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Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local

Poverty Reduction Action Plan

(LPRAP) Orientation-Seminar
Rationalized Planning System
(Comprehensive Development Planning Process)

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Why rationalize?

❑ to put rationality to the present state of local

planning in the country
❑ to comply with the applicable provisions of
R.A. 7160, its IRR, as well as subsequent
❑ to “reduce” or harmonize the plans that LGUs
are mandated to prepare
Why rationalize?
Why rationalize?

❑ for concerned NGAs to harmonize or dovetail their

sectoral requirements with the local development
planning process
❑ to reconfigure the planning process to accommodate
the imperatives of multi-stakeholder participation and
❑ to enhance the LGU’s capability in the performance of
its dual functions
Dual Role of LGUs
(1) As a POLITICAL SUBDIVISION of the National Government:

LGUs are in charge of the management of its entire geographical

territory for and in behalf of the national government

(2) As a CORPORATE BODY, LGUs are responsible for:

❑ Promoting the general welfare among the inhabitants within its

territorial jurisdiction; and
❑ Delivering basic services and facilities to enable its inhabitants to
develop fully into self-reliant communities
Components of the Planning System
Mandated Planning Planning Authority
Plans Structure Process Levers

WHAT are the

WHY should LGUs WHO should be HOW are plans
tools for plan
plan? involved in prepared?

The plan/s that The processes that

the planning The local planning the planning
structure is structure and its structure will The tools for plan
mandated to functions follow to produce implementation
produce the desired plan
Mandated Plans

❑ Section 20 (c). The LGUs shall… continue to prepare

their respective CLUPs enacted through zoning
ordinances, which shall be the primary and dominant
bases for the future of land resources.
❑ Section 106. Local Development Councils. (a) Each
LGU shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral
development plan to be initiated by its development
council and approved by the Sanggunian.
Mandated Plans
❖ The plan for the management of ❖ The plan with which the LGU
local territories promotes the general welfare
❖ The body responsible for the of its inhabitants
CLUP is the Sanggunian ❖ The body responsible for the
❖ Nine (9) years CDP is the LDC
❖ Spatial ❖ Six (6) years
❖ “Comprehensive” – ❖ Sectoral
encompassing territorial ❖ “Comprehensive” embracing
jurisdiction inclusing land and all development sectors and
water resources sub-sectors and concerns of
Five Sectors of the CDP
Economic Development Social Development
1. Primary sector 1. Population (size, growth,
2. Secondary sector distribution)
3. Tertiary sector 2. Social services and status of well-
4. Informal sector Economic being
3. Gender equity concerns

Infrastructure Social
Infrastructure Development
1. Economic support Sector Sector
2. Social support
Environmental Development
3. Public administrative support
1. Lands
Environment and Natural
2. Forest lands
Resources Sector 3. Mineral lands
4. Parks, wildlife and other reservations
Institutional Development 5. Water resources
1. Organization and Management Institutional 6. Air quality
2. Fiscal Management 7. Waste management
3. Legislative Output Sector
4. LGU-NGO-PO linkages
Linkage of Plans

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

Local Planning Structure
Policy-making Supplies the
Political Component Technical Component technical content
body which
defines the and process of
content and local planning
direction of local
development Local
Local Special
Sectoral and
Development Local Sanggunian Functional Generally has no
Council Committees decision-making
Principal powers
Local Chief
function is to Executive LPDO
deliberate to LGU
make decisions Punong
Barangays Departments
and lay down
policies /Offices
Congressman or
representative NGAs

Composition of Sectoral Committees

Expanded TWG Full-Blown

Core TWG
(Nice to have (The more the
(Must be there)
around) merrier)

Police Chief Sports Organizations

MPDO Staff Religious Leaders
Fire Marshall
SWDO Labor Groups
Local Civil Registrar

Population Officer Senior Citizens

LDC Rep (Brgy) Media Reps
Nutrition Officer Inner Wheel Club
District Supervisor
Housing Board Rep School Principals
PTA Federation
NSO Charitable
Sanggunian Rep
Manager GSIS/SSS Organizations
Composition of Sectoral Committees
Expanded TWG Full-Blown
Core TWG
(Nice to have (The more the
(Must be there)
around) merrier)

