Emergancies in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Emergancies in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Emergancies in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Dr Al Ahmad M.R
Cardiothoracic Surgery Departmant
• Anatomy of thorax
• What is the most commun accedentes ?
• How to see patients with cardiothoracic
accedents ?
• What investigations and why ?
• Thoracic emergencies
• Cardiac emergencies
• others
Anatomy of thorax
Anatomy of thorax
Anatomy of thorax
Anatomy of heart
What is the most commun accedentes?
• gunshot injuries
• White arms injuries
• Cars accedents
• Medecial accedents
• Age accedent
• others
How to see patients with cardiothoracic accedents ?
• Blood test
• Hemostasis test
• Blood group
• ECHO cardiac and thoracic
• CT scan – Angio scan
Thoracic emergencies
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hemorrhage intra and extra airwaies
3. Immersion and hypothermia
4. Chest trauma
CT Scan
Hemorrhage intra and extra airways
• blood is coming from the respiratory tract and not from the
nasopharynx or gastrointestinal tract.
• Massive hemoptysis (greater than 600 mL/24 hours)
• Coughing up blood is a universally terrifying experience for
patients. Physicians, too, should recognize that "conservative"
treatment of massive hemoptysis is associated with 75%
mortality. The incidence of rebleeding is high (80%), so
decisions about definitive treatment should be made early.
• CT Scan / angio scan
• Medical : - ADRE
- sandostatine
Noncardiac injuries :