Presentation Psychosomatic Disorder

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 Cause
Diagnosis and Assessment
The terms psychosomatic is derived from Greek word “Psyche” means mind
and “soma” means body. The terms literally refers how the mind affect the body.
This is a severe clinical problem . Psychologist and clinical psychologist
concern and try to solve this severe problem . It is also known as psycho-
physiological disorder.
o Psychosomatic term was first coined by Heinerth (1818) . It was introduced
with the study of effect of emotion on the various body organs.
o Freud (1949) also believed that the pent to psychic energy does find its
expression in physiological dysfunction .
o According to Reber -Psychosomatic disorder is used for any disorders with
somatic (bodily) manifestation that are used to have at least a partial cognitive
and emotional etiology ,i.e. they are some degree psychological.
So .…. Psychosomatic disorder, condition in which psychological stresses adversely
affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the point of distress. It is a condition of
dysfunction or structural damage in bodily organs through inappropriate activation of
the involuntary nervous system and the glands of internal secretion.
Psychosomatic disorders can be classified in three general forms :
1. The first form includes those who experience both a mantal illness and
a medical one; these illness complicate the symptoms and
management of each other.
2. The second form includes those who experience a psychiatric issue
that have a direct result of a medical illness or its treatment ; having
depression due to cancer and its treatment for example.
3. The third form of psychosomatic illness is ‘somatoform’ disorders.
Somatoform disorders are psychiatric one that are displayed through
physical issues.
Somatoform disorder

Somatoform disorders are mental illness characterize by the

press of physical symptoms with no medical explanations.
The symptoms are sever enough to interfere with the
patients ability to function in social or occupational activities.
Types of Somatoform
Somatization Body Dysmorphic
Conversion disorder
disorder disorder

Hypochondriasis Pain disorder

Somatization disorders-: Multiple somatic symptoms an absence of any
physical disorder. The symptom are recurrent and chronic (at least 2 year
duration is needed for diagnosis). It begins before age 30.
Conversion disorder-: (Mimic) An expression of psychological conflict or
need that Involves an alteration or loss of physical functioning or suggests a
bodily cause in the absence of a medical reason. Because of trauma or
stress .i.e. paralysis.
Body dysmorphic disorder-: Body dysmorphic disorder cause severe
anxiety and might impact a person’s ability to function as usual in their life.
Hypochondriasis(dramatic) -:Preoccupation with having or contracting
disease in the absence of medical reason. Illness anxiety disorder
Pain disorder -: preoccupation with pain in absence of any aceturate
physical basis for it.
Some Important Psychosomatic Disorders
In the APA(American Psychological Association ) there are 10 types of psychosomatic disorders ,they
are as follow:
1. Gastrointestinal disorder-: Peptic ulcer ,Anorexia nervosa , Chronic Gastritis ,Colitis, Irritable Bowel
2. Cardiovascular disorder-:Migraine ,Heart disease ,High blood pressure
3. Respiratory disorder-:Bronchial Asthma ,Tuber Colossi
4. Skin disorder-: Neurodermatitis , Allergic eczema
5. Endocrine disorder-: Hyper thyroids ,Obesity and other endocrine disorder, Emotional factor play a
crucial role
6. Genitourinary disorder-: Urinary disorder, Menstrual disorder, Sexual disorder
7. Musculoskeletal disorder-: Backache, Muscle cramps ,Tension, Headaches, and some cases of
arthritis disorder-: Disturbance of blood and tympanica system
8. Nervous system disorder
9. Disorder of special seance organ.
Psychosomatic disorders can cause a wide range of physical
symptoms. Some of the most common include headache,
stomachache, backache and fatigue.
A person with a psychosomatic illness may also experience:
 Dizziness
 Increased or decreased appetite
 Disturbed sleep
 Nausea
 Muscle pains
 Anger or irritability
 Constipation
 High blood pressure
• In addition to the somatic symptom itself (for example, pain or upset stomach),
people with psychosomatic disorder often:
• Become angry or irritable because they believe their medical needs aren’t being
• Get depressed or anxious.
• Visit healthcare providers frequently, often jumping from one physician to another.
• Experience difficulties functioning at work, school or socially.

