Pa7 Juana Be Wais - Communicating Violence Prevention Deep Dive

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physical psychological sexual economic

gender based violence
Violence against women and children is
prevalent, but most victims do not seek
2/5 common
of women
women perpetrators
never experienced
and physical
13-24 had
Only 1/3 sought help
that experienced
sexual live
with at home

SOURCE: PSA CPES (2016, 2022)

Violence against women and children is
prevalent, but most victims do not seek
80% of women and children aged 13-24 had
experienced violence

2/5 common
of women
women perpetrators
never experienced
told being
Only 1/3 sought help
that victims
anyone sexuallive
with at home

SOURCE: PSA CPES (2016, 2022)

Violence against women and children is
prevalent, but most victims do not seek
80% of women and children aged 13-24 had
experienced violence

19% of women experienced physical and/or

sexual violence

2/5 common
women perpetrators
never told being individuals
Only 1/3 sought help
that victims live with at home

SOURCE: PSA CPES (2016, 2022)

Violence against women and children is
prevalent, but most victims do not seek
80% of women and children aged 13-24 had
experienced violence

19% of women experienced physical and/or

sexual violence

Most common perpetrators being individuals

that victims live with at home

2/5 women never told

Only 1/3 sought help

SOURCE: PSA CPES (2016, 2022)

VAWC situations have been
worsened by COVID-19

More children More than 200%

13.1% increase are exposed to increase in
prevalence of
in the number online bullying
young boys and
of reported and other girls being
VAWC cases harmful web sexually exploited
content online
Health Promotion Playbook
All-in-one guide for LGUs to implement health promotion interventions
Building Health Creating Strengthening Developing Reorient Health
Public Policy Supportive Community Personal Skills Services
Environments Action
Building Health Creating Supportive Strengthening Developing Personal Reorient Health Services
Environments Community Action Skills
Public Policy
Building Health Public Creating Strengthening Developing Personal Reorient Health Services
Policy Community Action Skills
Building Health Public Creating Supportive Developing Personal Reorient Health Services
Strengthening Skills
Building Health Public Creating Supportive Strengthening Developing Reorient Health Services
Policy Environments Community Action
Personal Skills
Building Health Public Creating Supportive Strengthening Developing Personal Reorient Health
Policy Environments Community Action Skills
Building Health Public Creating Supportive Strengthening Developing Personal Reorient Health
Policy Environments Community Action Skills

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Policy Implementation Plan Resource

Evidence Requirements

Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity- Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Development Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Plan Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions

Summary of Evidence Policy Implementation Plan Resource


Capacity-Development Communication Plan Monitoring & Frequently Asked

Evaluation Questions
Why Juana Be Wais?
Why Juana Be Wais?

Significant impact of the experience of violence

Most common perpetrators of violence are

individuals that victims live with at home

Strong preventive interventions that

reach the household are needed
Why Juana Be Wais?

Education, advocacy, and

social and behavioral change
campaigns had significant
effects on target audiences.
Why Juana Be Wais?

Tactical design & improvements to built environments may

reduce opportunities for crime
Why Juana Be Wais?

Develop and implement intensive Promote bystander interventions Create spaces and facilities that
and contextually appropriate are safe and less susceptible to
education and advocacy campaigns crimes for women, children, and
other vulnerable groups
Promote creation or lead
Capacitate and lead on-

1 4 7
Conduct stakeholder the design of spaces and
ground implementers to
onboarding for health facilities that are child-
effectively communicate
promotion friendly, safe and less
VAWC prevention
susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar
Promote creation or lead
Capacitate and lead on-

1 4 7
Conduct stakeholder the design of spaces and
ground implementers to
onboarding for health facilities that are child-
effectively communicate
promotion friendly, safe and less
VAWC prevention
susceptible to crimes

❑ Engage essential partners and stakeholders, conduct courtesy calls /

coordination meetings with LGU officials & local health officers
❑ Cooperate with identified relevant stakeholders on work and financial

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar
Resource Type Description Object Class Quantity
Bond paper (A4 / 8.5x11 in / 8.5x13 in)

Board paper (A4 / 2x3.5 in)

Photo paper (A4 | matte / glossy) # of target beneficiaries /

Office Supplies Expenses
households or
Waterproof sticker paper (A4 | matte / glossy) # of installation sites
Printing and Publication
Cardboard / acrylic sheet (A2 | matte / glossy) Expenses
IEC Materials
Vinyl / tarpaulin (24x46 in)