PESO DTI Representative

Chambers of Commerce Lions Club

and Industry Jaycees

Tourism Officer

Trade Unions Rotary Club

Coop Devt Officer
Bank Managers Academe
MPDO Staff Market Vendors Other interested
LDC Rep (Brgy) Sidewalk Vendors groups and
LDC Rep (CSO) Cooperatives
Sanggunian Rep Transport Orgs
Composition of Sectoral Committees
Expanded TWG Full-Blown
Core TWG
(Nice to have (The more the
(Must be there)
around) merrier)

Electric Coop Rep

Municipal Engineer Water District Rep
Zoning Officer Real Estate

MPDO Staff Developers Other interested

LDC Rep (Brgy) Professional groups and
LDC Rep (CSO) Organizations individuals
Sanggunian Rep Telecommunication
Municipal Architect Companies
Composition of Sectoral Committees
Expanded TWG Full-Blown
Core TWG
(Nice to have (The more the
(Must be there)
around) merrier)

Sanitary Inspector
MPDO Staff
LDC Rep (Brgy) Environmental

LDC Rep (CSO) Advocates
General Services Other interested
Head groups and
Heads of private
LG-ENRO individuals
Sanggunian Rep
Composition of Sectoral Committees

Expanded TWG Full-Blown

Core TWG
(Nice to have (The more the
(Must be there)
around) merrier)

MPDO Staff Religious Groups


LDC Rep (Brgy) Good Governance

LDC Rep (CSO) Advocates
Budget Officer
LGOO Other interested
Local Administrator groups and
Sanggunian Rep individuals
Approach to the CDP Formulation Process

Participatory Consultative Inclusive

• Synchronized with the budgeting calendar

• Provides for opportunities for multi-stakeholder participation in every
step of the comprehensive development planning process through:
• Mobilization of the LDC and its sectoral and functional committees
• Interface between NGAs
• Complementation between and among the province and its
component cities and municipalities
Comprehensive Development Planning Cycle

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

CDP Implementation Tools


Capacity LEVERS Annual
Dev’t Investment
Requirement Program

and Evaluation
Comprehensive Development
Planning Process
Comprehensive Development Planning Cycle

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

Enhanced Comprehensive Development Planning
Step 1

Step 3
Step 2

Step 5

Step 4

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

Comprehensive Development Planning Cycle

Organize and Mobilize the Revisit Existing Plans and

Planning Team Review LGU Vision

Prepare Ecological Profile Prepare the Local

and Structured List of PPAs Development Investment

Prepare Needed
CDP Step 1
Organize and Mobilize
the Planning Team

1. Select members of the
planning team.
2. Prepare the Executive Order.
3. Orient the members of the OUTPUT DOCUMENTS
planning team on their roles • Executive Order Template
and responsibilities. (Form 1a)
4. Prepare and adopt a work plan • Sample Harmonized Work Plan
for the preparation/updating of for the Preparation of the CLUP
the CDP. and CDP (Form 1b)
CDP Step 2
Revisit Existing Plans and
Review LGU Vision
1. Inventory existing local plans and
higher level plans.
2. Review the vision of the LGU if it is
responsive of new planning
mandates and current situation
and compare goals and objectives
of all existing plans for consistency.
3. Check if the plans are aligned with
OUTPUT DOCUMENTS each other and the PDPFP.
• Final vision of the city/municipality 4. Identify outdated plans that will
• List of “responsive” plans that will need to be updated and plans that
be absorbed in the updated CDP can be absorbed in the CDP.
• List of plans that needs to be Include the accomplished PPAs as
updated inputs.
• List of accomplished PPAs
Inventory Existing Plans

Local Plan



Setting/Revisiting the Vision

Characteristics Components

❖ Inspiring
❖ Distinctive ❖ Outward-Looking
❖ Achievable ❖ Inward-Looking
❖ Complementarity
❖ Easily Understood
CDP Step 3

Prepare Ecological Profile

and Structured List of PPAs
1. Ecological Profiling
2. Identification and preparation
of the Structure List of PPAs

• Ecological Profile (Form 1c)
• LDIS/RaPIDS (Form 1d)
• Structure List of PPAs per
sector (Long List) (Form 2a)
What is an Ecological Profile?

