Turing Machine

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Theory of Automata

Student Name : Zoobia Rana

Student University ID: 2977-2023
Presented to : Dr.Azhar Dilshad

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 1

Hamdard University Karachi.

Presentation Outline
2. Turing Machine MODEL

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 2
Hamdard University

• Introduced by Alan Turing in 1936.

• A simple mathematical model of a computer.

• Models the computing capability of a computer.

• A Turing machine (TM) is a finite-state machine with an infinite tape and a tape
head that can read or write one tape cell and move left or right.

• It normally accepts the input string, or completes its computation, by entering a

final or accepting state.

• Tape is use for input and working storage.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and
Technology 3
Hamdard University Karachi,
Representation of Turing Machine
 Turing Machine is represented by- • M=(Q,Σ, Γ,δ,q0,B,F) ,

• Q is the finite set of states
• Σ a set of τ not including B, is the set of input symbols,
• τ is the finite state of allowable tape symbols,
• δ is the next move function, a mapping from Q × Γ to • Q × Γ ×{L,R} • Q0 in Q is
the start state,
• B a symbol of Γ is the blank,
• F is the set of final states.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 4
Hamdard University

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology 5

Hamdard University

The machine operates on an infinite memory tape

divided into discrete cells. The machine positions its
head over a cell and reads the symbol there. Then, as
per the symbol and its present place in user specified
instructions , the machine
1. Writes a symbol in the cell, then
2. Either moves the tape one cell right or left
3. Either proceeds to a subsequent instruction or halts
the computation.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology 6

Hamdard University
• Multitape Turing Machines

• Non deterministic Turing machines

• Multihead Turing Machines

• Off-line Turing machine

• Multidimensional Turing machine

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 7
Hamdard University
Advantages of turing machine
• Turing Machines are similar to finite automata/finite state machines but
have the advantage of unlimited memory.
• They are capable of simulating common computers; a problem that a
common computer can solve (given enough memory) will also be solvable
using a Turing machine, and vice versa.
• Simplicity of proofs As a theoretic model, Turing machines have the charm
of being "simple" in the sense that the current machine state has only
constant size. All the information you need in order to determine the next
machine state is one symbol and one (control) state number. The change to
the machine state is equally small, adding only the movement of the
machine head.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 8
Hamdard University
Is Turing Machine Infinite or Just Limited?
 At this point we could fall to arguing the impossibility of
the Turing machine because its tape can’t be infinitely long.

 The machine doesn't, in fact, need an infinite tape, just

one that isn't limited in length and this is a subtle

 Imagine if you will that Turing machines are produced with

a very long but finite tape and if the machine ever runs out
of space you can just order some more tape. This is the
difference between the tape actually being infinitely long
or just unlimited…

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 9
Hamdard University
Applications of Turing Machine
 The Church-Turing Thesis claims that any computable problem can be
computed by a Turing machine. This means that a computer more
powerful than a Turing machine is not necessary to solve computable
problems. The idea of Turing completeness is closely related to this. A
system is Turing complete if it can compute every Turing computable
function. A programming language that is Turing complete is
theoretically capable of expressing all tasks accomplishable by
computers; nearly all programming languages are Turing complete.

 To prove that something is Turing complete, it is sufficient to show that

it can simulate some other Turing complete system. Usually, it is easiest
to show that a system can simulate a UNIVERSAL TURING
MACHINE. A universal Turing machine is a Turing machine that can
simulate any other Turing machine.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 10
Hamdard University
• You could say that the computer was invented twice–
once by Charles Babbage and once by Alan Turing.
• While Babbage’s machine was a practical thing but
Turing’s was just a machine of mind. o Turing
Machine is a model of what is physically computable.
• Turing Machine might take a little longer to work out
on a problem than the latest PC , but it will give the
same result. o If you have a system that can compute
something then a Turing Machine can compute it as
well. o What is more so far no system has been found
that can goes beyond a Turing Machine.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and

Technology 11
Hamdard University

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