Ink cartridges
Semi-Expendable - Printing
Desktop printer As needed
Risograph printer Office Equipment
# of BHWs mobilized / #
Representation Allowance
Mobilization allowance or tokens for local implementers (BHWs) of mobilization activities
Transportation Allowance
Mobilization / conducted
Tokens for beneficiaries (e.g., snacks, etc.)
Engagement Activities Other Supplies and Materials # of target beneficiaries /
Hygiene kit - packaged with Juana Be Wais/other VAWC Expenses households
communication materials (i.e., alcohol, face masks, pouch, etc.)
Resource Type Description Object Class Quantity
T-shirt Other Supplies and Materials # of implementers
Mobilization / Expenses
Printing and Publication # of target beneficiaries /
Engagement Activities Collaterals (e.g., cloth face masks, drawstring bags, mugs, etc.)
Expenses households

Development in Progress -
Websites/ Other Intangible
Communication Plan /
Boosting for social media posts / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) As needed
Strategies Consultancy Services
Other Maintenance and
Operating Expenses

Capacity Building for # of sessions/batches of

Training logistics (venue, meals, and other training collaterals) Training Expenses
Implementers implementers to be trained

Consultation and
Frequency or # of meetings
Planning with Logistics for regular meetings (venue, meals, transportation) Representation Expenses
to be held
Resource Type Description Object Class Quantity
Materials/ equipment for facilities and environmental design: Semi-Expendable/ Sports Equipment
- Playground equipment, rubber tiles/mats
Semi-Expendable / Military, Police and
- Lowered sinks & faucets, lavatories, urinals
Security Equipment
- Diaper changing station/ table, changing pads
- Balusters and railings Semi-Expendable / Other Machinery and
- Street lamps/ lamp posts/ other lighting fixtures, light Equipment
Child-Friendly bulbs
Semi-Expendable / Furniture and # of facilities to
Facilities and - CCTV/ other surveillance equipment, alarms, emergency
Fixtures be established /
Environmental telephones
- Signages, street maps Other Supplies and Materials Expenses equipment to
Designs for Crime
- Low planters, small trees, lawn or flower beds, plant be installed
Prevention Repairs and Maintenance - Infrastructure
boxes, chain-link fences, benches
- Recreational facilities (e.g., parks, exercise machines,
jogging paths, basketball/volleyball/tennis courts, soccer Other Maintenance and Operating
fields, skate parks/ ramps) Expenses
Labor (If Child-Friendly facilities and/or spaces applying CPTED are
Other Professional Services
being built or modified)
Promote creation or lead the

1 4 7
Capacitate and lead on-ground design of spaces and
Conduct stakeholder onboarding
implementers to effectively facilities that are child-
for health promotion
communicate VAWC prevention friendly, safe and less
susceptible to crimes

❑ Use and revise the Playbook’s template policies based on needs and
context of the community
Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and
a. Resolution Adopting the HPFS
2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials
b. Executive Order Creating the Healthcommunication
and activities for Promotion Unit activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children c. Resolution for BHWs as Barangay-Level HEPOs
d. Ordinance Providing for a Comprehensive Child Support
❑ Identify and tap local champions to lobby for passage and enactment
of the policies
Resolution Adopting the Health
Promotion Framework Strategy 2030

Executive Order for the Creation of the

Health Promotion Unit

Resolution for Designation of BHWs as

Barangay-level Health Education and
Promotion Officers

Ordinance Providing for a Comprehensive

Child Support System
Resolution Adopting the Health
Promotion Framework Strategy 2030
Key Provisions:
Template policy downloadable via Creation or designation of dedicated committees, offices,
units and persons to implement health promotion policies,
Executive Order for the Creation of the programs, activities
Health Promotion Unit

Resolution for Designation of BHWs as

Integration of resources for health promotion into Local
Barangay-level Health Education and
Investment Plan for Health and Annual Operational Plan
Promotion Officers

Ordinance Providing for a Comprehensive

Child Support System
Resolution Adopting the Health Promotion Key Provisions:
Framework Strategy 2030

Executive Order for the Creation of the Creation of HPU for the operationalization of health
Health Promotion Unit promotion in P/CWHS and the implementation of policies
and programs
Template policy downloadable via