Population and Social

Merger of the socio-economic and
biophysical profiles of the study area and Local Economy
treat these subjects on equal footing

Infrastructure and Physical

Highlights the balance between socio-
economic and physical development, and Environmental and Natural
ecological and environmental management Resources Management

Institutional Development
Possible Sources of Data
• Inventories
• Surveys
• Census
• Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
• Local Governance Performance Monitoring System
• Plan and Post-Project Monitoring and Evaluation results
• Data generated by other LGU offices/departments and
national government agencies
Vision-Reality Gap (VRG) Analysis
Measure the difference between the end state and the existing situation

Current Reality Gap
Local Development Indicator System
An analytical tool that portrays information in three dimensions: (i) sectoral, (ii) temporal, and (iii) geographical/spatial
Local Development Indicator System
Problem-Solution Finding Analysis
Transforming Goals into Actions
Sifting Actions/Interventions


Actions / Non-
Interventions Projects

CDP Step 4
Prepare the Local Development
Investment Program

• Project Brief for each PPA (Form
• Ranked List of PPAs for Investment 1. Prepare project brief for each PPA.
Programming (Form 3a) 2. Conduct of further screening and
• Projection of New Development prioritization of the Structured List
Investment Financing Potential of PPAs.
(Form 3c) 3. Determine New Investment
• Local Resource Mobilization Financing Potential.
Program 4. Formulate the corresponding LRMP
• LDIP Summary Form (Form 3e) and Financing Plan.

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

LDIP Streams

• STREAM 1 – this involves the preparation of a ranked list of

programs and projects with their individual and cumulative cost

• STREAM 2 – this determines available funds for investment

• STREAM 3 – this necessitates matching the fund requirements

with projected funds available and deciding on financing options
should the funds available are insufficient
Prioritization Tools

A. Level of Urgency

B. Resource Impact Matrix

C. Conflict-Compatibility-Complementarity

D. Goal Achievement Matrix

CDP Step 5

Prepare Needed
Implementation Instruments


1. Prepare the AIP. • AIP Summary Form (Form 4)
2. Identify priority legislative • CapDev Program Summary
requirements needed to Form (Form 5a)
implement the LDIP. • Priority Legislative
3. Identify priority capacity Requirements Summary Form
development interventions to (Form 5b)
implement the LDIP. • Annual Accomplishment Report
4. Prepare M&E Strategy. (Form 6a)
5. Approval and adoption of CDP. • M&E Strategy Template (Form
Other Documents

• Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)

Preparation for Local Government Unit

• Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating

the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)

• Rationalizing the Local Planning System, 1 st Edition, 2008

Situating LPRAP in
the CDP

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)

Without CDP With CDP


Scenario 1 (Without LPRAP and CDP)

Without CDP With CDP

Without Simultaneous preparation and/or

LPRAP updating of LPRAP and CDP

Scenario 1 (Without LPRAP and CDP)


Step 1: Revisit Existing Plans

Step 2: Poverty Profiling and

Situation Analysis

Step 3.1: Goal Formulation

Step 3.2: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Identification

Step 3.3: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Prioritization
Scenario 2 (Without LPRAP but with CDP)

Without CDP With CDP

The relevant information of the CDP on

poverty reduction such as profiling,
situational analysis, and list of PAPs
shall be considered or used as inputs
in the L/PPRAP formulation.

Scenario 2 (Without LPRAP but with CDP)


Step 1: Revisit Existing Plans

Step 2: Poverty Profiling and

Situation Analysis

Step 3.1: Goal Formulation

Step 3.2: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Identification

Step 3.3: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Prioritization
Scenario 3 (With LPRAP but without CDP)
Without CDP With CDP


Use L/PPRAP as a reference

With and inputs in the preparation
LPRAP and/or updating the CDP and
Scenario 3 (With LPRAP but without CDP)


Step 1: Revisit Existing Plans

Step 2: Poverty Profiling and

Situation Analysis

Step 3.1: Goal Formulation

Step 3.2: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Identification

Step 3.3: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Prioritization
Scenario 4 (With LPRAP and CDP)
Without CDP With CDP


