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Environmental Science




1.1 What is general Science?
General science includes an array of basic topics from the
three branches of science namely;

1) physics,

2) biology and

3) chemistry.

1.1.1 What is Science?

-The word “science” means knowledge.

- It is the knowledge obtained by questioning mind as to the “why” and

“how” of things.
1.1.2 What is environment?
Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and
non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While
all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries and
birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks
and air.

1.1.3 What is environmental science?

Environmental science is the study of the interactions between

humans and their environment ; rocks, water, air, soil, life. Humans are
impacted by earth processes and by their activities have an impact on
1.2 Scientific method

Step (1) - Identifying a problem

Step (2) - Observation and gathering information

Step (3) - Possible explanation

Step (4) - Experimental verification

Step (5) – Reaching definite conclusion

1.3 Use and misuse of science
Science has made great contribution towards the betterment of mankind;
1) Healthy and longevity
2) Transport
3) Communication
4) Clothing
5) Appliances and gadgets
6) Recreation
7) Energy

Some science has harmed us;

8) Pollution
9) Depletion of the ozone layer
10) Bombs and explosives
11) Poisonous gases and harmful radiations
12) Weapons of mass destruction
1.4 Earth
Stars - bright, dim and some are twinkle and different sizes.
Planets - do not twinkle.
Galaxy - a cluster of stars, containing billions of stars.
Milky way galaxy- is elliptical in plain and in section like a great lens.
Universe - the Milkey Way and millions of other galaxies, together
with large amounts of dust and gas scattered through the space.
Earth - is ellipsoid, nearly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles
because of centrifugal force of rotation.
- Its surface is composed of rock, soil and water and covered by
- the diameter is approximately 13,000 km.
- the distance from the sun is approximately 150 million km.
- only planet for life exists ,by the following conditions;
1) presence of food 2) right temperature
3) presence of water 4) atmosphere with oxygen
-The study of stars, planets and other heavenly bodies is called astronomy.
-The person who study astronomy are known as astronomers.
-The study is done with the help of telescope.
1.5 Structure of the earth
Earth is made up of three main layers;
1) Crust
2) Mantle and
3) Core

Crust - the outermost solid part of the earth.

- mainly composed of continents and oceans.
- the thickness of the crust varies under the oceanic (about 8-10
km) and continental areas (35-60 km).
- about 71% of the crust is covered with oceans.
- the oceanic crust is made up of basalt.
- silica (Si) and aluminium (Al) are major constituents minerals.
- it is often termed as SiAl , sometimes refer to the lithosphere.
- the crust contains materials known as minerals.
Mantle - the interior beyond the crust is called the mantle.
- about 2900 km depth below the crust.
- the thickness ranges from 10- 200 km.
- Moho’s discontinuity is situating below the crust and above
the mantle.
- the upper part of the mantle consists of molten rock called
magma (asthenosphere).
- made up of silica and magnesium.
- it is also called “ SiMa”.

Core - the core-mantle boundary is positioned at the depth of

- the inner core is in the solid state and the outer core is in the
liquid state.
- made up of heavy metals such as nickel, cobalt and iron.
- it is also called “ nife” layer.
1.6 The atmosphere
- The air is covering the earth about 1000 km above the surface of the
- It is called “atmosphere”.
- 99 % of air is found up to a height of 30 km above the surface of the
- Air is a mixture of gases, mainly consisting nitrogen (about 78%),
oxygen (about 21%), argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and small
amount of other gases.
- The atmosphere is made up of five main layers;
1) Troposphere (about 16 km above the earth surface, this layer is the
densest, living thing can breathe normally and the weather changes
2) Stratosphere (about 64 km above the earth surface, no water vapour
or clouds, ozone layer present).
3) Mesosphere
4) Thermosphere
5) exosphere
Fig(1); Structure of the earth and atmosphere.
1.7 The water cycle
- Water keeps moving from oceans and seas to the sky as water vapour
- From the sky to the land as rain or snow
- From land to the oceans and seas as surface water
- Known as water cycle, is a continuous process.
Fig(2); Water cycle.
1.8 The solar system
- The eight planets that revolve around the sun.
- The earth has one moon which revolves around it.
- The other planets have one or more moons that revolve around them.
- The asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites moving in different
ways in the empty space around the sun and the planets.
- The sun, the planets and the heavenly bodies together make up the
solar system.

- Mercury is very close to the sun.

- Boiling hot during the day but very cold at night.
- Gravity is not strong, no air, no water.

- Venus is the hottest planet.

- It is covered with thick clouds that trap a lot of water.
- The brightest planet in the sky.
- Water is not present, in the liquid form because it is so hot.
Earth is the third planet from the sun.
- It is the only planet that has the right conditions for life to survive.
- It has water, an atmosphere containing the gases and at the right
distance from the sun.
- It is neither too hot nor too cold.

Mars is a red, rocky planet about half the size of the earth.
- Its temperature is below freezing point most of the time.
- Its surface is covered with craters and mountains and no water.

Jupiter is the largest planet and a very cold planet.

- Life can not exist at such low temperatures.
- It has a large red spot on its surface.
Saturn is the second largest planet.
- It is a very cold planet and very far away from the sun.
- It is surrounded by several wide rings made of ice and dust.
- The rings are the most distinctive feature of Saturn.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are very cold.

- Pluto is the smallest planet.
Fig(3); Solar system

 Environmental science is the study of the interactions between humans and their
 Stars are bright, dim and some are twinkle and different sizes.
 Planets are not twinkle
 Galaxy is a cluster of stars, containing billions of stars.
 Earth is made up of three main layers; crust, mantle and core.
 water cycle is a continuous process.
 The air is covering the earth about 1000 km above the surface of the earth.
 99 % of air is found up to a height of 30 km above the surface of the earth.
 Troposphere is about 16 km above the earth surface.
 This layer is the densest, living thing can breathe normally and the weather changes
 The sun, the planets and the heavenly bodies together make up the solar system.
 Mercury and Venus are very hot for life to exist.
 Mars is a cold planet.
 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are too cold for life to exist on them.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which gas constitutes the largest percentage of the atmosphere?
i) Oxygen ii) Nitrogen iii) Carbon dioxide

2. In which layer of the atmosphere is the nearest portion of the earth surface.
i) Mesosphere ii) Stratosphere iii) Troposphere

3. Silica and aluminium are major constituents minerals of

ii) Crust ii) mantle iii) core

4. Which of these planets does not have an atmosphere?

iii) Earth ii) Saturn iii) Mercury

5. Which of these planets are surrounded by several wide rings made of ice and dust.
iv) Saturn ii) Pluto iii) Uranus

Short answer questions.

1. What is magma?
2. What does the solar system consist of?
3. In which layer of the atmosphere is ozone present?
4. What is astronomy?
5. What conditions on the earth are favourable for life to exist?

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