2-Database Concepts and Architecture
2-Database Concepts and Architecture
2-Database Concepts and Architecture
Muhammad Usman
Topics To Be Covered
Data models.
DBMS Architecture.
Data Independence.
Data Modelling
What is data modelling?
– A collection of concept that can be used to describe the structure
of the database.
An information system typically consists of a database (contained
stored data) together with programs that capture, store, manipulate,
and retrieve
Conceptual Level:
The conceptual level have the conceptual schema which describe
the structure of the database for a community of users.
The conceptual schema hides the details of the physical storage
structures and concentrates on describing the entities, data type,
relationships, user operations, and constraints.
External or View Level:
External level includes a number of external schemas or user views.
Each external schema describes the part of the database that a
particular user group is interested in and hides the rest of the
database from that user group.
In any database it is important to distinguish between the data itself and description of
The description of database is called SCHEMA, which is specified during database design
and is not expected to change frequently.
A displayed schema is called schema diagram.
The actual content of the database, the data, changes often over the years. A database state at a
specific time defined through the currently existing content and relationship and their attributes
is called a database instance
The following illustration shows that a database scheme could be looked at like a template or
building plan for one or several database instances.
Example Of Data state or INSTANCE
Difference between Data Schema and Database
The database schema changes very infrequently.
The database state changes every time the database is
Data Independence
The capacity to change the schema at one level of a database system without
having to change the schema at the next higher level. We can defined two
types of data independence: