Genetics 1st - 1
Genetics 1st - 1
Genetics 1st - 1
What is genetics?
Genetics is a branch of biology which study about heredity
Genetics: the science of genes, heredity and variation in living
Genetics concerns the process of trait inheritance from parents to
Genetics can be applied to the study of all living systems; including
bacteria, plants, animals, and humans.
Genetics is the science of inheritance and variation
Genetics deals with the similarities between parents and their
progeny and the differences among individuals of a single species. 1
Heredity/Inheritance refers to the genetically transmission of various character
from parents to progeny.
Therefore, genetics may be re defined as the science that deals with the
structure, organization, transmission and function of genes, and origin of
variation in them
1.1.The History Of Genetics
Genetics began its development as independent science with initiation of Mendel's
experiments on heredity in 1865.
Mendel reported his discoveries of the fundamental laws of inheritance
But mendel’s observations were not recognized for 35 years because of the
absence of the understanding of cell structure & cell division
Mendel’s paper was discovered in 1900 by other scientist
During the last half of the 20th century genetics have determined the molecular
structure of Mendel's Factors and the mechanism by which they control the
characters of an organism.
Genetics has many relationships and impacts with other sciences
In Medicine, defective genes have been treated by gene therapy hope that has
great potential in the future
In Agriculture , one of the greatest achievements was the application of Mendel's
principles to the development of hybrid corn ,hence during the period from 1940
to 1980 the average yield for corn increased by over 250 percent.
The new genetic technologies have a major impact on Agriculture , inserting
genes for resistance to insects or pathogens into crop plants is becoming a major
weapon in the war against organisms that destroy plants
Traits are determined by the genes on the chromosomes and gene is a segment of
DNA that determines a trait
Chromosomes come in homologous pairs, thus genes come in pairs.
Homologous pairs – matching genes – one from female parent and one from male
Example: Humans have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs.(23 from dad and mam
1.2. Branches of Genetics
There are three main branches of modern genetics
1.3. Role of Genetics
Applications of genetics
Evolutionis:- the process by which populations of organisms change over
ecology = environmental science
molecular biology
Forensics in criminal courts
genetics is important in medicine
Agriculture-improving yield
Medicine-counseling and gene therapy
Chap 2: Mendelian Genetics and its variation
2.1. Mendel’s Experiments and Mode of Inheritance
Mendel (1822 -1884 ) was an Austrian , he was the father of genetics
Mendel (1860’s) discovered the fundamental principles of genetics
by breeding garden peas.
When Mendel began his work , most plant and animal breeders
believed in the blending theory of inheritance it suggest that both
sexes contribute equally to a new , individual, they felt that parents
of contrasting appearance always produce offspring of intermediate
Mendel's Experiments
One reason for Mendel's success is that he chose a suitable
experimental material , the garden pea , Pisum sativum
Mendel obtained many different true-breeding varieties of peas ,
each distinguished by a particular trait .such as plant height ,
seeds color , seeds texture .
Mendel focused on these singular differences between pea strains
allowed him to study the inheritance of a trait one at a time
Mendel is cross-pollinated pea plants
he cut away the male parts of one flower, then dusted it with
pollen from another
Then, what did Mendel conclude?
he concluded that factors are passed from generation to the
next. 8
His experiments provided the first clear clues about how the
factors that control inherited characteristics are transmitted
from one generation to the next.
Mendel's Data
Parentals F1 F2 Ratio
Round (WW) X Wrinkled (ww) seeds All round 5474 round:1850 wrinkled 2.96:1
Yellow (GG) X Green (gg) seeds All yellow 6022 yellow:2001 green 3.01:1
Purple (WW) X White (ww) flowers All purple 705 purple:224 white 3.15:1
Axial (SS) X Terminal (ss) flowers All axial 651 axial:207 terminal 3.14:1
Inflated (CC) X Constricted (cc) pods All inflated 2.95:1
Green (YY) X Yellow pods (yy) All green 428 green:152 yellow 2.81:1
Tall (TT) X Short stems (tt) All tall 787 tall:277 short 2.84:1
Dominant and Recessive Genes
Gene that prevents the other gene from “showing” – dominant
Gene that does NOT “show” even though it is present –
Symbol – Dominant gene – upper case letter – T
Recessive gene – lower case letter – t
Alleles: an alternative form of a gene ex: blue eyes or brown
Genotype and Phenotype:-
Combination of genes an organism has (actual gene makeup) –
Ex: TT, Tt, tt
Physical appearance resulting from gene make-up – phenotype
Homozygous and Heterozygous
Punnett square: is a diagrams used to predict the result of cross-
A cross between two pea plants
heterozygous for purple (B) and white (b) blossoms
2.2. Monohybrid Crosses
Monohybrid Crosses: are crosses involving one trait
The principles of Dominance and segregation
Mendel’s law of segregation: Alleles separate during meiosis (gamete
Mendel crossed tall and dwarf pea plants to investigate how height
was inherited.
