Lesson 2 Scope and Limitations
Lesson 2 Scope and Limitations
Lesson 2 Scope and Limitations
what is S C O P
E ?
S co p refers to how far the
research area has explored and
ea ra m e t e r s in with the study will be
operating in.
The type of information to be included
in the scope of a research project
would include facts and theories
about the subject of the project.
The coverag e of the is in
study terms of:
1. General purpose
2. Population or sample
3. Time or duration
4. Subject matters and
topics discussed
5. Area or locality
1. your analysis
2. the nature of self-reporting
3. the instruments you utilized
4. the sample
5. time constraints
to write in English and their
writing perform because
they wereance
required to take part
in many studies at the same
time. Finally, the slow network
might discourage participants'
interests and motivation in
joining peer feedback activities.
IMPORTANCE of limitations
• A lw ays acknow led g e s tud y
a limitations. 's
It is far better for you to identify and
acknowledge your study's limitations
than to have them pointed out by your
professor and be graded down because
you appear to have ignored them.
• K e e p in m i n d t ha t a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t
of a s t u d y ' s limitations i s an
opp o rtu n it y to m a k e s u g g e s t i o n s
for further research.
• C l a m i n g l imitations is a
subjective p r o c e s s b e c a u s e y o u m
u s t e v a l u a t e the impact of those l
Don' t just of
magnitude list akeystudy'
weaknesses and
s limitattions.
Limitations require a critical, overall
appraisal and interpretation of their
impact. You should answer the question:
do these problem with errors, methods,
validity, etc. eventually matter and, if
so, to what extent?
Descriptions of possible limitations