-dated to 195, 000 B. P, the oldest date in the
world for modern Homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens idaltu, found in Middle Awash in 1997, lived about 160, 000
years B.P.
Iron Age
Stone tools had been the first technologies to be developed by human beings. By taking their
features, ways and period of production, stone tools can be grouped in to three
Mode I
Mode II and
Mode III
They are known as Olduwan, which was named based on the first
report made at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.
These stone tools are mainly characterized by crude and mono-facial
styles, and were produced by the direct percussion.
Dikika, Gona and at Shungura in Afar
They known as Acheulean, named after the first report at St. Acheul,
Acheulian tools (over a million years old) were found at Kella, Middle
Awash in 1963.
Sangoon stone tools are characterized by flexible and finest form of production
by the use of obsidian.
Homo sapiens produced Sangoon tools that trace back up to 300,000 years B. P.
Gademotta site in central Ethiopian Rift Valley has been dated back to 200, 000
B. P.
Other vital sites such as Gorgora, Ki’one and Yabello in Ethiopia and
Midhidhishi and Gudgud in Somalia.
The period of the usage of lithus/ stone tools is divided into three
1. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) up to 11, 000 B.P.
This was the period when human being developed language with shelter in
cave using stone, bone, wood, furs & skin materials to prepare food and
There was sex-age labor division with able-bodied males as hunters of fauna,
and children and females as gatherers of flora.
3. Neolithic Revolution
This was a radical shift involving changes from hunting and gathering to the
domestication of plants and animals.
Neolithic Revolution
Brainstorming Question
What do you know about the domestication of plants and
Neolithic Revolution
During this period human beings transformed from mobile to sedentary way of
The process of domestication took place independently in the various parts of the
In Ethiopia and the Horn chiefly in the more elevated and wetter-parts, people
cultivated plants including Teff (Eragrotis teff), dagussa (Eleusine coracana), nug
(Guzotia abyssinica), enset (Ensete ventricosum) etc.
The domestication of enset plant (Ensete edule) reduced shifting cultivation
(continuous clearing of new plots), slowing down soil exhaustion.
Languages and Linguistic Processes
There are about 90 languages with 200 dialects in Ethiopia and the Horn.
Linguists classify languages of Ethiopia and the Horn into two major
language super families. These are
S Afro-Asiatic and
S Nilo-Saharan
Eastern: this includes diversified linguistic groups like Afar, Ale, Arbore, Baiso, Burji,
Darashe, Dasanech, Gedeo, Hadiya, Halaba, Kambata, Konso, Libido, Mosiye, Oromo,
Chara, Dawro, Dime, Dizi, Doko, Dorze, Gamo, Ganza, Gayil, Gofa,
Hamer-Banna, Hozo, Kachama-Ganjule, Karo, Keficho, Konta,
Korete, Male, Melo, Nayi, Oyda, Sezo, Shekkacho, Sheko, Wolayita,
Yem and Zayse.
The Cushitic and Semitic peoples had inhabited the area between the Red Sea
in the east and Blue Nile in the west from where they dispersed to different
The Cushite's have evolved to be the largest linguistic group in Ethiopia and
the Horn and have also spread over wide areas from Sudan to Tanzania.
Similarly, the Semitic peoples spread over large area and eventually settled the
northern, north central, northeastern, south central and eastern parts of
Ethiopia and the Horn. The Semites are the second majority people next to the
The domestication of plants and animals gave humanity two
interdependent modes of life agriculture and pastoralism.
A predominantly pastoral economy has characterized the eastern
lowland region since early periods.
Pastoral economy has been the most common economic practice
among the Afar, Saho and Somali as well as Karayu and Borana
It is here that sedentary agriculture had been started and advanced at least
since 10, 000 years B. P. by the Cushite's, Semites and Omotic groups.