The seeds that resulted from these cross-fertilizations were sown the
next year ,yielding hybrids that were uniformly tall
Mendel noted that the dwarf trait seemed to have disappeared in the
progeny of the cross, for all the hybrid plants were tall .
To explore the hereditary makeup of these tall hybrids Mendel allowed them to
undergo self –fertilization
When he examined the progeny , he found that they consisted of both tall and
dwarf plants , with ratio of 3 : 1
Mendel inferred that these hybrids carried a hidden genetic factor for
dwarfness, one that was masked by the expression of another factor for tallness
He said that the hidden factor was recessive and that the expressed factor was
dominant .
Thus , each trait that Mendel studied seemed to be controlled by a heritable
factor that existed in two forms , one dominant , the other recessive
These factors are now called Genes and their dominant and recessive forms are
called Alleles
The important conclusion of Mendel from this experiment:
That genes come in pairs
Mendel proposed that these two copies are reduced to one during gamete
Mendel recognized that the diploid gene number would be restored when sperm
and egg unite to form a Zygote
Mendel used symbols to represent the hereditary factors (genes)
The two true-breeding varieties, tall and dwarf are Homozygous for different
alleles of a gene controlling plant height
The allele for dwarfness , being recessive, is symbolized by letter ( d
The allele for tallness , being dominant , is symbolized by letter ( D )
Thus the tall and dwarf pea strains are symbolized by DD and dd respectively .
Mendel referred to the Parental strains, the ( P ) generation of the experiment .
Their hybrid progeny are referred to as the first Filial generation ( F1 )
So the genotype of the F1 must be Dd ( heterozygous ).
The phenotype of Dd is the same as that of the DD parental strain because D is
dominant over d
During formation of gamete , the F1 plants produce two kinds of gametes D and
d in equal proportions and they segregate from each other
This process of allele segregation is the most important discovery that Mendel
made .
After self-fertilization , the two kinds of gametes produced four kinds of Zygotes :
DD , Dd , dD , and dd .
Because of dominance , three of these genotypes have the same phenotype, so the
plants in F2 are either tall or dwarf in ratio of 3 : 1
The F2 plants were self-fertilized to produced an F3 , all the dwarf F2 plants
produced only dwarf offspring , demonstrating that they were homozygous for the
d allele ,
but the tall F2 plants produced two categories ( one-third of them produced only
tall offspring whereas the other two-third produced a mixture of tall and dwarf
offspring .
We can summarize Mendel's analysis of the Monohybrid
crosses by stating two principles that he discovered:-
1- The principle of dominance ,( In heterozygote , one allele may mask the
presence of another )
2- The principle of segregation , ( In a heterozygote , two different alleles
segregate from each other during the formation of gametes ) .
This principle is about genetic transmission , an allele is transmitted to the next
generation even if it was present with a different allele in a heterozygote
2.3. Dihybrid Crosses
Dihybrid crosses: are crosses involving two traits
The Principle of independent Assortment
another trait.
Mendel performed experiments with plants that differed in two traits , he
crossed plants that produced Yellow , Round seeds with plants that produced
Green , Wrinkled seeds
The F1 seeds were all yellow and round , the alleles for the two seed traits
were dominant .
Mendel grew plants from these seeds and allowed them to self-fertilize ,and
classified the F2 seeds according to their phenotype , as following.
Two Classes , yellow round and green wrinkled resembled the parental strains.
The other two Classes , green round and yellow wrinkled showed new
combinations of traits .