Check the CDP and LDIP if the five

(5) fundamental rights and 14 basic
sectors are included/reflected
If poverty reduction is not
considered, use L/PPRAP as a
reference and inputs in the
preparation and/or updating the
Scenario 4 (With LPRAP and CDP)


Step 1: Revisit Existing Plans

Step 2: Poverty Profiling and

Situation Analysis

Step 3.1: Goal Formulation

Step 3.2: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Identification

Step 3.3: Anti-Poverty Related

PPA Prioritization

For more information:

Bureau of Local Government Development
Department of the Interior and Local Government
DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City
Trunkline: (02) 876-3453 local 4102
Tel No. (02) 8929-9235 / 8927-7852
E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

Overview of the LPRAP
Formulation Guidelines

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Guidelines for the Formulation of
Local Poverty Reduction Action Plans
1. Rationale and Background
2. Objectives
3. Legal Bases
4. Coverage

5. Guidelines
a) Organizing the Local and Provincial Poverty Reduction
Action Committee
• Composition
• L/PPRAC Members Selection Process
• L/PPRAC Duties and Functions
Guidelines for the Formulation of
Local Poverty Reduction Action Plans
b) LPRAP Formulation
• Revisit Existing Plans and Review LGU Vision
• Poverty Profiling and Situational Analysis
• Goal Formulation and Identification and Prioritization of Anti-Poverty
c) Situating L/PPRAP in the CDP and PDPFP

6. Monitoring and Integration of L/PPRAP into the National Poverty Reduction Plans
7. Roles and Responsibilities
8. Assistance and Feedback Mechanism
9. Amendatory Provision
LPRAP Formulation Guidelines
The Guidelines shall serve to assist the LGUs (provinces, municipalities, and cities)
and their respective civil society, basic sector, non-government, and government
partners in the formulation of their LPRAP.


1. Republic Act No. 7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991

2. Republic Act No. 8425, or the Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act
3. Republic Act No. 11291, or the Magna Carta of the Poor
4. Republic Act No. 9710, or the Magna Carta of Women
5. DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-054 entitled Amendment to the DILG
Memorandum Circular No. 2021-012 on the Establishment of Civil Society
Organization Desk and Institutionalization of People’s Councils
LPRAP Formulation Guidelines
6. DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2018-089 entitled Guidelines on Engagements
with Civil Society Organizations
7. DILG Memorandum Circular No.2022-083 entitled Guidelines on the
Accreditation of CSOs and Selection of Representatives to the Local Special
Bodies (LSBs)
8. DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2001-109 entitled Enjoining All Local Chief
Executives to Undertake Local Programs on Poverty Reduction and Economic
9. Republic Act No. 8371 entitled the Indigenous Rights Act of 1997
10.DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2023-028 entitled Guidelines on the
Preparation and/or Updating of Local Plans
11. DILG-NEDA-DSWD-PSA-NAPC-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2023-
001 entitled Comprehensive Guidelines for the Formulation, Implementation, and
Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Poverty Reduction Plan (NPRP)
LPRAP Formulation Guidelines

These Guidelines shall cover all concerned national government

agencies and implementing departments; all provincial, city, and
municipal local government units; civil society; basic sectors; and all
other concerned stakeholders.

In accordance with Republic Act No. 11054, also known as the

Bangsamoro Basic Law, these guidelines shall not cover local
government units within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, unless
expressly adopted by the respective Bangsamoro ministries and/or local
government units to which the NAPC may provide technical assistance.
LPRAP Formulation Guidelines


All city and municipal local government units shall

formulate their respective LPRAP; while provincial local
government units shall consolidate their constituent local
government units’ LPRAPs, considering provincial-level
poverty issues or strategies, to formulate their respective
Provincial Poverty Reduction Action Plan (PPRAP).
Organization of Local Poverty Reduction
Action Committee (LPRAC)

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Organizing the Local and Provincial Poverty Reduction
Action Committee (LPRAC)
The Local Poverty Reduction Action Committee (LPRAC) for the city and municipal
level, and the Provincial Poverty Reduction Action Committee (PPRAC) for the
provincial level shall be the focal committees for the creation of the LPRAP and
PPRAP, respectively. The Committees shall be a sub-committee under the Local
Development Councils (LDCs), or Provincial Development Councils (PDC), and shall
be allotted one (1) seat therein. Their composition shall have equal representation from
the government and civil society.

