Loose and Must Be Repaired A
Loose and Must Be Repaired A
Loose and Must Be Repaired A
A furnace wall in which there are open spaces under the brick as a result of fire
brick shrinkage as .
a. Loose and must be repaired
b. Cracked and must be patched
c. Damaged and must be renewed
d. Normal and need only to be cleaned
2. A lead-acid battery may become hotter than normal during a charge if the?
6. Boiler fuel oil atomizer parts should be cleaned by soaking in ‘tip cleaner’ or
diesel fuel and .
a. Polished with a hand brush
b. Scraped with non-abrasive tool
c. Polished with wheel brush
d. Scraped with a knife made of copper
7. Excessive heat in an operating motor controller can result from?
a. Missing arc shites
b. Low motor starting torque
c. A closed starter contact
d. Loose connection
11. How can good maintenance be greatly achieved in the engine room?
a. Natural routine work
b. Engine room management
c. Periodic maintenance system
d. High degree of safety
12. How does a well lubricated bearing surface appear?
a. Lightly glazed
b. Highly polished
c. Well knurled
d. Slightly streaked
13. How many months is the proper interval in cleaning of auxiliary boilers
tubes and combustion chamber as a means of cost saving and good
maintenance system?
a. 24 months
b. 12 months
c. 6 months
d. 4 months
14. How many months is the time frame for the appropriate time in drawing lube
oils sample from the system of the diesel generator engine onboard for the
complete test of cost saving and a good maintenance
a. 8 months
b. 4 months
c. 6 months
d. 3 months
21. In human body, which is the least lethal pathway for electricity?
a. Hand to hand
b. Hand to opposite foot
c. Hand to foot
d. Hand to foot on the same side
22. It is one of causes of abnormal flow of current in an accidental path of low
a. Open circuiting
b. Point grounding
c. Short circuit
d. Reverse polarization
25. Motor starter or controller contacts may become welded together if the
a. Open or close too quickly
b. Close under excessive pressure
c. Close under excessive starting current
d. Open too quickly and arc
26. On a commutator, if only one brush is sparking excessively, you should look
a. A loose commutator bar
b. Copper imbedded in the brush
c. A high commutator bar
d. Flux in the commutating zone
27. On a vessel with turbo electric drive, what condition would indicate that had
dropped out of synchronization with the propulsion generator?
a. Excessive vibrating of vessel
b. Tripped main motor interlock
c. Overheated across tie business
d. Closed contact in the field circuits
28. On the tankers using hydraulic tank valve actuation, which among the
following valve types has the highest tendency to develop leaks relative to the
valve, and results in more frequent maintenance?
a. Needle valves
b. Globe valves
c. Gate valves
d. Butterfly valves
31. The conduct that will not rust and makes an easy to install is called .
a. Polyvinyl chloride
b. Aluminum pipe
c. Soft copper pipe
d. Polythelene chloride
32. The function of no fuse breaker is to isolate the defective circuit from the
system so as to protect it from .
a. Overvoltage
b. Close circuit
c. Overcurrent
d. Overload
33. The leads from a megohmmeter are attached to the leads of an AC motor
field coil. A reading of infinity is obtained indicating a/an?
a. Open field coil
b. Grounded field coil
c. Shorted field coil
d. Shunted field coil
34. The rotor of an AC motor acts line a/an?
a. Circular magnet
b. Earth detector
c. Round magnet
d. Bar magnet
35. The specific gravity of the electrolyte solution in a lead acid battery?
a. Gives an indication of the state of charge of the battery
b. Remains the same during discharge
c. Would read close to 1.830 when discharged
d. Is not effected during charging
36. The type of feature afforded auxiliaries vital to the operation of propelling
equipment, where automatic restart after a voltage failure would not create a
hazard, is termed?
a. Low voltage protection
b. High amperage release
c. Low voltage release
d. High amperage protection
39. What is the cause if a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out when coil
voltage is removed from the relay?
a. Excessive spring tension
b. Over voltage
c. Welded contacts
d. Excessive current
40. What is the caused of sparking of DC motor brushes?
a. Many mechanical, electrical or operating faults
b. A close interpole
c. An open interpole
d. An open commutating winding
44. What might be the cause if the electric motor on an electric driven
compressor fails to start?
a. Defective pop value
b. Leaking unloader
c. Tripped circuit breaker
d. Control line leak
45. What needs to be done before entering dry dock during its regular dry
docking schedule for maintenance of the vessel?