Mendel noticed that the four classes appeared in ratio of ( 9 ) yellow round ( 3 )
green round ( 3 ) yellow wrinkled ( 1 ) green wrinkled
These numerical relationships suggested a simple explanation : each trait was
controlled by a different genes segregating two alleles, and the two genes were
inherited independently
The principle of segregation predicts that the F1 hybrids (RrYy) will produce
four different gametic genotypes : RY, Ry, rY, ry
If each gene segregates its alleles independently, each of the four types will be
25 percent of the total
To determine the number of gametes that will be produced for allele
arrangements the formula = 2n (n = number of heterozygote)
Self-fertilization in the F1 will produce an array of 16 equally frequent zygotic
genotypes, while the proportion of the four phenotypic classes were : 9/16
yellow round , 3/16 yellow wrinkled, 3/16 green round , 1/16 green wrinkled
The result of these experiments led Mendel to the principle of independent
assortment : ( The alleles of different genes segregate independently of each
other )
Mendel's experiments established :- Three basic genetic principles
1.Some alleles are dominant , others recessive .
2-During gamete formation , different alleles segregate from each
3- Different genes assort independently
Mendel's experiments established that genes can exist in alternate
forms , Mendel identified two alleles : one dominance , the other
recessive .
The interaction between alleles in the same locus ( of the same
gene ) present the following gene functions of dominant and
recessive :
1- Complete dominance . An allele is dominant if it has the same
phenotypic effect in heterozygote as in homozygote , that the genotype
Aa and AA are the same phenotype .
2-Incomplete dominance ( partial dominance ): When a heterozygote has a
phenotype different from that of either of its associated homozygote .
Flower colors in the snapdragon are white and red varieties are homozygous
for different alleles of a color gene , when crossed ,they produced heterozygote
that have Pink flowers, the allele for red color ( W ) is therefore said to be
incompletely dominant over the allele for white color ( w ) .
3-Codominant . In this case there is an independence of allele function , neither
allele is dominant or even partial dominant over the other
Or both alleles are expressed
Example. Black cow x white cow = spotted cow
Blood group AB
A, B =dominant
O = recessive
AB = codominant (since each is expressed equally in the heterozygous )
2.4. Multiple Alleles
Sometimes there are more than two alleles for a given chromosome locus in
which case a trait is controlled by multiple alleles .
But, each individual has only two of all the available alleles at one time
2.5. Gene Interactions and Modified Mendelian ratio
Gene interaction
Some of the first evidences that a trait can be influenced by more than one gene
was obtained by Bateson and Punnett from breeding experiments with chickens
Domestic breeds of chickens have :
When White Leghorn II CC crossed with colored ii cc the results
would be :
Parent ( P ) II CC × ii cc
gametes I C, i c
F1 ( intercrossed) Ii Cc × Ii Cc
gametes I C , I c ,i C,i c
F2 9/16 ( I- C- ), 3/16 ( ii C- ) ,3/16(I- cc) ,1/16( ii cc)
The phenotypic ratio would be : 13 white : 3 colored
2.6. Pleiotropy
Not only is it true that a phenotype can be influenced by many genes
, but also true that a gene can influence many phenotypes , it is said
For example ; from the study of mutations affecting the formation
of bristles in Drosophila, wild type flies have long ,smooth curved
bristles on the head and thorax .
This gene also needed for the production of healthy , fertile eggs.
Thus , this gene pleiotropically controls the formation of both
bristles and eggs in females and formation of bristles in males
2.7. Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data
Chi-Square Test
Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to compare
observed data with data we would expect to obtain according
to a specific hypothesis.
The chi-square test will be used to test for the "goodness to fit"
between observed and expected data
The chi-square test is always testing what scientists call
the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant
difference between the expected and observed result.
The formula for calculating chi-square
X 2 = (o-e)2/e
For example, suppose that a cross between two pea plants yields a
population of 880 plants, 639 with green seeds and 241 with yellow
seeds. You are asked to propose the genotypes of the parents.
Your hypothesis is that the allele for green is dominant to the allele
for yellow and that the parent plants were both heterozygous for
this trait. If your hypothesis is true, then the predicted ratio of
offspring from this cross would be 3:1 (based on Mendel's laws) as
predicted from the results of the Punnett square
Test the hypothesis and calculate the chi-square
Step-by-Step Procedure for Testing Your Hypothesis and
Calculating Chi-Square
1. State the hypothesis being tested and the predicted results. Gather
the data by conducting the proper experiment (or, if working
genetics problems, use the data provided in the problem).
