Final PPT On CBA Guidelines

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May, 2021

Skills for a better destiny

1. Introduction
 CBT/CBA implemented widely in all RP colleges for the first time.

 CBA is not a set of examinations. It is rather the basis for certification of competency.

 It is carried out as a process for collecting evidences about the performance and
knowledge of a person concerning an occupational competency standard.

 There is no general & common guidelines of CBA. Each country has set its own model
driven by the labour market demand, culture and educational considerations,...(Eg.:
ungraded results may bring challenges for applicants seeking further education or
competing for a job)
 The RP Academic senate of 19/05/2021 has validated RP guidelines for Competence
Based Assessment and resolved their immediate implementation.

Skills for a better destiny

2. Contribution of Assessments to Overall Module result
Type of
Assessment Types of
Assessment and Methodologie
form test
its Contribution
Quiz Written / Oral  Formative Questions prepared and evaluated by Trainer
Test Assessment Assessment 0%.
 Continuous
Presentation Performance Assessment 50%
Assignment Assessment
Group Discussions
Practice or Integrated Performance Summative Assessment Questions prepared by the exam team led by
situation and theory and Written 50% module team leader, administered, and
test Assessment modelated by the assessors. The
performance assessment to be evaluated by
a panel of at least 3 assessors.

The unit / module pass mark is 50%

Skills for a better destiny

3. Module weight distribution and conditions to pass
Credits Modules with <= 5 Credits Modules with > 5 Credits
Assessment form Assignments, End of Module Summative 1 CA, Assignments, End of Module Summative
assessment assessment
Continuous 50% Continuous Assessment (20% practice or
assessment 20% for assignments
integrated situation, 20% theory, 10% Assignments)
Summative 80% End Module summative Assessment
assessment 50% End Module summative Assessment (practice
(practice or integrated situation 50% and theory
or integrated situation 30% and theory 20%)
Condition to pass A candidate must score at least 25% of CA and at least 50% of End of Module assessment.
Eligibility for  To sit for end of module Summative assessment, a candidate must be competent in all formative
summative assessment. For a candidate to be competent, he/she shall score a minimum of 70% of each
assessment formative assessment.
Reassessment  In case of reassessment, questions papers have to be modified and students will have their
achievable grades.
Portofolio  Portfolio building
o Portfolio shall include Evidence gathered for Verification
o Each learning outcome should have at least one evidence in the portfolio

Skills for a better destiny

4. CBT Class Awards
Score Credit Point
S/N Class Awards
Range Average (CPA)
Competent with Grand
1 90 - 100 4.5-5
Distinction (CGD)
Competent with
2 80 – 89 4.0 – 4.49
Distinction (CD)
Competent with Merit
3 60 – 79 3.0 – 3.9
4 Competent (C) 50 – 59 2.0 – 2.9
5 Not yet Competent (NC) Below 50 Below 2.0

Skills for a better destiny

5. Academic progression
 A student will only be promoted or admitted to level 7 (Advanced Diploma) after
successfully passing modules of Level 6 (Diploma).
Prog  In both level 6 and level 7, a student cannot do a module that requires a prerequisite
ressi if he / she failed the prerequisite module.

 A student who fails a module shall be eligible to retake it upon payment of fees set by
RP. The student will not be obliged to repeat the formative assessment. The student
Reta will be allowed to repeat the module only twice.

 A student who failed to accumulate 100 credits will not progress to the next level.
He/ she will repeat the year and retake the failed modules in order to progress.

Skills for a better destiny

6. Way forward
 RP academic regulations to be revised and RP Academic quality assurance
manual that takes into consideration the implementation of CBT/CBA to
be elaborated.

 Much paper work in CBA: E-portofolio platform under establishment

and to be operationalized very soon. Continue to use physical files in

 Academic calender to be revised and enough period for CBA to be

provided (Practical exercises and Integrated situation need more time)

 Adopt the guidelines and dissiminate them to academic staff for

Skills for a better destiny

Skills for a better destiny

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