a. Prepare instruction books and diagrams
b. Submit CMS report
c. Prepare job order when inside dry dock
d. Submit marine protest
46. What should be done before performing any maintenance on a hydraulic system
fitted with an accumulator?
a. Isolate accumulator and bleed off pressure in system
b. Inform the engineer on watch
c. Bleed of all pressure within the system
d. Pressurized the system to test for leaks
47. What should be done when securing a fuel oil heater for routine
a. Stop the oil flow and then cut out the steam
b. Close steam supply valve, stop pump and release pressure
inside heater
c. Cutout the steam before securing the oil flow
d. Open the fuel oil temperature regulatory bypass
48. When a megohmmeter is used to test insulation, what is the caused of gradual
rise of the pointer reading as a result of continued cranking?
a. The dielectric absorption effect of the insulation
b. Good conductor resistance
c. The leakage of current along the surface of dirty insulation
d. The inductive reactance of the windings
49. When a megohmmeter is used to test the winding insulation of a large motor,
what is the cause of an initial dip of the pointer toward zero?
a. The absence of current along the surface of clean insulation
b. Weak batteries in the meter
c. An open in the winding being tested
d. The capacitance of the winding
50. When drying and baking are impractical, or time is not available, what
material could be used to repair both burner openings and gas baffles?
a. High temperature castable refractory
b. Sand and cement
c. Plastic fire clay
d. Bricks
51. Which of the following DC motors is used where high starting torque and varying speed
is desired?
a. Separately excited motor
b. Series wound motor
c. Shunt wound motor
d. Compound wound motor
52. Which of the following is the best maintenance strategy and suitable method created in
order to restore the operation of the HFO purifier within the allocated time frame?
54. Which of the following maintenance activities is correctly planned in order to restart
the operation of the HFO purifier by most suitable method within the allocated
time frame?
a. Let the engineer in charge of the purifier to continuously do the
maintenance and let the other watch keeping engineer perform 6 to 6
b. Let other members of the engine staff like fitter or oiler do the maintenance and
just call the duty engineer when needed
c. Let the engineer in charge of the purifier to work on the purifier maintenance
during his watch and let the support level attend to any alarms
d. Every engineer on watch should assist the purifier maintenance during their watch
55. Which of the following method listed will be most effective in repairing a
steam cut on a seating surface of a super heater hand hole plate?
a. Filling the cut by welding and then grinding it smooth
b. Grinding the seating surface and installing an oversized gasket
c. Filling the cut with iron cement or plastic steel
d. Refracing the surface and over torqueing the hand hole plate
56. Which of the listed conditions will occur if dirt and grease are allowed to
accumulate between the commutator segments of a motor?
a. Overspeeding of the motor
b. Misalignment of the motor shaft
c. A dead short circuit
d. A partial short circuit
57. Which of the listed procedures is the most vital factor to take into
consideration when making repairs to the refractory surrounding the
burner opening?
a. Finished repair surfaces must be smooth
b. Design refractory cone angle must be maintain
c. Finishes repair surfaces must be smooth
d. Substantial refractory support to with stand vibration
60. What is a maintenance policy where the approach is based on a model of the
time that elapsed between maintenance period which takes into account
mechanisms of failures?
a. Failure-based maintenance
b. Planned maintenance
c. Unplanned maintenance
d. Condition monitoring
61. The stern tube aft seal consist of 4 rubber lip seals resting against the cylinder
liner which rotates with the propeller shaft. In case the cylinder liner surface
has worn out in way of the seal, what is done in order to relocate the seal to a
new liner position?
a. Remove the two-part distance piece, then tighten the securing
nut to displace the seal casing assembly forward to a new
cylinder liner position.
b. Install additional distance pieces in between the propeller boss and the
seal casing assembly to move the seals aft to a new cylinder liner
c. Install additional distance pieces in between the propeller and cylinder
liner flange to move the liner forward to a new seal position.
d. Remove the no.1 interediate ring and replace with a thinner once to
relocate the no.1 seal ring
62. What are two programmes approved by the class so that physical
opening up of machinery is not necessary on every occasion?
a. HFO and MLO routine maintenance as recorded in the PMS
b. Boiler safety valve test and boiler water test report
c. Lubricating oil analysis of steering gear machinery and
performance monitoring of auxiliary diesel engines
d. Main engine lube oil pump and camshaft lube oil pump performance
63. The HSSC guidance resolution specifies that a passenger ship’s bottom
inspection, as required by SOLAS regulation 1/7, should be carried out
annually, with two inspections in dry-dock in any five year period. What is the
meaning of HSSC?
