Uterine Prolapse
Uterine Prolapse
Uterine Prolapse
• Bear down : before full dilation of the cervix and when the
bladder is not empty. Heavy work just after delivery without any
rest or pelvic floor exercises
• Delivery of a big baby: also stretches the perineal muscles and
leads to patulous introitus and prolapse. Precipitate labour and
fundal pressure may be responsible for prolapse. Rapid
succession of pregnancies
• Loss of pelvic support which results in uterine prolapse
• Post partum cough
Other Causes
• Congenital weakness: congenital weakness of the uterus and vagina
is the most important causative factor of the utero-vaginal prolapse in
is nulliparous.
• Acquired defects: in multiparous women overstretching of the
• Menopausal atrophy: after menopause due to withdrawal of
oestrogen there is atrophy of the genital tract and its supports. In
women due to atrophy of ligaments supports of the uterus and vagina
prolapse develop
• Haematology
• Rectal examination
• Pelvic examination
• Vaginal examination
• X- ray
• Cystic swelling in the vagina
• Chronic inversion of the uterus
• Hypertrophy of the cervix
• All other causes of low backache and urinary symptoms
• Virginities: congestion of the vagina in case of severe
virginities may give the feeling of fullness of vagina.
3rd Stage
• Avoid Crede’s method
• Episiotomy or tears should be carefully sutured
• Treat chronic cough and constipation
• Avoid strenuous exercises and standing for prolonged time.
Ring pessary
Hodge pessary
• During pregnancy (1st trimester)
• During puerperium
• Unfit for surgical treatment
• Patient’s choice
• Choice of pessary ( ring pessaries commonly used)
• Size (depends upon size of vagina)
• Sterilization
• Insertion- before insertion the pessary is kept in hot water for few
minutes so that pessary become soft and easy to insert.
• Follow up
• Pessary should be removed, cleaned and reinserted at regular
intervals of 6-12 months
• Vaginal Hysterectomy- most common operation and its
indication are:
• Post-menopausal prolapse
• Uterine pathology like small fibroids or adenomyosis
• Menstrual disorders such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding
• Prolapse during childbearing age, after completion of family
• Burch Operation- for relief of symptoms of cystocele.
• Anterior Colporrhaphy- for anterior vaginal wall prolapse.
• Posterior Colporrhaphy- for repair of the posterior vaginal wall
and perineum.
• Manchester Repair( Fothergill’s Operation)- for repair of
uterovaginal prolapse. Carried out in women of child bearing
age and haven’t completed their families and insist on
preservation of uterus