Thanjavur Development Proposal - Compilation

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Report on The proposals for Beautification of


Prepared by
Architectural Heritage Division
INTACH Thanjavur

The Municipality, Thanjavur.
Thanjavur Beautification works: Introduction

The municipality has identified strategic spaces for beautification and

maintenance in the city. The report briefs about the proposals for each identified area.

After a thorough study of the entire city keeping in mind the historical and
cultural importance of the town, few issues are identified and addressed according
present needs.

Hard and soft Landscaping are introduced with a new concepts in the islands
and medians of the town to avoid misuse of the place and create a uniqueness.

Designs of street furniture such as railings, landscape, signage, placards etc.,

in the city are paid special attention for long run maintenance and public convenience.
Specific places are allotted for advertisements to avoid visual clutter.

Toilets with special design considerations are planned at crucial places of the
town to provide a hygienic and pleasant atmosphere.
Items of works proposed for the town development :
1.Traffic islands and medians Bus shelters
1. CRC depot traffic island New Bus Stand- Thanjavur
2. Kondirajapalayam circle
3. Court road junction Road development works
4. Santhapillai Gate circle
5. Maries corner Road widening
6. Ramanathan Hospital circle
7. Tholkapiar Sadhukam junction Parking provisions
Parks Pedestrian Parks, senior citizen
1. Rajappa Park parks, Jogging Trails
2. Arulananda Nagar park
Garbage Collection, Supply and
2. Toilet blocks proposed at Disposal
1. Market area Street Signage
2. Court road
3. Railway station Palace Complex Upgradation
4. Maries corner
5. Ramanathan Hospital
6. Thiruvaiyaru Bus stand
CRC depot traffic island

Kondirajapalayam circle
Outer Ring road

Rajappa Park

Court road junction

Tholkapiar Sadhukam junction

Maries corner
Santhapillai Gate circle

Ramanathan Hospital circle

Arulananda Nagar park


The railing around the traffic islands are provided with the traditional type of column
design to preserve the unique architecture of Thanjavur culture. The uniformity will
create an overall impact on both the permanent or floating population of the town.

The landscaping have been highlighted with internal lightings without causing glare at
the public. Water fountains are given new life.

Unauthorized things are removed and signs and signals have relocated to suitable
places. The electric junction boxes are concealed to avoid visual clutter.
CRC Depot:
CRC Depot

- Dumping of waste material from nearby shops.
- Parking of vehicles.
- Pollution – dust and huge quantity of suspended particles in the vicinity.

Things to be done:
- Railing should be low enough to not to obstruct the view of the oncoming vehicles.
- Selection of trees or bushes to absorb the pollution caused by the vehicle.
- The light pole must be integrated with the island to prevent the parking of vehicles on
the sides.
- Presently light pole creates an offset which allows the parking.
CRC Depot

Earth coverage along with

edge plants all around.

Plan showing the proposal for the junction at CRC depot


- Dumping of waste material from nearby
- Erection of Unauthorised hoardings
-No landscape

Things to be done:
- Landscaping
Court road Circle:
Unauthorised hoardings and traffic police kiosk offer visual
clutter to the place.
Improper landscaping or no landscaping at all
Colouring of railings
Too many signal lights in the same place
Court road

Earth coverage along with

edge plants all around.

Plan showing the proposal for the junction at court road circle
Sandhapillai Gate:

Improper or no landscaping at all
Sandhapillai gate

Ground cover enclosed with


Plan showing the proposal for the junction at Sandhapillai gate

Maries Corner:

Unauthorised structure such as flag post must be removed
Improper or no landscaping at all
Unpleasant view of Electrical junction boxes of lamp post
Maries Corner

Ground cover enclosed by


Ground cover enclosed by


Plan showing the proposal for the junction at Maries corner

Ramanathan circle:
Off centered Location of fountain inside the roundabout.
Improper or no landscaping at all.
Unauthorised vehicular parking in between the roundabouts.
Unpleasant view of Electrical junction boxes of lamp post.
Poorly designed signage and improper locations.
Ramanathan circle

Displacement of the fountain

Ground cover with railings

Plan showing the proposal for the junction at Ramanathan circle

Thozhkapiyar Sadhukam
Absence of railings
Defunct fountain
Improper or no landscaping at all
Options for the railing design at the junctions and circles
Options for the railing design at the junctions and circles
Options for the railing design at the junctions and circles
Options for the railing design at the junctions and circles
Options for the railing design at the junctions and circles
Rajappa Park:
Rajappa Park

Dumping of waste and construction materials by municipality.
Foul smell emanating from the broken sewage line.
Hard and soft landscape inside the park is not properly defined.
Unpleasant views of nearby structure must be averted.
Electrification of park is in disarray.
Absence of Dustbins.
Defunct fountain.
Unauthorised parking by nearby building users.

