• The primary purpose of an amplifier is to boost the power of a weak signal, making it stronger and
suitable for various applications.
• Amplifiers are widely used in audio systems, radio frequency communication, and other electronic
devices where the amplification of signals is necessary.
• There are different types of amplifiers, such as audio amplifiers, radio frequency (RF) amplifiers, and
operational amplifiers (op-amps), each serving specific purposes.
Input Output
Classifications Amplifiers
Based on Biasing
Based on Power
Base Biased Amplifiers
Emitter Biased Amplifiers ( VDB & Class A amplifier
TSEB) Class B amplifier
Class C amplifier
Based on number of stages
Single-stage Amplifiers Class AB amplifier
Multi-stage Amplifiers Based on the Coupling method
Amplifying Circuit:
The ac operation of the circuit is similar to that of a VDB amplifier. We couple a signal
into the base. The signal is amplified to get the collector voltage. The amplified signal is
then coupled to the load.
• The base voltage has a small ac
component riding on a dc component of
approximately 0 V.
• The size of this ac emitter current depends on the location of the Q point. Because of
the curvature, we get more peak-to-peak ac emitter current when the Q point is
higher up the graph.
Two Transistor Models
• To analyse the ac operation of a transistor
amplifier, we need an ac-equivalent circuit for
a transistor.
• This means using the output of the first stage as the input to a second stage. In
turn, the output of the second stage can be used as the input to the third stage,
and so on….
• The amplified and inverted signal out of the first stage is coupled to the base of
the second stage.
• The amplified and inverted output of the second stage is then coupled to the
load resistance.
• The signal across the load resistance is in phase with the generator signal. The
reason is that each stage inverts the signal by 180°. Therefore, two stages
invert the signal by 360°, equivalent to 0° (in phase).
• The first stage has an un-bypassed emitter resistance of re. This first stage is often referred to
as a pre-amplifier.
• It is used to pick up the input signal from the source, without loading down the source, and to
pass on the signal to the second stage for further amplification.
• The second stage is a CE stage, with the emitter at ac ground to produce maximum gain in this
Two-Stage Feedback A swamped
The output signal is coupled back
through a feedback resistance rf to the
first emitter. Because of the voltage
divider, the ac voltage between the
first emitter and ground is:
Two-Stage Feedback A swamped
The voltage gain
depends only on
external resistances rf
and re. Since these
resistances are fixed in
value, the voltage gain
is fixed.
Here is the basic idea of how the two-stage feedback works: Assume that an increase in
temperature causes the output voltage to increase. Since part of the output voltage is fed-back
to the first emitter, ve increases. This decreases vbe in the first stage, decreases vc in the first
stage, and decreases vout. On the other hand, if the output voltage tries to decrease, vbe increases
and vout increases.
Two-Stage Feedback A swamped
The voltage gain
depends only on
external resistances rf
and re. Since these
resistances are fixed in
value, the voltage gain
is fixed.
Here is the basic idea of how the two-stage feedback works: Assume that an increase in
temperature causes the output voltage to increase. Since part of the output voltage is fed-back
to the first emitter, ve increases. This decreases vbe in the first stage, decreases vc in the first
stage, and decreases vout. On the other hand, if the output voltage tries to decrease, vbe increases
and vout increases.
Frequency Response of an Amplifier
• The frequency response of an amplifier describes how it amplifies signals of different
• An ideal amplifier maintains the same gain across the entire frequency spectrum.
• However, real-world amplifiers, including BJT amplifiers, exhibit limitations in amplifying
extremely low and extremely high frequencies.
Frequency Response of an Amplifier
Factors Affecting Frequency Response in BJT
Zener Follower
• The dc output voltage of the emitter
follower is:
Vout = VZ - VBE
• This output voltage is fixed so that it is equal to
the zener voltage minus the VBE drop of the
• If the supply voltage changes, the zener voltage
remains approximately constant, and so does
the output voltage.
• In other words, the circuit acts like a voltage
Emitter Biased
Voltage Divider
The Common-Base Amplifier
The dc emitter current is found by:
Class-B operation: The collector current flows for only half the cycle
(180°), as shown in Fig. To have this kind of operation, a designer
locates the Q point at cutoff. Then, only the positive half-cycle of ac
base voltage can produce collector current. This reduces the wasted
heat in power transistors.
Class-C operation: The collector current flows for less than 180° of the
ac cycle, as shown in Fig. 10-1c. With Class-C operation, only part of the
positive half-cycle of ac base voltage produces collector current. As a
result, we get brief pulses of collector current like those of Fig. 10-1c.
Power Amplifiers: Types of Coupling
Types of Coupling