a. Harmonized Survey on Ship’s condition
b. Harmonized system of Survey and Certification
c. Hull system survey and certification
d. Hull safety survey condition
64. What is a maintenance policy where the basic preventive maintenance
routines, such as lubrication and machine adjustment, are applied to the system
at regular intervals, however, the repair or replacement is performed only when
a failure occurs?
a. Condition monitoring
b. Unplanned
c. Planned maintenance
d. Corrective maintenance
67. What is the result of firebrick shrunk on a furnace wall in which there are open
spaces under the brick?
a. Damage and must be renewed
b. Cracked and must be patched
c. Loose and must be repaired
d. Normal and need only to be cleaned
68. Most controller or started contacts may become pitted and welded
together if the contacts?
a. Close quickly with proportionate pressure
b. Close slowly with light pressure
c. Open under loaded conditions
d. Open too quickly and arc
69. Which of the following steps is the most essential before an alternator can be
paralleled with the bus if the synchroscope is broken?
a. The frequency meter should be used to determine that the
incoming alternator frequency is slightly higher than the bus
b. The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are dark
and the other is bright
c. A portable phase sequence indicator must be used to verify the
information form the lamps
d. The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are
70. The aft stern tube seals are designated as No.1 and No.2 , No.3 and No.3S
rubber lip seals, enclosed in a seal casing assembly, pressing against a
rotating cylinder liner. What does no.3S seal ring means?
a. No.3 spring
b. No.3 shaft
c. No.3 spare
d. No.3 secured
71. Which maintenance can affect the ship energy efficiency quite
significantly leading to a major energy saving?
a. Main engine overhaul, adjustment and tuning
b. Hull and propeller cleaning
c. Navigational equipment maintenance
d. Steering gear maintenance
72. Generally done while the ship is in dock, what kind of repair method is done
to replace the stern tube sealing rings with the shaft and the propeller in
a. Bonding repair by vulcanizing the new seal rings
b. Removing the cylinder liner for skimming and renewing the seals
keeping it in intact condition
c. Removing the intermediate rings and renewing the seals keeping it intact
d. Inserting oversized seal rings to have a good tight fit
73. What are placed under the keel and bottom plates arranged on the bottom
of the drydock, made of steel with wooden tops, and serve to support the
vessel during the whole period of drydocking?
a. Wooden blocks
b. Keel blocks
c. Stagings
d. Keel support
74. Which of the instruments listed could be used to locate a grounded field coil in
synchronous motor?
a. Frequency meter
b. Megohmmeter
c. Currency meter
d. Ammeter
75. Classification societies with IACS require that all machinery under their rules
must be surveyed every .
a. 2.5 years
b. 6 months
c. 5 years
d. 1 year
76. Oil tankers, including ore/oil and ore/buld/oilships, chemical tankers and bulk
carrier are required to have their intermediate docking between special surveys
in drydock once they are over years of age.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 5
d. 15
77. What document does the shipyard, who built the vessel, provides which gives
information on the exact locations where the blocks should support the hull
when the vessel is dry-docked?
a. Ship’s particulars
b. General arrangement plan
c. Docking plan
d. Shell expansion plan
78. What indicates if an obtained reading from a mega-ohmmeter is infinity?
a. Grounded field coil
b. Shunted field coil
c. Open field coil
d. Shorted field coil
79. What is termed as the inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom while afloat
as part of the passenger ship safety renewal survey?
a. Underwater examination (UWE)
b. Underwater survey (UWS)
c. Ship vertical bottom inspection (SVBI)
d. Underwater diving operations (UWDO)
80. What is the main advantage of running the main engine under slow-
a. Big savings on fuel consumption over long days voyages
b. Increase of specific fuel oil consumption
c. Reduces wear on main engine parts
d. Improved engine combustion quality due to running two auxiliary
83. What will happen if a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out when coil
voltage is removed from the relay?
a. Excessive spring tension
b. Over voltage
c. Welded contacts
d. Excessive current
84. What normally cause the occurrence of an electro-mechanical
breakdown of solids insulating materials?
