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Case study

A garment manufacturing company has decided to identify the needs of
the customers to start successful marketing of the garments produced by it
and for this the company is doing SWOC analysis. The company is pursuing
its objectives with full efforts. It has decided to make a blueprint for the
amount of production it will do, the efforts behind promotion it will put
and all other major actions it will undertake to achieve its objectives.
However, the company has one weak area which it would like to improve.
The physical movement for its prepared garments was not proper last year
and the company wants to ensure it is done properly this year. For this it
has created a separate department.
 No proper market analysis and transportation.
 Less promotional activity.
 Customers' tastes and preferences fluctuate and as
does fashion.
Data collection
Primary Data:
We gathered information from people with from age group ranging from 15-
60 via polls and questionnaires on customized clothes and clothing-related
problems they experience, and we have developed some answers.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data has been collected from various Journals, researches and
websites related to customers preferences towards clothing.
No. of.



Below 20 20 - 35 35 - 50 Above 50
Pie chart on
customer preference

People who prefer

prefabricated cloth-
people who prefer
customised clothing
We have identified customer
needs to effectively market the We have
garments, implementing the developed a
following strategies: production
We can offer free alteration blueprint based on
services for prefabricated seasonal and client
clothing, ensuring precise fit and preferences, with
personalization. We could also higher production
attach small features and offer levels in summer
sleeves for added convenience, and autumn due to
enhancing customer satisfaction.
increased demand.
We are focusing on The company could take steps
promotion to achieve to rectify the improper physical
its objectives by movement of its prepared
implementing the garments unlike last year by:
following strategies: Outsourcing logistics offers cost
Influencer marketing, reduction, quality service, and
Creating referral a competitive advantage by
programs, allowing companies to focus on
Targeted advertising, core activities, improve
Coupons and customer care, and transfer
discounts. logistics experience to experts.
SWOC Analysis
Strengths: Weakness: Opportunities: Challenges:
The company produces its Proper Providing Competition from
own garments, enabling it market customized around the world
to sell them at a lesser analysis and clothing, as there Changes in customer
price. tastes and
transportation is a growing preferences
was not done. interest in tailor-
made clothing.
By implementing the mentioned solutions, we can expect a 10% increase in
turnover and a 4.5% rise in profit.


(in crores)



Turnover Profit
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