Things to be done:
Laying of sewage pipe.
Pathways, specifically designed street furniture must be provided inside the
Fencing over the compound wall to avoid encroachments and misuse.
Provision of Dustbins.
Regulation of parking.
Painting of pedestal holding statute.
Rajappa Park

1. Provision of parking facility for visitors – 2 wheeler next to the wall dividing the
park area and the office

2.Removal of low railing wall next to the offices

Hedges could be planted to divide the office area and the park

2.Removal of low railing all over the park

Rajappa Park
Removal of randomly planted plants

Removal of defunct fountain and motor pump

Rajappa Park

Planting of columnar trees to shield the hospital view

beside the compound wall

Removal of stage

Removal of existing lighting fixtures and provision of

bollard lighting along the walk way
Rajappa Park

Laying of tiles over the walkway next to the office area

Removal of name boards over the tower

Lighting to enhance the visual quality of the tower

Removal of hedge plants near the tower and provision of circular chained
bollard around the tower
Rajappa Park


Earth coverage

Edge plants

Plan showing the proposal for Rajappa park

Arulanandha nagar:
Plan showing the junction at Arulanandha nagar
The park would serve as walkers / skaters path

Conceptual sketch showing the landscaping proposal


Conceptual sketch showing the landscaping proposal

The park would serve as walkers path

Conceptual sketch showing the landscaping proposal

Design concept - 5 elements of nature

Conceptual sketch showing the design proposal

Conceptual sketch showing the hard landscaping proposal
Pathways and landscape elements

Conceptual sketch – design of a children’s park

Conceptual sketch showing the landscaping proposal

Design proposal - a chess board

Conceptual sketch – design of a children’s park

TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

A toilet block should be constructed with

sustainability in mind.

•Sustainable Clean and Hygienic Environment

•Sustainable Maintainability
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.
The toilets are taken special care to create an clean and hygienic environment.

Offset entrance with maze to

prevent visibility

Sensors are provided for automatic flushing

in the urinals. It also saves water supply;
helps to keep the urinals clean and the users
in good hygiene.
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

Sufficient maneuvering space with run-off

floor have been provided to avoid dirtying
the place. Large tiles for easy
maintenance. Forced ventilation at
required areas to remove unwanted
odours, other than natural ventilation.

Wash, Bath and Toilets are suitably

arranged for efficient circulation and

Anti-drip gully (stainless steel grating over

drainage) for preventing the spilling of urinals, to
keep the place dry.
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

Large size tile have lesser joints

Damaged or small tiles are and easier to maintain.
difficult to maintain and upkeep

Use of warm color

for general lighting
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

Non – slip ceramic tiles and selected durable

materials materials in floors and walls for sustained
maintenance and prevention of misuse.

All the fixtures should be concealed to deter vandalism.

Big urinal + Concealed sensor flushing

system and piping.

Exposed piping, cistern and other things are

prone to vandalism.
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

Air extractors at certain places

to get outdoor air

Waste bins and sanity bins are to be

provided in male and female toilets.
TOILET BLOCKS – prevention is better than cure.

All wash basins should be installed

into vanity tops, and located
beneath the vanity

Promote toilet

Vanity top with back splash and apron edge.

Campaigning signs are placed to
educate people about importance of
Bus Shelters

Bus shelters are

provided at the
important places of the
city considering the
convenience of the

The Bus shelters are prepared with

M.S.Pipes and Galvalum Sheet Roof with
Terracotta flooring and Lighting
Beautification of New Bus Stand at Thanjavur

The major issues identified can be classified under four categories:

- Environmental issues

- Design issues

- Legal issues

- Maintenance issues

Environmental issues

Dumping of waste

Dumping of solid waste in the open drains, causes stagnation.

Environmental issues

Liquid waste drained along the road

This affects the visual setting
of the bus stand, causes foul
odour, and acts as breeding
areas for mosquitoes.

Environmental issues

Under ground drainage, due to improper laying and maintenance,

overflows at certain inspection chambers causes
an unhygienic environment..

The overflowing waste water from the under ground drains, spread around the
drinking water point.

Environmental issues

Improper design at the under ground drains and storm water open
drain cross over.

The tin structure which does not suit the context

has to be removed.

Design issues

Positioning of the electrical points, should be above the

ground level.

Under ground cables, that are exposed

are to be concealed properly.

Design issues

No proper railing to orient the pedestrians

Design issues

The drain bed is not designed for

efficient water run off, which leads to

Design issues

Obstacles along the pathway, like water points, litter bins


Legal issues

The neighbouring property (wine shop) that is being accessed through the bus stand is to be

Legal issues

The sewage lines from the neighbouring property, have been laid over
the municipal boundary violating the setback regulations and
encroaching the government area.

Southern wall

The waste water from the neighbouring property is being

drained into the bus stand which is to be stopped.

Maintenance issues

The garbage bins provided are not being utilized.

Rather the waste is being dumped in the open

The urinals are not in use, due to poor maintenance.

Maintenance issues

The water resources are not being managed properly.





Detail of handrail Detail of bollard

Conceptual elevation showing the pathway


Plan showing the proposal for New bus stand


Water fountain

Edge plant

Lawn bed

Leveled ground
Drinking water spout

a magnified view of a portion of the pavement - details


Construction details


Toilet block proposal



The Great Living CHOLA Temples
The Brihadisvara Temple Complex -Thanjavur
985 AD – 1014 AD

Location plan of Sivaganga little Fort Showing the Brihadisvara

temple Complex Within showing core and buffer zones
Plan of Palace Complex

Landscaping Proposal


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