To initiate the organization and mobilization of the L/PPRAC; the LGU through the
Local Chief Executive (LCEs) shall issue an executive order (EO) constituting the
Committee, reflecting the parameters, composition, and other considerations as
provided for in this Section. Alternatively, the LGUs may instead integrate the creation
of the L/PPRAC in the issuance of their EO organizing and mobilizing the PDC/LDC

The L/PPRAC shall be composed of 18 members:

Chairperson : LCE of the Province, City, or Municipality

Co-Chairperson : CSO Representative
Secretariat : Provincial, City, or
Municipal Development Planning Office

The CSO Co-Chairperson shall serve as a member of the L/PDC as the

representative of the L/PPRAC.
Eight (8) Mandatory Members from the LGU

1. Social Welfare Development Officer (SWDO)

2. Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Panglungsod, or Bayan Member who
chairs the Committee on Appropriation
3. The Chapter President or representative of the Liga ng Barangay
for cities and municipalities; or for provinces with component
cities, a representative from the regional chapter of the League of
Cities (LCP). In cases without component cities, a representative
from provincial chapter of the Municipalities of the Philippines
(LMP) will be selected.
Eight (8) Mandatory Members from the LGU
Members from the government sector that addresses the
Five Fundamental Rights:

4. Right to Adequate Food - City, Municipal, or Provincial Agriculture Office, or its

5. Right to Decent Work - Public Employment Service Office (PESO) or Migrant/OFW
Help Desk Office
6. Right to Relevant and Quality Education - Representative from the Local School
7. Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health - City, Municipal, or Provincial
Health Offices
8. Right to Adequate Housing – Representative from the Urban Poor Affairs Office;
representative from the local housing board; or a representative from the City,
Municipal, or Provincial Engineer’s office
Eight (8) Civil Society Members
1. CSO with direct programs and/or advocacy involving the Right to Adequate
Food and Nutrition
2. CSO with direct programs and/or advocacy involving the Right to Decent
3. CSO with direct programs and/or advocacy involving the Right to Relevant
and Quality Education
4. CSO with direct programs and/or advocacy involving the Right to Adequate
5. CSO with direct programs and/or advocacy involving the Right to the
Highest Attainable Standard of Health
6. Three (3) other CSOs that have direct programs and/or advocacies involving
the 14 Basic Sectors and other locality-specific poverty issues. For localities
where indigenous peoples or ethnic communities make up more than 20% of
the population, representation from these groups should be prioritized.
L/PPRAC Members Selection Process

Elected and appointed government officials at the national and local

levels, including the barangay, their immediate relatives (spouse,
parent, sibling, child), and LGU employees are ineligible to be
elected as CSO representatives.

(i) Government Sector

All government members shall be appointed by the LCE to ensure
that the government representatives within the L/PPRAC possess the
necessary expertise and knowledge related to their specific areas of
L/PPRAC Members Selection Process

(ii) CSO. To initiate the CSO selection process and determine the CSO
representatives of the L/PPRAC, the LCE, as the L/PRAC Chairperson, shall
call for the conduct of a CSO Assembly.

The CSO Assembly, with the assistance of the DILG, is tasked with the
establishment of its own operational protocols, accountability mechanisms,
and poverty reduction agenda. This assembly is also responsible for the
election of the nine (9) CSO representatives who will serve on the L/PPRAC.
It is imperative that all participating CSOs are duly recognized, accredited, or
registered by a government agency to ensure their legitimacy and commitment
to the cause.
L/PPRAC Members Selection Process

In addition to these responsibilities, the CSO Assembly must

also devise a clear and fair mechanism for the replacement of
its elected representatives in the event of inability to serve,
incapacitation, or other unforeseen circumstances that may
hinder the performance of their duties. This mechanism
should be designed to ensure continuity and effectiveness in
the representation and advocacy of the CSOs within the
L/PPRAC Members Selection Process

The assembly shall, to the extent possible and

practicable, ensure the that the L/PPRAC shall be
comprised of at least 40% women; and in localities
wherein at least 20% of their population is
comprised of indigenous or ethnic peoples, the
L/PPRAC shall ensure the representation of
indigenous peoples.
L/PPRAC Members Selection Process
The nine (9) elected CSO members shall vote amongst themselves the CSO Co-
Chairperson of the LPRAC. In accordance with DILG Memorandum Circular No.
2022-083, only CSO organizations accredited by the locality are eligible for election
as Co-Chairperson by virtue of their representation in the L/PDC. The CSO Assembly
and the respective L/PPRAC shall have a term or validity of three (3) years.