Resolution for Designation of BHWs as

Barangay-level Health Education and Coordination between the HPU, the Health Promotion
Promotion Officers Committee, and CHD-HPU to discuss implementation,
enforcement, and monitoring
Ordinance Providing for a Comprehensive
Child Support System
Resolution Adopting the Health Promotion Key Provisions:
Framework Strategy 2030
Designation of BHWs as barangay-level health promotion
Executive Order for the Creation of the officers to work with other Primary Care Providers
Health Promotion Unit

Resolution for Designation of BHWs as Local Health Office, through HEPO, with Provincial
Barangay-level Health Education and HPU to exercise technical and managerial oversight of
Promotion Officers BHWs

Template policy downloadable via Commensurate honorarium and financial and/or
non-financial incentives and benefits for BHWs
Ordinance Providing for a Comprehensive sourced from Special Health Fund and other local
Child Support System budgetary sources
Resolution Adopting the Health Promotion Key Provisions:
Framework Strategy 2030
Capacity development on Responsible Parenthood, Personal
Safety, Rights of Children, and Handling Differently-Abled
Executive Order for the Creation of the
Health Promotion Unit
Institutionalization of an IEC campaign on prevention of child
Resolution for Designation of BHWs as sexual abuse and other forms of abuse
Barangay-level Health Education and
Promotion Officers
Creation and provision of Child-Friendly Facilities within
commercial and public spaces
Ordinance Providing for a
Comprehensive Child Support System
Template policy downloadable via Mandatory reporting and referral by healthcare providers or government workers of all possible cases of child abuse or
violence against children and corresponding immunity for such
Template policy downloadable via

Education and Information Program

Social Welfare and Development Office (SWDO), together with related agencies and individuals, shall develop
and implement a continuing education and information program, including, but not limited to:

Early Childhood Care & Development, and Special Education

Responsible Parenthood (in addition to Family Planning and Pre-Marriage

Counseling, as prerequisite for issuance of a Marriage License)

Rights of Children

Handling Differently-Abled Children

Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Child Abuse

Personal Safety (included in elementary and high school curricula based on DepEd
Order No. 40 S. 2012)
Template policy downloadable via

Child-Friendly Buildings & Establishments

Required and monitored before the approval of plans and permits for construction or renovation

For existing structures and buildings, Child-Friendly Facilities shall be

installed within 12 months after approval of this Ordinance

✓ Mini playground not less than 9 square meters

✓ Handwashing facilities, lavatories, and urinals in toilets and
Commercial Hotels Malls comfort rooms appropriate and exclusive for children’s use
Buildings ✓ Diaper changing area
✓ Balusters, railings, and similar structures to prevent children
from climbing and accidentally falling
✓ Evacuation centers with areas or safe spaces for play and
✓ Adequate lighting fixtures and surveillance equipment
✓ Minimal or absence of areas that are isolated or concealed
Cinemas, Markets, Recreational and may result in entrapment
Theaters Groceries Areas, Parks
Template policy downloadable via

Programs Against Exploitation, Abuse & Discrimination

LGU shall adopt and implement programs, formulate plans and/or recommend related ordinances to protect the
rights of children

Provisions of RA 7610 (Special Programs/facilities protecting against Drug addiction prevention

Protection of Children Against child prostitution and other sexual
program to educate the youth,
Abuse, Exploitation and abuse; child trafficking; obscene
especially vulnerable sectors such
Discrimination Act) & PD 603 publication/ shows; hazardous work;
circumstances which threaten the
as Out of School Youth (OSY)
(Child and Youth Welfare Code),
survival/development of children and street children
among others

Adoption of Barangay Protocol Adoption of the Child Abuse

in Managing Cases of Children Prevention and Intervention
at Risk (CAR) and Children in Network (CAPIN) Program in
Conflict with the Law (CICL) managing cases of child abuse
Template policy downloadable via

Reporting and Referral of Cases

● Women and Children’s Protection Unit/Desk (WCPU/D), SWDO, and Local Health Office shall
coordinate once any information about child abuse is received
● Any public officer or employee (police officers, teachers/counselors, barangay officials, barangay VAWC
Desk officers, barangay health workers, etc.) who first encounters a child victim shall be responsible for the

1 2 3 4

Respond immediately to a Transport or escort the victim/s Assist barangay officials and Immediately report the case for
call for help or request for to a safe place of their choice or other government officers and assessment / assistance of
assistance or protection of the to a clinic or hospital employees who respond to a SWDO or accredited NGOs
victim call for help
Template policy downloadable via