2. Determine the expected numbers for each observational class.
Remember to use numbers, not percentages.
3. Calculate X 2 using the formula. Complete all calculations to three
significant digits. Round off your answer to two significant digits.
4. Use the chi-square distribution table to determine significance of the
Determine degrees of freedom and locate the value in the
appropriate column.
Locate the value closest to your calculated X 2 on that degrees of
freedom df row.
Move up the column to determine the p value.
Chi-Square Distribution Table
of Probability (p)
0.95 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.001
1 0.004 0.02 0.06 0.15 0.46 1.07 1.64 2.71 3.84 6.64 10.83
2 0.10 0.21 0.45 0.71 1.39 2.41 3.22 4.60 5.99 9.21 13.82
3 0.35 0.58 1.01 1.42 2.37 3.66 4.64 6.25 7.82 11.34 16.27
4 0.71 1.06 1.65 2.20 3.36 4.88 5.99 7.78 9.49 13.28 18.47
5 1.14 1.61 2.34 3.00 4.35 6.06 7.29 9.24 11.07 15.09 20.52
6 1.63 2.20 3.07 3.83 5.35 7.23 8.56 10.64 12.59 16.81 22.46
7 2.17 2.83 3.82 4.67 6.35 8.38 9.80 12.02 14.07 18.48 24.32
8 2.73 3.49 4.59 5.53 7.34 9.52 11.03 13.36 15.51 20.09 26.12
9 3.32 4.17 5.38 6.39 8.34 10.66 12.24 14.68 16.92 21.67 27.88
10 3.94 4.86 6.18 7.27 9.34 11.78 13.44 15.99 18.31 23.21 29.59
How to interpret the X2 value:
1. Hypothesis = there is no significant difference b/n observed and
expected data.
2. Expected numbers = (880) x(3/4) = 660 green
880-660 = 220 yellow
3. Chi-square
X2 = (o-e)2/e = [(639-660)2/660 ] + [(241-220)2/220]
[(-21) 2/660] + [(21) 2/220]
[441/660] + [441/220]
0.666 + 2
4. Chi-square distribution table
2.9. Lethal Alleles
Lethal allele: an allele that produces a phenotypic effect that caus
es the death of the organism at any stage of life
The allele may be dominant, incompletely dominant, or recessive
Alleles that cause an organism to die are called lethal alleles,
where the gene involved is an essential gene
When Mendel's Laws were rediscovered, geneticists believed
that mutations would only alter the appearance of a living
However, it was discovered that a mutant allele could cause
death. 40
If the mutation is caused by a recessive allele, the homozygote recessive for the
Lethal alleles can be dominant or recessive and can be sex linked or autosomal.
If it is a recessive allele, then only the homozygous recessive individuals will die.
How to distinguish between recessive lethal alleles and dominant lethal alleles?
Dominant lethal alleles- are rarely considered in genetics
Dominant lethal alleles- can only occur due to spontaneous mutation and will kill
the offspring
Recessive lethal alleles- are more interesting, the offspring can survive with one
copy of the gene (heterozygote)
A lethal allele is just an allele that causes the offspring to be inviable
Some genes are lethal when both alleles are present
Lethality can occur before or after birth
For example: sickle cell anaemia
CH 3. Chromosomal Basis Of Inheritance, Sex
Determination And Sex Linkage
3.1. Chromosomes-features, morphology & nomenclature
A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein that is found in
nucleus of the cell.
The DNA strand is wrapped around a core of histone proteins to form a fiber
Chromosome is an inheritance particle found in the nucleus
Chromosomes are the vectors of heredity.
It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements
and other nucleotide sequences.
Chromosomes vary widely between different organisms.
It was soon found that the number of chromosomes in all of the somatic cells of
an organism was constant. 43
Human cells always had 46 chromosomes, sunflower cells always had 34 and
cells of cats always had 38.
Some organisms have very large numbers of small chromosomes while others
have very few larger chromosomes
Chromosomes exist in pairs, one of which was donated by the mother (egg cell)
and the other donated by the father (sperm cell).
During most of the life cycle of a cell distinct chromosomes are not visible.