Scientists aren’t andSome
sure. Physicalbelieve
Health that stress releases hormones and chemicals
in the body that cause damage or dysfunction.
Some causes are follow:
Psychological Factors-:

Psychological distress, trauma, and unresolved conflicts are common causes of

psychosomatic disorders.

• Stress and Physical Health

Chronic stress can lead to physical symptoms and contribute to the
development of psychosomatic disorders.
Factors Contributing to
Psychosomatic Disorders
• Behavioral Patterns-:
Unhealthy coping mechanisms and behavioral patterns can contribute to the
development of psychosomatic disorders.
• Personality Traits-:
Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism or pessimism, may make
individuals more susceptible to psychosomatic disorders.
Effects on Physical Health
• Chronic Pain and Fatigue
Psychosomatic disorders can lead to persistent pain, fatigue, and other
physical health challenges.

• Impaired Immune Function

• The mind-body connection in psychosomatic disorders may impact immune
function and susceptibility to illnesses.
Psychological Impact
• Cognitive Impairment -: The psychological impact of psychosomatic
disorders may lead to cognitive impairment and decreased mental clarity.

• Anxiety and Depression-:Psychosomatic disorders often coexist with

anxiety, depression, and other psychological symptoms.
Diagnosis and Assessment
• A healthcare provider can begin to diagnose psychosomatic disorder based on:
• History of visits to healthcare providers.
• Physical exam.
• Series of negative results on tests.
• To be diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder, a person must have:
• One or more symptoms that are distressing or disruptive to daily life.
• A history of those symptoms for at least six months.
• Persistent thoughts, worries or anxiety about the symptoms.
• Dsm -5
• A healthcare provider might order some tests to rule out other medical conditions, such as blood
tests or imaging. But when healthcare providers believe that symptoms are psychosomatic, they
usually don’t order any tests. Instead, they try to protect their patients from the stress and
expense of unnecessary tests and procedures.

Somatic symptom disorder is common, occurring in about 5% to 7% of the

general population. For reasons that are not understood, women have somatic
pain about 10 times more often than men.
 Psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-
based approaches, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of somatic
disorders. And you will need to see a mental health professional for treatment.
 If you observe symptoms where the underlying cause of physical disorders is
emotional or psychological, your doctor will likely recommend psychotherapy as
part of your treatment plan. Your Psychologist/Therapist may also suggest that you
try meditation or yoga as a way to reduce stress levels. He/she can help you identify
the exact source of your stress. Plus, they can devise & suggest ways to manage
your underlying feelings so that they don’t aggravate your symptoms.
 It’s important to note that successful treatment of a somatic disorder with
psychotherapy alone is rare—and can be tough because the symptoms are so real
and persistent. In addition, many people with these illnesses also need medication in
• There are many types of psychosomatic disorders. While challenging to cope
with and treat, psychosomatic disorder can be prevented or managed to a
certain extent. Here are some ways to prevent with psychosomatic disorders.
o Self-care. It is important for maintaining good health and reducing symptoms
of psychosomatic illnesses. Important aspects of self-care include:
• Eating a nutritious diet
• Practice positive self-talk
• Staying hydrated
• Indulge in a skincare routine
• Exercising regularly
• Getting enough sleep at night and during the day (a nap is okay)
• Meditating regularly
• Talking to friends and family members about what’s going on in your life that may be causing stress (not
hiding things from them)
• Journaling about how you’re feeling emotionally/mentally so that you don’t bottle it up inside yourself,
which could make things worse for you later on down the line (this might also mean writing down
positive affirmations)
• Doing things that make you happy, like watching movies or listening to music
• Psychosomatic pain can often be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy.
Sometimes, group therapy and prescribed medication may also be part of
your treatment plan. Meanwhile, alternative options like yoga, meditation,
and hypnosis may also be helpful.
• Many people learn to control and lessen somatic pain symptoms over time.
However, even with treatment, psychosomatic symptoms may got
throughout life.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
By-Sheelu Gupta

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