The vacated seat of the elected CSO Co-Chairperson shall be replaced by the next
CSO representative with the highest number of votes among the CSOs.

In the absence of or inability to conduct a CSO Assembly, the LCE shall seek the
assistance of the NAPC Regional Basic Sectoral Coordinating Council (RBSCC) to
identify possible CSOs who may sit as members of the L/PPRAC.
L/PPRAC Duties and Functions
The L/PPRAC shall be in charge of the following:

1. Planning, implementing, and monitoring the L/PPRAP while ensuring, or lobbying

for, the allocation of resources to key programs, activities, and projects (PAPs),
and/or strategies as identified in the plans.
2. Conduct preliminary activities in the formulation of L/PPRAP as deemed necessary
and appropriate.
3. Advocate for their respective sectoral agenda as identified in the CSO assembly or
in the RBSCC agenda, in the absence of the former.
4. Regularly provide updates and reports to the CSO assembly or RBSCC, and
convene these bodies as necessary and practicable, to ensure consistent
communication and progress tracking.
5. Seek the assistance of appropriate national government agencies in the formulation
of their L/PPRAP, as deemed necessary and appropriate.
L/PPRAC Duties and Functions

The LCE, in capacity as the L/PPRAC Chairperson, shall ensure the organization
and mobilization of the L/PPRAC through relevant issuances, as provided for in
these guidelines.

The CSO Co-Chairperson, in capacity as a sitting member of the LDC, shall ensure
that the PAPs and strategies identified in the L/PPRAP are integrated into the CDP,
and resources are allocated accordingly through the Local Development Investment
Program (LDIP) and the Annual Investment Program (AIP), or equivalent

The LPRAC members and representative/s to the LDC or its equivalent, shall be
accountable to and in their actions as representatives guided by the decisions and
agreements of the CSO assembly, or to the Regional Sectoral Agenda as identified by
the RBSCC.
LPRAP Formulation Step 1:
Revisit Existing Plans and Review
LGU Vision

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Revisit Existing Plans and Review LGU Vision
The L/PPRAC shall conduct a thorough review and reassessment of
existing or previous L/PPRAPs, anti-poverty strategies and programs
including output targets, accomplishments, and outcome, or equivalent
documents, and relevant components of the CDP or Provincial
Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) and other plans.
The reassessment is intended to compile and draw relevant information
from existing programs, plans, and statistics relevant to the five (5)
fundamental rights.

The identified plans and programs should be organized according to the

five fundamental rights as provided for in the MCP.
LPRAP Formulation Step 2:
Poverty Profiling and Situation Analysis

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Poverty Profiling and Situational Analysis

The Local Poverty Reduction Action Committee (L/PPRAC) is tasked

with conducting a comprehensive poverty situation assessment as part
of their Ecological Profile (EP) preparation. This assessment is
grounded in the plans and programs collected from the review of
existing plans and LGU vision, poverty agenda of the CSO
assembly/RBSCC, data generated from the Community-Based
Monitoring System (CBMS), and the most recent available poverty
data and statistics. If available, this data should be organized according
to the five fundamental rights indicators approved by the Philippine
Statistics Authority -Technical Committee on Poverty Statistics (TC-
Poverty Profiling and Situational Analysis
LGUs are encouraged to support the collection of a broad range of data from both
conventional sources, such as CBMS and PSA, and non-conventional sources. The
use of participatory approaches, such as Participatory Rapid Appraisal, which
involve the participation of civil society, is likewise encouraged.