a. Vibrations
b. Mechanical stresses produced by the electrical field
c. Electric stresses produced by the voltage fluctuations
d. Magnetic bum
87. Who specifically needs the docking plan in advance so that they can arrange
the blocks accordingly before flooding the dock prior to dry- docking the
a. Dock diver
b. Ship repair manager
c. Dock master
d. Vessel superintendent
88. How many terminals are connected in a potentiometer?
a. Two
b. Five
c. Three
d. Four
91. What is the main reason why the classification society can allow the chief
engineer to survey most of the machinery items under his supervision?
a. To reduce the survey cost to owners/operators
b. To train the chief engineer in surveys and inspection
c. To allow the ship to just operate the machinery without the
necessary overhauling
d. To allow the technical managers to know the capabilities of their
chief engineers on board
92. What will the result if an AC generator lose its excitation when operating in
parallel without tripping the circuit breaker?
a. It will cause high currents to be induced in the field windings
b. It will not affect the faulty generator due to the compensation of the other
c. It will cause the slip rings to melt
d. It will increase the output amperage between the armature and the bus
93. As per classification society rules on dry-docking, how many docking surveys
are required in each five-year special survey, one of which is to coincide
within the special survey?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
94. Which of the following in one of the causes of abnormal flow of current in an
accidental path of low resistance
a. Open circuiting
b. Reverse polarization
c. Point grounding
d. Short circuit
97. The chief engineer will be instructed by classification society that he is eligible to
under take the surveys on class behalf. However, below are the points which he
is supposed to undertake EXCEPT for which one?
a. He can survey and witness the opening and setting pressures of
boiler safety valve
b. The C/E should endeavor to ensure that the overhaul or PMS routine and
survey are due within the same time period
c. When items are due for survey, it is prudent that they are also required to be
d. He will be informed of specific items he can and cannot survey
98. Which part of the human body has the least resistance to electrical
a. Skin
b. Bones
c. Fat nerves
d. Muscles
99. Which is the simplest, most obvious and most logical maintenance program that
can be created which can immediately produce substantial energy savings on
steam plants?
a. Leak detection program for hot water and steam on piping,
flanges, and valves
b. Adjustment of combustion air in relation to fuel flow program
c. Fouling reduction program on boiler tubes and furnace
d. Insulation inspection program
100. What is the easiest way of finding a crack on a very large rudder
a. By dye penetrant test
b. By close visual inspection via an erected staging
c. By subjecting it to hydrostatic head pressure
d. By magnetic particle imaging
101. Sample of lube oil used within the steering system would be sent
for analysis on a regular 3-monthly basis to wear particles, and oil
characteristics such as viscosity. The results will indicate the quality of the oil
and presence of any internal wear so that internal inspection can be wavered
by the classification society. What will only be required by the class at survey
a. Operational test
b. Trip test
c. Auto-isolation test
d. Non-follow up test
102. What maintenance policy is defined as maintenance carried out
after failure detection which is subdivided into “ immediate corrective
maintenance” (in which works immediately after a failure) and “deferred
corrective maintenance” (in which work is delayed in conformance to a given
set of maintenance rules)?
a. Planned maintenance
b. Corrective maintenance
c. Unplanned maintenance
d. Conditioning monitoring
103. The aft stern tube seals are designated as No.1, no.2, no.3 and
no.3S rubber lip seals, enclosed in a seal casing assembly, pressing against
a rotating cylinder liner. Which seal is nearest the propeller?
a. No.2 seal ring
b. No.3 seal ring
c. No.1 seal ring
d. No.3S seal ring
104. Dry-docking forms a critical part of the ship’s overall maintenance
policy affecting safety, and requires the following EXCEPT which one?
a. Crew change scheduling
b. Project cost control
c. Careful preparation
d. Detailed planning
107.The class may accept UWILD which canbe done during the intermediate
docking between special surveys. What is the meaning of UWILD?
a. Un-obstructed Water Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking
b. Un-interrupted Way of Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking
c. Unforeseen Wastage In loaded Draft
109.What is termed as the inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom while
afloat in lieu of a dry-docking, including measurements of shaft and rudder
bearing clearances, as applicable?
a. Underwater Survey (UWS)
b. Dry-docking Survey (DDS)
c. Underwater examination (UWE)
d. Continuous Hull Survey (CHS)
110. What direction is the magnetic field in a conductor with flowing
a. In a direction determined by the left hand rule
b. In all direction determined by the righ hand rule
c. In a direction opposite to the current flow
d. In the same direction of the current