Teacher Education
Teacher Education
Teacher Education
Assistant Professor,
Dept of Education, GRI-DU,
Teacher Education-Intro
Teacher education or teacher training
refers to the policies, procedures, and
provision designed to equip (prospective)
teachers with the knowledge, attitudes,
behaviors, and skills they require to perform
their tasks effectively in the classroom,
school, and wider community. The
professionals who engage in this activity are
called teacher educators (or, in some contexts,
teacher trainers).
A programme of education,
research and training of persons to teach
from preprimary to higher education
-(National Council for Teacher Education)
Teacher Education-Definition
The National Council for Teacher
Education has defined teacher education as –
“A programme of education, research and
training of persons to teach from pre-primary
to higher education level. Teacher education is
a programme that is related to the
development of teacher proficiency and
competence that would enable and empower
the teacher to meet the requirements of the
profession and face the challenges therein.”
• Teacher centric, stable designs. • Learner centric, flexible
• Teacher direction and decisions. • Learner autonomy
• Teacher guidance and monitoring. • Facilitates, support and
encourages learning
• Passive reception in learning. • Active participation in learning
• Knowledge as "given" and fixed. • Knowledge as it evolves and
• Linear exposure. • Multiple and divergent
• Appraisal, short, few. • Multifarious, continuous
• Disciplinary focus. • Multidisciplinary, educational
• Learning within the 4 walls of the classroom. • Learning in the wider
social context the class room
Teacher Education-Need
The American Commission on Teacher Education rightly observes,
“The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens.
The quality of its citizens depends not exclusively, but in critical
measure upon the quality of their education, the quality of their
education depends more than upon any single factor, upon the
quality of their teacher.”In his Call for Action for American
Education in the 21st Century in 1996, Clinton indicated
that :―Every community should have a talented and dedicated
teacher in every classroom. We have enormous opportunity for
ensuring teacher quality well into the 21st century if we recruit
promising people into teaching and give them the highest quality
preparation and training”.
Reasons for need of TE
The need for teacher education is felt
due to the following reasons;
1) It is common knowledge that the
academic and professional standards of
teachers constitute a critical component of
the essential learning conditions for
achieving the educational goals of a
Reasons for need of TE
2) Educating all children well depends not only
on ensuring that teachers have the necessary
knowledge and skills to carry out their work, but
also that they take responsibility for seeing that all
children reach high levels of learning and that they
act accordingly.
3) People come to teacher education with
beliefs, values, commitments, personalities and
moral codes from their upbringing and schooling
which affect who they are as teachers and what they
are able to learn in teacher education and in teaching.
Reasons for need of TE
4)The National Academy of Education Committee‘s Report
(Darling- Hammond and Bransford, 2005) wrote that : ―On a
daily basis, teachers confront complex decisions that rely on
many different kinds of knowledge and judgement and that
can involve high stakes outcomes for students‘ future. To
make good decisions, teachers must be aware of the many
ways in which student learning can unfold in the context of
development, learning differences, language and cultural
influences, and individual temperaments, interests and
approaches to learning.
Reasons for need of TE
5)Teacher education like any other
educational intervention, can only work
on those professional commitments or
dispositions that are susceptible to
modification. While we can‘t remake
someone‘s personality, we can reshape
attitudes towards the other and develop a
professional rather than a personal role
orientation towards teaching as a practice.
Reasons for need of TE
6)The Ministry of Education document
―Challenge of Education : A Policy
Perspective‖ (1985) has mentioned, ―Teacher
performance is the most crucial input in the
field of education.
7)Whatever policies may be laid down, in
the ultimate analysis these have to be
implemented by teachers as much through
their personal example as through teaching
learning processes.
ICT Enabled Teacher Education
The classroom is now changing its look from the traditional one i. e.
from one way to two way communications. Now teachers as well as
students participate in classroom discussion. Now Education is based
on child centric education. So the teacher should prepare to cope up
with different technology for using them in the classroom for making
teaching learning interested. For effective implementation of certain
student-centric methodologies such as project-based learning which
puts the students in the role of active researches and technology
becomes the appropriate tool. ICT has enabled better and swifter
communication; presentation of ideas more effective and relevant
way. It is an effective tool for information acquiring-thus students are
encouraged to look for information from multiple sources and they
are now more informed then before. So for this reason ICT is very
much necessary for Teacher Education.
Recent Trends in Teacher Education
• Now-a-days new trends in teacher education are
Inter-disciplinary Approach, Correspondence courses,
orientation courses etc. Simulated Teaching, Micro
Teaching, Programmed Instruction, Team Teaching
are also used in teacher education. Now-a-day Action
• Research also implemented in Teacher Education. ICT
acts as the gateway to the world of information and
helps teachers to be updated. It creates awareness of
innovative trends in instructional methodologies,
evaluation mechanism etc. for professional
Strategies for applying ICT in Teacher
1. Providing adequate infrastructure and
technical support.
2. Applying ICT in all subjects.
3. Applying new Pre-service teacher
Education curriculum.
4. By using application software, using
multimedia, Internet e-mail, communities,
understanding system software.
Role of ICT in Teacher Education
1. ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-
Service teachers training.
2. ICT helps teachers to interact with students.
3. It helps them in preparation their teaching,
provide feedback.
4. ICT also helps teachers to access with institutions
and Universities, NCERT, NAAC, NCTE and UGC etc.
5. It also helps in effective use of ICT software and
hardware for teaching – learning process.
6. It helps in improve Teaching skill, helps in
innovative Teaching.
Role of ICT in Teacher Education
7. It helps in effectiveness of classroom.
8.It also helps in improving professional Development and
Educational management as well as enhances Active
Learning of teacher Trainees.
9. It is now replacing the ancient technology. As we know
now-a day‟s students are always have competitive mind.
So teacher must have the knowledge of the subject. This
can be done through ICT.
10.ICT helps teachers in preparation for teaching. In order to
introduce ICT in pre-service teacher education different
methods and strategies are applied.
11.Different tools are used such as word processing,
Database, Spreadsheet etc.
Role of ICT in Teacher Education
Role of ICT in Teacher Education