Building and updating the planning database is a long-term and continuous activity
that should be integrated into the regular functions of the planning office. Prior to
the planning workshop, the local planning office, as the L/PPRAC Secretariat, must
gather the necessary information for evidence-based planning. If information and
data on the locality’s poverty situation is sparse, primary information gathering
must be conducted.
Poverty Profiling and Situational Analysis
Potential sources of information for poverty-focused planning include:

1. Ecological Profile
2. Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
3. Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS)
4. National Household Targeting System (NHTS-PR) or Listahanan
5. Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS)
6. Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture and National Farmers Registry System
7. Data sets from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
8. PSA Multidimensional Poverty Index
9. National Nutrition Council (NNC) Operation Timbang
10. Hazard Maps

Each of these resources provides valuable data and insights that can be used in assessing and addressing the poverty situation.
It must be noted that some data sources may require further coordination, such as the need for a memorandum of agreement to
which the NAPC may provide technical assistance, upon request. A more detailed list of resources can be found in the NAPC
Website and LPRAP IECs.
Framing the Local Poverty Situation

The Local Poverty Reduction

• LGU vision
Action Committee (LPRAC) • Five Fundamental Rights
is tasked with conducting a • Basic Sector and CSO Poverty
comprehensive poverty Agenda
• Review of Existing Plans
situation assessment as part of • Community-Based Monitoring
their Ecological Profile (EP) System Data
• Poverty Data and Statistics
Framing the Local Poverty Situation

LGU vision • What are factors hinder the LGU from realizing its
Five Fundamental Rights • Do all stakeholders have equitable access to the five
fundamental rights? And with the required data and
Basic Sector and CSO Poverty indicators in the MCP?
Agenda • What are the experiences of our stakeholders, basic
sectors on the ground?
Review of Existing Plans • How have previous plans fared?
• What insights does the CBMS provide?
Community-Based Monitoring
• What is the standing of the locality in the latest
System Data poverty surveys?
Poverty Data and Statistics

• Hunger (Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI))
• Food consumption (MPI)
• Recommended energy intake (REI) (proposed)
• Protein and micronutrient intake (proposed)
• Anthropometric indicators (proposed)
• Food security (proposed)

• Underemployment (MPI) • Employees In Precarious Work
• Working Children not in School (MPI) (Proposed)
• Underemployment rate (proposed) • Equal Opportunity And Treatment In
• Unemployment rate (proposed) Employment
• Youth Not In Education And Not In • Safe Work Environment
Employment (Proposed) • Social Security
• Adequate Earnings And Productive Work • Social Dialogue, Workers’ And
• Working Poverty Rate (Proposed) Employers’ Representation
• Stability And Security Of Work • Workers’ And Employers’

• School attendance (MPI)
• Educational attainment (MPI)
• Working children not in school (proposed)
• Functional literacy (proposed)
• Net enrolment, cohort survival, completion, dropout rates in primary/secondary
education (proposed)
• Functional literacy: “a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only
reading and writing skills but also numeracy skills. The skills must be sufficiently
advanced to enable the individual to participate fully and efficiently in activities
commonly occurring in his life situation that require a reasonable capacity of
communicating by written language.”

• Toilet/Sanitation (MPI)
• Water (MPI)
• Tenure (MPI)
• Electricity (MPI)
• Housing materials (MPI)
• Assets (MPI)
• Accumulated housing needs (proposed)

• Health insurance (MPI) • Basic vaccinations (proposed)
• Out-of-pocket/No balance billing policy • Percent of fully-immunized children
• Under-5 mortality (proposed) • Indicators from the Field Health Services
• Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births Information System (FHSIS) (proposed)
• Antenatal care from skilled provider (proposed) • Percent of provinces with adequate
physician to population ratio
• Maternal Mortality per 100,000 live births • Percent of provinces with adequate nurse
• Modern contraceptive prevalence rate to population ratio
• Adolescent birth rate • Percent of provinces with adequate
• Skilled assistance during delivery (proposed) midwife to population ratio
• Equitable health care financing
Evidence-based Approach in Expounding
Poverty Issues and Concerns
References for data and indicators for identified poverty issues and concerns

• Rationalized Planning Indicator Data Set (RaPIDS)

• Local Development Indicator System (LDIS)
• Other mandated LGU Plans
• National Government Agency Sectoral Plans and Statistics
• Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority

The PSA Technical Committee on Poverty Statistics will approve the final list of indicators,
which will be based on the Multidimensional Poverty Index. For this simulation, the selection of
indicators shall be made with a forward-looking perspective. The aim is to focus on aspects that
are truly relevant to understanding and measuring poverty from different angles, without over-
complicating or lengthening the process unnecessarily.
Evidence-based Approach in Expounding Poverty Issues and Concerns

• Equally important to identifying

references and bases for the identified Identify Poverty/Issues
poverty issues, concerns, or agenda is Concerns Substantiate with data,
identifying the same that have no statistics, references
measurements, indicators, or references.
It is crucial that these concerns/issues be Note those with no means of
noted for further action and referral. measurement
Required MCP
Assessing Poverty Issues and
• Based on the list of identified poverty issues and concerns, along
with the foundational data and baselines collected, the LPRAC will
utilize the problem-solution finding matrix (PSFM). This matrix will
serve as a tool to uncover the underlying causes of these issues,
understand their far-reaching effects, and formulate potential policy
and program options for consideration.

• The data and information that will be generated herein will also be
used in the latter stages of the LPRAP formulation process.
Phase Conclusion

Identify Poverty Profile
Issues/ Concerns Substantiate with data,
statistics, references Use problem-solution
finding matrix to
further expound
Note those with no poverty agenda
Required MCP means of measurement
Indicators NEXT PHASE
Goal Formulation
and Prioritization
LPRAP Formulation Step 3.1:
Goal Formulation

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Goal Formulation

Goal formulation or the process of determining what citizens want

their city or municipality to become is often considered the most
important step in the planning process.

Sectoral goals are the desired ends consistent with the success
indicators. These are results that are the same, or derived from, the
particular element of the vision statement pertaining to a specific
sector. This relationship is necessary to ensure that every policy and
action (programs, projects, activities, legislative and other regulatory
measures) formulated in the CDP will contribute to the realization of
the Vision.
Goal Formulation

The LPRAP should outline specific goals related to poverty reduction,

which should be cross-referenced with the goals of the CDP/PDPFP. This
ensures alignment and coherence between the broader development plan
and the specific poverty reduction strategies.

Therefore, when formulating goals for the locality, it's important to

consider both the vision of the locality and the goals outlined in the
LPRAP and CDP/PDPFP. This integrated approach ensures that the
barangay's strategic goals and objectives are not only aligned with the
community's vision but also contribute effectively to broader poverty
reduction efforts.
LPRAP Formulation Step 3.2:
Anti-Poverty-Related PPA

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Anti-Poverty-Related PPA Identification
The L/PPRAC shall develop a structured inventory of relevant PAPs based
on the five (5) fundamental rights of the poor (long list), as enumerated in
Section III of the MCP implementing rules and regulations. The L/PPRAC
shall then identify the key poverty reduction PAPs to formulate the short list
of priority PAPs; or propose or identify new PAPs, as deemed appropriate
and necessary.

The identified PAPs, as well as the corresponding statistics such as the

baseline, output, and outcome targets, and budget allocation for each PAP
categorized under the five (5) rights shall be cross-referenced with the five
(5) development sectors of the CDP/PDPFP. This is to align the anti-poverty
PAP initiatives with the broader development vision of the LGU in the

MCP-LPRAP Formulation Workshop / 19-21 September 2023

LPRAP Formulation:
Anti-Poverty-Related PPA

Magna Carta of the Poor (MCP) – Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP)
Anti-Poverty-Related PPA Prioritization

If the PPAs listed in the LPRAP are available in the CDP sectoral
concerns, the priorities should be the PPAs that are lacking or need
enhancements based on the MCP Rule III of the IRR (see ANNEX

The criteria for short listing the PPAs shall be based on:
1. Proposed PPAs
2. PPAs that need enhancements (e.g. additional funding)
3. PPAs that are in the CDP but not included in the AIP
4. Other criteria that the committee may identify
Ways Forward
Sama-sama tayong
umaksyon laban sa
Trunkline: (02) 8426 5028 local 132

Policy and Planning Service (PPS) - MCP Program Management Team (PMT)
[email protected]

Local Affairs Coordinating and Monitoring Service (LACMS)

Direct Line: (02) 8423 4125
[email protected]

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