In the sparsely populated western lowland region, the dominant economic
formations were pastoralism, shifting agriculture, fishing, apiculture and
The major spirits include Abdar/Dache (soil fertility spirit), Atete (women
or human and animal fertility spirit), Awayi/Tiyyana (sanctity spirit), Balas
(victory spirit), Chato/Dora (wild animals defender), Gijare/ Nabi (father
and mother’s sprit), Jaricha (peace spirit) and Qasa (anti-disease spirit).
In the autumn and spring seasons every year at the edge of ever-flowing
river there is thanks giving festival called Irrecha.
Effective relationship between Ayyana and Oromo has been maintained
by respected expert known as Qaalluu for male and Qaallitti for female.
Qaalluu or Qaallitti care for spiritual wellbeing as well as influence socio-
economic & political life of the community.
Place of worship or Qaalluu house is called Galmaa located on
hilltop/side or in grove of large trees.
Spirits like Jarra (male’s protector), Idoota (female’s guard), Hausula, Qedane
& Worriqa attracted most of prayers and sacrifices at Shonkolla & Kallalamo
mountains chosen by Anjancho & Jaramanjcho.
The Kambata have Negita or Aricho Magano/Sky God and religious officials
known as Magnancho.
The Gedeo called the Supreme Being, Mageno and had thanks giving
ceremony called Deraro.
The Konso religion centered on worship of Waaq/ Wakh.
The Gojjam Agaw used to call the Supreme Being Diban (Sky God).
Among sections of the Gurage, there have been Waq/Goita (supreme deity),
Bozha (thunder God) and Damwamwit (health Goddess).
The Gurage and the Yem had a common deity known as Abba at
Enar (Henar).
The Yem worshipped Ha’o (Sky God).
So’ala clan was considered as the top in religious duties as it was in charge of
Shashokam (the most vital deity).
Religious functions were performed through couriers in each village called
The Konta’s spirit-cult was called Docho.
People gathered around tree called Dongowa which varied from clan to clan.
Believe in the coming of God through rain, lightning and thunder, and
rainbow is necklace of God.
Sun and moon as well as other entities are also manifestation or sign
of God.
It has been followed in Ethiopia and the Horn by the people called Beta Israel
since 4th c.
Another group of Jews is said to have been arrived in Ethiopia led by Azonos
and Phinhas in 6th century A.D.
Still others are said to have been Jewish immigrants intermarried with the
Whatever the case, the Jews appear to have been isolated from mainstream
Jewish for at least a millennium.
The Jewish developed and lived for centuries in northern and northwestern
Aksumite King Ezana (r. 320-360 AD) was the first to embrace Christianity
These churches and monasteries are not merely religious centers, but served through
the ages as repositories of ancient manuscripts and precious objects of art.
From mid 16th to the early 17th, Jesuits tried to convert Monophysite EOC to
Dyophysite Catholic. Yet, this led to bloody conflicts that in turn led to expulsion of the
However, the Jesuits intervention triggered religious controversies within EOC that is
discussed in subsequent units.
As of 1804, missionaries’ religious expansion was one of the dominant themes of
treaties concluded between European diplomats and Ethiopian authorities.
The Catholic Giuseppe Sapeto (Lazarist mission founder), Giustino De Jacobis
(Capuchin order founder), Cardinal Massaja, Antoine and Arnauld d'Abbadie were active.
Anglican Church Missionary Society (ACMS), Church Missionary Society of
London (CMSL) and Wesleyan Methodist Society led Protestant missionaries
and their major leaders were Samuel Gobat, C.W. Isenberg and J. L. Krapf.
Systematic approach of trained Protestants enabled them to win
confidence of local people. They translated spiritual books into vernaculars.
They adopted old names for Supreme Being like Waqayyo, Toso etc. and used
them in new versions as equivalent to God .
ↅ From there, it radiated to central, southern, and eastern Ethiopia through the role
of Muslim clerics who followed in the footsteps of traders.
ↅ In this regard, it should be noted that Sheikh Hussein of Bale, a Muslim saint of
medieval period, played very important role in the expansion of Islam into Bale,
Arsi and other southeastern parts of Ethiopia and the Horn.
ↅ Another Islamic center in this region is Sof Umar shrine.