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The term assignment is allotment to someone a
particular job or work in teaching learning process
assignment refers to the learning activities allotted by
the teacher to students which maybe either drill and
practice of knowledge already acquired or carrying
out theoretical study are practical activities on
individual or small group.
Procedure for using assignment as a
teaching device

The syllabus prescribed for the whole year is to be

divided topic wise in this suitable parts.
After dividing the content into many small part
called assignments that each other should decide
which you are not to be on by him in the class
every week or month to be allotted assignment to
After allotting assignments to student they
may Instructed to finish within the
assignment period of time of course
allowing adequate time to complete the
Teacher should give relevant references and
guide the students in the preparation and
completion of assignments.
More number of assignments may be given on
theoretical topics.
No student should be allowed to proceed to the next
assignment without completing the previous one
Time should be assent in the class for summit in the
completed assignment.
Students may instructed to keep a return record of the
Advantages of providing assignment
Keeping in mind the individual differences among the
Giving assignments to student help to develop
desirable habits in them such as
sense of responsibility to finish the task undertaken
 self study and work with the self confidence.
 self dependency in action and thought.
It to provide students necessary freedom in Planning
The rapport between the teacher and the students
While completing the assignment students too could
Understand Their respective strength and weakness.
As students pay more attention and executing there
Based on Principle of Learning by doing assignments
promote better student learning.
Limitations and disadvantages of
assignment asset teaching device
Not suitable for all types of students
Games Room for cheating
Increases the workload of the teacher
Proves expensive
Other practical Difficulties
Suggestions for improving assignment as a
teaching device
Teacher should plan and prepare assignment well in
Assignment should be well graded and sequentially
 Student should be permitted to execute and complete
their assignment in the library laboratory and at home.
 help students in the revision and application work
Students can be synthesised with project so as to make
teaching useful for students in their day to day life.

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