Business Model Canvas Worksheet

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Business Model Assumption Checklist

Customer Value Proposition

Tech/Operations Value
Key Key Proposition
Relt’nships Segments
Partners Processes
 Is Your Problem Worth Solving?  How will you  Entry
Repetitive, Urgency & Attractiveness
 Industrial scalable,
acquire Segment
customers? Persona
Ecosystem Risk defensible source  Entry Segment TAM Size & Growth
of competency
 Who owns the
 Key Dependencies
Key  Product-Market Fit relationship?
or Partnerships Resonating Benefits
Resources Channels  Users or
 What is the Technical Solution? Customers
 Integrated vs Scarce Inputs  Build or Access
Tech Viability & Risk
Modular Business Plant & Equipment Channels?
Model IP  Riskiest Start-up Assumption:
 Adoption
 Communication Barriers &
Testing Plan.
Cost Flow Formula Revenue Go-to-Market
The primary expenses in business model
 Where’s The Money
Contribution Margins, Investment/Revenue Ratios Who will pay for your solution?
At what price point
(changes over time?)
Given Profit projections -- Venture’s Cash Flow Curve Revenue Innovation?
Cash Flow Thru Freemium, Sampling, Subscription, Lease vs Buy, Shared Ownership

Revenue Strategy
Business Model Assumption _____ (date)

Value Proposition
Key Key
Customer Customer
Partners Processes
Relationships Segments


Cash Flow Revenue

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