General Anaesthesia 1
General Anaesthesia 1
General Anaesthesia 1
A controlled state of unconsciousness in which there is a loss of protective reflexes, including the ability to maintain an airway independently and to respond appropriately to physical stimulation. or verbal command.
History of Anaesthesia
Joseph Priestly discovered N2O in 1773 Sir Humphrey Davy experimented with N2O, reported loss of pain, euphoria Horace Wells in 1844 demonstrated N2O for tooth extraction
William Morton, dentist first demonstration of successful surgical anesthesia with ether in 1846 Dr. John Snow administered chloroform to Queen Victoria (1853) popularized anesthesia for childbirth in UK
Goals of Anaesthesia
Hypnosis (unconsciousness) Amnesia Analgesia Immobility/decreased muscle tone
(relaxation of skeletal muscle)
Preanaesthetic evaluation
The main purpose of preoperative visit is to assess the patients fitness for anaesthesia. This visit allows the most suitable anaesthetic technique to be determined, any potential interaction between concurrent diseases, drugs and anaesthesia to be anticipated and also provides reassurance to the patient.
Anaesthetic History
Previous anaesthesia and major surgeries Past and present medical history - CVS, RS - Pregnancy Drug and allergies Personal history - Habits Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
Physical Examination
Cardiovascular System - Cardiac arrhythmias - Blood pressure - Peripheral veins Respiratory System - Asthma - COPD`s
Nervous system - motor or sensory impairment Musculoskeletal system - TMJ - Cervical spondilitis
Airway - assessment is made in 3 stages 1. Observation of patients anatomy 2. Bedside tests 3. X- rays
1. Observation of patients anatomy - Trismus - Retrognathia - Position, no. and health of teeth - Size of tongue - Deviated larynx or trachea - Midline or lateral swelling of neck
2. Bedside tests
a. Mallampati`s criteria
- view of pharyngeal structures is noted and graded as I-IV
b. Thyromeatal distance
- distance between bony point of the chin and the prominence of thyroid cartilage
- a distance less than 7cm suggests difficult intubation
Preanaesthetic medication
It refers to the drugs administered to facilitate the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. The 6 A`s premedication 1.Anxiolysis 2.Amnesia 3.Anti-emetic 4.Antacid 5.Anti-autonomic 6.Analgesic
1. Relief of anxiety and apprehension preoperatively and to facilitate smooth induction. 2. Amnesia for pre and post operative events. 3. Supplement analgesic action of anaesthetics and potentiate them so that less anaesthetic is needed.
3. Decrease secretions and vagal stimulation caused by anaesthetics. 4. Antiemetic effect extending to the postoperative period.
5. Decreases acidity and volume of gastric acid so that it is less damage if aspirated.
Atropine is the prototype drug of anticholinergic class and is highly selective for muscarinic receptors.
6.Peptic ulcer
7.Parkinson`s disease
8.To produce mydriasis and cycloplegia
4.Allergic dermatitis
PRECAUTIONS:-1.In elderly it precipitates glaucoma and urinary retention(if enlarged prostate). 2.In chronic lung diseases it dries up secretions. DOSE :-ATROPINE SULPHATE 0.6mg/ml inj. i.m.,i.v.
RANITIDINE It is introduced as a non-imidazole H2 blocker. ACTION:-1. Abolishes histamine stimulated gastric acid secretion and flushing.
1.Preaneasthetic medication.
2.Peptic ulcer. 3.Esophagitis.
4.Stress ulcer
DOSE :-300mg/day or 150mg BD 50mg i.m. or slow i.v.every 6 to 8 hrs. TRADE NAME :- ULTEC,ZENTAC,RANITINE,ACILOC.
ONDANSETRON It is the prototype of a new class of anti emetic drugs developed to control cancer chemotherapy/radiotherapy induced vomitting and later found to be highly effective in postoperative nausea and vomiting as well. USES:1.Preaneasthetic medication.
Inducing agents
Thiopentone sodium Propofol
Inducing agents
These are drugs which on i.v. injection produce loss of consciousness. They are generally used for induction because of rapidity of onset of action.
It is an oily liquid introduced recently as a 1% emulsion for i.v. induction & short duration anaesthesia.
ACTION :- Unconsciousness after propofol injection occurs in
2. Muscle Relaxant 3. Preanaesthetic Medication 4. Alcohol Withdrawal 5. Anxiety Neurosis 6. Petit-mal, Psychomotor and Status Epilepticus. SIDE EFFECTS:- 1. Drowsiness 2. Ataxia 3. Respiratory Depression
4. Hypotension
Water Soluble
Non Irritating Faster and Shorter Acting 3 Times more potent than Diazepam
KETAMINE It induces a so called Dissociative Anaesthesia- profound analgesia, immobility, amnesia with light sleep and feeling of dissociation from ones own body and the surroundings.
SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS Skeletal muscle relaxants are drugs that act peripherally at the neuro muscular junction/muscle fibre itself or centrally in the cerebrospinal axis to reduce muscle tone and/or cause paralysis.
Peripherally acting
muscle relaxants *Non Depolarizing blockers Pancuronium d-Tubocurarine *Depolarizing blockers Succinylcholine
Centrally acting
muscle relaxants *Mephenesin group Chlorzoxazone *Benzodiazepines Diazepam and others *GABA Derivative Baclofen
Centrally acting
1.Decrease muscle tone without reducing voluntary action.
Peripherally acting
1.Cause muscle paralysis, Voluntary movements lost.
2.Block neuromuscular
transmission. 3.No effect on CNS. 4.Practically always given i.v.
MECHAISM OF ACTION NON-DEPOLARIZING BLOCKERS(COMPETITIVE)They combine with the receptors on the motor end-plate and thus block the action of acetylcholine by competitive blockade.
DEPOLARIZING BLOCKERS(NON-COMPETITIVE)Depolarize muscle end-plates by opening Na-channels & thus act as partial agonist of acetylcholine.
SUCCINYLCHOLINE Commonly used muscle relaxant for passing tracheal tube. Induces rapid, complete and predictable paralysis with spontaneous recovery in 5min.
PANCURONIUM Synthetic steroidal compound. Provides good cardiovascular stability. Seldom induces flushing, bronchospasm or cardiac arrhythmias. Relatively inexpensive.
ATRACURIUM 4 times less potent than pancuronium & shorter acting. Inactivation in plasma by spontaneous non-enzymatic degradation (HOFFMANN ELIMINATION). DOSE
It is non-opioid analgesic , anti-pyeretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. ACTION USES
:- It inhibits synthesis and has short lasting antiplatelet action. :-1. Post-traumatic and postoperative inflammatory conditions-affords quick relief of
:- 50 mg TDS
75 mg deep i.m.
PENTAZOCINE It is the first opioid agonist antagonist to be used as an analgesic. ACTION :- 1. Raises pain threshold & modifies emotional reaction to pain. 2.Inhibits transmission of impulses across the pain pathways in CNS.
SIDE EFFECTS :- 1. Respiratory depression. 2. Hallucinations and unpleasant dreams. 3. Pulmonary & systemic hypertension.