Reporting and Referral of Cases

● Any healthcare provider (attending physician, nurse, clinician, barangay health worker, therapist or
counselor, head of any public or private hospital, or medical clinic, etc.) who suspects abuse or has been
informed by the victim of violence shall be responsible for the following:

1 3 5

Report to SWDO the Properly record victim's Safeguard records / reports

examination / treatment of a suspicions, observations and and make them available to the
child who appears to have or circumstances of the victim upon request
has suffered abuse within 48 examination or visit
2 4 6

Properly document victim's Provide victim a medical Provide the victim notice of
physical, emotional or certificate concerning the rights and remedies, and
psychological injuries examination or visit for free services available to them
Template policy downloadable via

Reporting and Referral of Cases

Other government workers, especially those whose work deals with children
(teachers, school administrators, probation officers, government lawyers, law
enforcement officers, barangay officials, corrections officers, etc.) shall also be
responsible for reporting.

Report to SWDO the Any person who witnessed a crime involving child abuse and reports to
examination / treatment of a authorities shall be free from any civil/administrative liability. Individuals
child who appears to have or who respond or intervene in a case of child abuse without using violence
has suffered abuse within 48 greater than necessary to ensure the safety of the victim, shall likewise not
hours be liable for any criminal, civil or administrative liability.

All records of cases of violence against children or child abuse shall remain
confidential and all public officers and employees of public or private
clinics/hospitals shall respect victims’ right to privacy.
Template policy downloadable via

Posting of Notices on Child Protection

All establishments considered high-risk for children shall be required to post notices and information on child
protection at points of entry and/or other strategic places as a deterrent to child trafficking, prostitution, sexual
exploitation, and other forms of child abuse

Bars, Beer Saunas Night

Houses Clubs

Disco Hotels Inns, Motels

Capacitate and lead on- Promote creation or lead the

1 4 7
design of spaces and
Conduct stakeholder onboarding ground implementers to
facilities that are child-
for health promotion effectively communicate friendly, safe and less
VAWC prevention susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar

❑ Conduct surveys on the awareness, attitudes and practices of the population on

VAWC and consolidate most common misperceptions, barriers and facilitators
❑ Identify available local communication materials and strategies or select from
those in the Playbook to address information gaps and barriers
❑ Use the Facilitator’s Guide to refer to library of communication materials and
conduct necessary capacity development on selected materials
Training for local implementers (Health Promotion Unit, Health Education and Promotion Officers, Barangay Health
Workers, and other public health workers) available at DOH Academy

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, participants should be able to…
1. Recognize forms of violence, violent behaviors and circumstances against
women and children;
2. Discuss the problem, causes, and impacts of violence against women and
3. Discuss how violence is perpetuated, and can be transformed in various
4. Determine and practice ways to prevent & manage risks of violence;
5. Identify the important reporting mechanisms and report or seek help as
needed; and
6. Empathetically respond to persons who have experienced violence.
Training for local implementers (Health Promotion Unit, Health Education and Promotion Officers, Barangay Health
Workers, and other public health workers) available at DOH Academy

Module 1: Ang Healthy Pilipinas, Malaya sa Karahasan
● The Universal Healthcare Law
● Role of Health Promotion Officers in VAWC
● Prevention at the Local Level
Module 2: Pakikipag-usap Tungkol sa Pagpigil ng Karahasan
● Social and Behavior Change Communication
● Bystander Interventions
Module 3: Panimulang Oryentasyon para sa Flipchart tungkol sa
Proteksyon ng Bata
● Rights of a Child
● Child Abuse
● Child Protection Laws

Duration: 1.5 hours

Promote creation or lead the

1 4 7
Capacitate and lead on-ground design of spaces and
Conduct stakeholder onboarding
implementers to effectively facilities that are child-
for health promotion
communicate VAWC prevention friendly, safe and less
susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar
Promote creation or lead the

1 4 7
Capacitate and lead on-ground design of spaces and
Conduct stakeholder onboarding
implementers to effectively facilities that are child-
for health promotion
communicate VAWC prevention friendly, safe and less
susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar
Target audiences, communication & behavioral objectives, key messages

Audience Key Message

Personal knowledge and skills are vital to empower women and children to better
handle situations wherein they are at risk and to prevent experiences of violence.