Cells that have a single copy of each chromosome (i.e. gametes) are said to be
haploid and have the chromosome number of n.
The two principles of Theodor Boveri were the continuity of chromosomes and the
individuality of chromosomes (each chromosome carries a different genetic load)
The DNA molecule may be circular or linear
Eukaryotic cells (cells with nuclei) have large linear chromosomes and
prokaryotic cells (cells without defined nuclei) have smaller circular
Bacteria (prokaryotic cells) usually have a single circular chromosome.
Bacterial DNA is not packaged by histones
Cells may contain more than one type of chromosome; for example, mitochondria
in most eukaryotes and chloroplasts in plants have their own small chromosomes.
In eukaryotes, nuclear chromosomes are packaged by proteins into a condensed
structure called chromatin. This allows the very long DNA molecules to fit into
the cell nucleus.
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts. These organelles contain their own DNA
The DNA in these organelles is similar to that of bacteria, circular and not
packaged by histones.
The genes found in organelles are called cytoplasmic genes and they can have a
very important effect on inheritance.
In plants, cytoplasmic male sterility, which is caused by disruptions in the
mitochondrial genome, is a important tool for plant breeding. 50
Prokaryote species generally have one copy of each major chromosome, but most
cells can easily survive with multiple copies
The structure of chromosomes and chromatin varies through the cell cycle.
Chromosomes are the essential unit for cellular division and must be replicated,
divided, and passed successfully to their daughter cells so as to ensure the genetic
diversity and survival of their progeny.
Chromatin:-is the combination of DNA, histone, and other proteins that make up
It is divided between heterochromatin (condensed) and euchromatin (extended)
The functions of chromatin are to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the
cell, to strengthen the DNA to allow mitosis and meiosis, and to control gene
expression and DNA replication.
Cell division
Cell division- the division of chromosomes and cytoplasm of a cell into two cells
in known as cell division.
The cell that undergoes division is termed as parent cell, while the cell derived
from the division of a parent cell are known daughter cells
There are mainly two types of cell divisions:
Cytokinesis refers to the division of cytoplasm of a cell into two halves to produce
two daughter cells each of which ordinary contains a single daughter nucleus.
All living things are composed of cells.
Mitosis begins with prophase.
Significance of mitosis
Genetic stability Mitosis produces two nuclei, which have the same number of
chromosome as the parent cell.
Daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell and no variation in
genetic information can therefore be introduced during mitosis.
Growth- the number of cells within an organism increases by mitosis and this is
the basis on growth in multicellular organisms.
Significance of mitosis
Genetic stability Mitosis produces two nuclei, which have the same number
of chromosome as the parent cell.
Daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell and no variation in
genetic information can therefore be introduced during mitosis.
Growth- the number of cells within an organism increases by mitosis and this
is the basis on growth in multicellular organisms.
Cell replacement- Replacement of cells and tissues also involves
mitosis. Cells are constantly drying and being replaced, an obvious
example being in the skin.
Regeneration- some animals are able to regenerate whole parts of the
body, such as legs in crustacea and arms in starfish. Production of
the new cells involves mitosis.
Asexual reproduction- Mitosis is the basis of asexual reproduction,
the production of new individuals of a species by one parent
organism. Many species undergo asexual reproduction.
3.4. Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
The theory that chromosomes are linear sequences of genes. The unifying theory
stating that inheritance patterns may be generally explained by assuming that
genes are located in specific sites on chromosomes.
What is the chromosome theory of inheritance?
Answer = it is a basic principle in biology stating that genes are located on
chromosomes and that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis accounts for
inheritance patterns. it is also the only good theory
What if a person have more chromosome or less chromosome?
Having additional or missing chromosomes can have a variety of effects, ranging
from mild to fatal. For example, females missing an X...
Are all Chromosomes found in the nucleus of cells or do certain organisms have chro
mosomes stored elsewhere?
4. Methaphase
Spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the middle of the cell nucleus.
This organization helps to ensure that in the next phase, when the chromosomes
are separated, each new nucleus will receive one copy of each chromosome.
5. Anaphase
The paired chromosomes separate at the kinetochores and move to opposite sides
of the cell.
6. Telophase
The chromosomes disperse and are no longer visible under the light
3.3. Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
The process of cell division in diploid organisms through which germ cells
(gametes) are created.
Meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half by separating the homologous
chromosomes in a germ cell.
The mechanism of nuclear divisions that results in the production of gametes with
one half of the original chromosome compliment of the mother cell is called
Significance of meiosis
1/Sexual reproduction- Meiosis occurs in all organisms carrying out sexual
2/Genetic variation- Meiosis also provides opportunities for new combinations of
genes to occur in the gametes. This leads to genetic variation in the offspring
produced by fusion of the gametes.
During interphase prior to meiosis, the chromosomes replicate, but during
prophase I, each chromosome finds its matching homologue and binds tightly to it
in a process called synapsis
The paired chromosomes align themselves at the equator of the cell during
metaphase I and the spindle fibers attach to the centromeres.
During anaphase I, the homologous chromosome pairs are separated from each
Telophase I results in the formation of two daughter cells that each have one
member of the original chromosome pairs that were present in the mother cell.
The second meiotic division is very similar to mitosis except that the
chromosomes do not replicate.
The chromosomes condense during prophase II
The spindle fibres align them at the center line of the cell during metaphase II. 65
During anaphase II the centromeres that hold the sister chromatids together
separate and the chromatids are drawn apart.
After telophase II, four daughter cells have been produced that each contains a
single (haploid) set of chromosomes. These cells are the gametes.
3.5. Sex Determination and Sex Linkage
3.5.1.Sex Inheritance
One pair of the chromosomes called sex-chromosome which responsible for sex
determination and sexual traits , the other pairs of chromosomes called autosomal
chromosomes .
In some animal species – for example, grasshoppers females have one more
chromosome than males , this extra chromosome originally observed in other
insects is called X chromosome or we called sex -chromosome
3.5.2. Sex-determination
1. Males heterogametic
A- The XX – XO system
The dominant of the Y chromosome is manifested early in the development, when
it directs the primordial gonads to develop in to test, once the testes have formed
they secrete testosterone , a hormone that stimulates the development of male
secondary sex characters
2- Males homogametic system
A- The ZZ – ZW system
In bird , butterflies and some reptile , this situation is reversed , Males are
homogametic ( usually denoted ZZ ) and females are heterogametic (ZW)
B- The ZZ – ZO system
In chickens there is no evidence about the presence of W chromosome , so we
denoted to the females ZO and the males ZZ
3- Haploid – Diploid system
In honey bees, sex is determined by whether the animal is haploid or diploid
Diploid embryos, which develop from fertilized eggs ,become females , haploid
embryos , which develop from unfertilized eggs, become males .
Whether or not a given female will mature into a reproductive form ( queen )
depends on how she was nourished as a larva .
In this system , a queen can control the ratio of male to females by regulating the
proportion of unfertilized eggs that she lays .
3.5.2. Sex-linked inheritance, sex-limited and sex influenced traits
Sex –Linked Genes
Genes which located on X chromosome called sex –linked genes , and the traits
influenced with these genes called sex-linked traits
• In human beings , recessive x-linked traits are much more easily identified than
are recessive autosomal traits , a male needs only to inherit one recessive allele
to show an x-linked trait .
• However, a female needs to inherit two recessive allele ( one from each of her
parents ) to show an x-linked trait . Thus , the most appearance of x-linked traits
are in the males.
• example for x-linked trait is the color blindness in human beings , a heterozygous
female carrier has a chance for transmitting the mutant allele to her children .
Hemophilia , an X-linked disease
• In human beings , a certain type of hemophilia is one of the best known example
of an x-linked trait , people with this disease are unable to produce a factor
needed for blood clotting( the cut and wounds of hemophiliacs continue to bleed
and can cause death )
Nearly all the individuals affected with x-linked hemophilia are males .
The inheritance of sex-linked hemophilia disease
Sex influenced trait
• Some genes not located on the X chromosome or Y chromosome are expressed
differently in the two sexes, and therefore they referred to as sex-influenced traits
• An example for this traits is male pattern baldness is dominant in males but
recessive in females .
• A phenotypic characteristic or trait such as male pattern baldness that is
expressed differently in males and females, usually because its expression
depends on androgens or oestrogens, and
• That is controlled by a single gene that is dominant in males but recessive in
females, so that, for example, men who inherit the gene from either parent lose
hair as they age, whereas women do so only if they inherit it from both parents
and are thus homozygotes
Sex-limited genes
• Sex-limited genes are genes that are present in both sexes of
sexually reproducing species but are expressed in only one sex and remain
'turned off' in the other.
• In other words, sex-limited genes cause the two sexes to show different traits or
phenotypes, despite having the same genotype. This term is restricted to
autosomal traits
Eg beards in humans
3.5.3. Sexuality in plants
Sexuality of individual flowers
Bisexual or perfect flowers/. have both male (androecium) and female
(gynoecium) reproductive structures on the same flower
Chap 4. Linkage, Crossing-over And Chromosome Mapping
What is linkage?
Linkage is the failure of two genes to assort independently.
Linkage occurs when two genes are close to each other on the same chromosome
Genetic linkage is the tendency of genes that are located proximal to each other
on a chromosome to be inherited together during meiosis.
Genes whose loci are nearer to each other are less likely to be separated onto
different chromatids during chromosomal crossover.
Linkage is based on the frequency of crossing over between the two genes.
Chromosomal crossover (or crossing over) is the exchange of genetic material
between homologous chromosomes that results in recombinant chromosomes
Crossover usually occurs when matching regions on matching chromosomes
break and then reconnect to the other chromosome.
Crossing over occurs in prophase of meiosis 1, where homologous chromosomes
break at identical locations and rejoin with each other.
Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment (during gamete formation, segregation
of one gene pair is independent of other gene pairs) derived because the traits he
studied were determined by genes on different chromosomes.
First, consider two genes, each with two alleles A a and B b on separate
——•———— ——•————
——•——— ——•———
a b
Gametes (non-homologous chromosomes assort independently at anaphase):
a b
——•———— ——•———— Parental ab ¼
A b
——•———— ——•———— Recombinant Ab ¼
a B
——•———— ——•———— Recombinant aB 1/4
So, when genes are on different chromosomes, 50% of the gametes produced by
a doubly-heterozygous individual are recombinant, when compared to the
gametes produced by its parents. The other 50% are parental.
If two genes occur on the same chromosome, they may not assort independently
at anaphase of meiosis. These genes are said to be linked and demonstrate
linkage in genetic crosses. Linkage is present when fewer than 50% of the
gametes produced by a double heterozygote are recombinant.
Now consider a case where the two genes are on the same chromosome: (A and
B are linked)
a b
Gametes resulting from no crossover:
Gamete Expected Prob.
——•———————— Parental 1/4
——•———————— Parental ¼
a b
——•———————— Parental 1/4
a b
——•———————— Parental 1/4
Gametes resulting from crossover:
Gamete Expected Prob.
——•———————— Parental 1/4
a b
——•———————— Parental 1/4
A b
——•———————— Recombinant 1/4
a B
——•———————— Recombinant 1/4
If there were no crossing over, all the alleles on a single chromosome would
segregate together and would end up in the same gamete.
But, with crossing over, we get recombination of alleles on the same
Since crossover occurs in the 4-strand stage of meiosis, and involves only two of
the four chromatids, each crossover event results in 50% recombinant gametes,
and 50% parental gametes.
Genes with recombination frequencies less than 50% are present in the same
chromosome (linked).
Two genes that undergo independent assortment, indicated by a recombination
frequency of 50 percent, are either on non homologous chromosomes or are
located far apart in a single chromosome (crossing over occur)
Genetic map/linkage map
A genetic map/linkage map shows the position of its known genes or genetic
markers relative to each other in terms of recombination frequency, rather than a
specific physical distance along each chromosome.
Linkage mapping is important for identifying the location of genes that cause
genetic diseases.
A map unit is a unit that represents a recombination frequency of 1%, between
genes, and, is used as a measure of distance between genes
Unit of distance in linkage map is a map unit
- 1 map unit is equal to 1 percent recombination.
A map unit is also equivalent to 1 crossover event in every 50 meiotic divisions
The frequency with which crossing over occurs between any two linked genes is
proportional to the distance between the loci along the chromosome. 85
1. At very small distances, crossover is very rare, and most gametes are parental.
2. As the distance between two genes increases, crossover frequency increases. More
recombinant gametes, fewer parental gametes.
3. When genetic loci are very far apart on the same chromosome, crossing over
recombined alleles.
It is also important to discover more about other genes and to determine the