1. Educate on basic women’s and children’s rights, and the different forms of violence
2. Educate on life & social skills to prevent and manage risks of experiencing violence
Persons at-risk 3. Increase awareness on important reporting details, available services and how/where to access
(women and children - them
boys & girls)
Suggested Activities

1. Regular social media campaigns

2. Incorporated in house to house visits by BHWs and local health workers
3. School caravans
Target audiences, communication & behavioral objectives, key messages

Audience Key Message

The community plays an important role in preventing and responding to violence.

You can do your part too!


1. Educate the audience on the different types or forms of violence

2. Increase audience awareness of important reporting details and available services
3. Identify women and children boys and girls at risk of violence
Bystanders, neighbors, 4. Report or seek help for cases of VAWC in the community
and community
mobilizers Suggested Activities

1. Local broadcast on local radio

Communication Materials
Downloadable via

Brochure on Basic Rights, Forms of Violence Emergency Call Card / Pocket Guide

Template and customizable communication materials available in the Playbook!

Communication Materials
Downloadable via

“Report Abuse” Sticker Phone Labels

Template and customizable communication materials available in the Playbook!

Distribution of communication materials in Playbook pilot implementation sites
Promote creation or lead

1 4 7
Capacitate and lead on-ground the design of spaces and
Conduct stakeholder onboarding
for health promotion
implementers to effectively facilities that are child-
communicate VAWC prevention friendly, safe and less
susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local

Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication
evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for
communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence
pipelined in the content calendar
Application of Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design

Minimize concealed or isolated

Create clear sight lines for “eyes on routes or spaces
the street”
● If necessary, bring in activities,
● Low planters, small trees, chain-
improve lighting and visibility
link fences, lawn or flower beds, (using transparent/ reflective
benches to allow users to see and materials), and install emergency
be seen phones and surveillance devices

Avoid entrapment in confined

Provide adequate lighting
● Basic level of lighting to allow the
● If elimination is not possible,
identification of a face from a
lock/close area after operating
distance of about 10 meters for a
hours, ensure it is well lit and with
person with normal vision
formal surveillance (patrol, CCTV)
Application of Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design

Promote compatible land use mix to

encourage activity, natural surveillance Maintenance and management to
and contact among people create sense of ownership and

attract more wanted activities
Services for primary users of the area,
e.g., convenience stores and personal
service shops in residential areas; ● Vandal-resistant material for easier
daycare centers, fitness clubs, and maintenance of common structures
grocery stores in office areas

Use activity generators to attract Provide signs and information to

people and add life to the street or give clear, consistent, concise and
space readable messages from the street

● Recreational facilities in parks, ● Signs for washrooms, phones,

housing in a central business information and help, hours of
district, or restaurants in an office operation must be located at
building entrances or near activity nodes
Promote creation or lead the

1 4 7
Capacitate and lead on-ground
Conduct stakeholder onboarding design of spaces and facilities
implementers to effectively
for health promotion that are child-friendly, safe and
communicate VAWC prevention
less susceptible to crimes

Develop and pass local Develop a monitoring and

2 5 8
ordinance on strengthening Implement communication evaluation plan for the
prevention of violence and materials and activities for communication activities
injury against women and persons at-risk of violence pipelined in the content
children calendar
Summary of Indicators M&E Form
● No. of women/children provided with information, education, and communication materials and activities
● Proportion of local health workers capacitated on age-appropriate life skills education and personal safety
Template for
● Increased participation of men in VAW-related advocacies and activities
Summary of
● Increased knowledge, attitude and practice of anti-VAWC behaviors among key population groups (general
population / women / children)
Monitoring for
● Increased awareness of community members on bystander interventions
● Increased acceptability and willingness of community members to report cases of violence against women and
● Increased awareness among important reporting details for VAWC among the general population
Expected Behaviors

Template for
● Percent increase or decrease in number of victim/survivors reporting to Barangay desk / PNP Women’s Desk
Summary of
● Percent increase or decrease in number of bystander reports to Barangay VAWC desk / PNP Women’s Desk
● Prevalence of patients with injuries due to VAWC
Monitoring for
● Proportion of women/children who report experiencing violence at home/school
Available at

Summary of Implementation Monitoring for Period

Template monitoring & evaluation forms available in the Playbook!

Thanks for
having us!
Questions? Let’s talk!
[email protected]

Reach the Department of Health

on social media:



DOH Philippines

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