7.natural Geographical Regions of Bulgaria-Part1

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Natural geographical regions

of Bulgaria
By Ivana Hristova
I. The Danube plain
1. Geographical location and boundaries
• The Danube plain is located between the Danube river and the
northernmost folds of the Pre-Balkan, between the mouth of the
Timok river and the Black Sea coast.
• Total area - 31 500 km²
• Average altitude - 178 m.
• Width - 25 -30 to the west up to 120 km to the east.
• Length - 500 km
• The highest pak - Alexandrov peak in the Lilyaksko plateau
2. Geological structure and minerals
A) Geological structure - part of the Moesian plate. Built of sedimentary rocks -
limestones and sandstones and loess cover
B) Minerals
1) Gypsum - Koshava, Vidinsko; Slanothorn, Oryahovsko
2) Kaolin – Kaolinovo, Senovo, Vetovo
3) Rock salt – Provadia, Omurtag
4) Lignite coal - Lom basin
5) Black coal - Dobrudzha basin
6) Oil and natural gas - Pleven region
7) Refractory clays - Pleven region
8) Ordinary clays - Pavlikeny, Gorna Oryahovitsa
9) Limestones - Ruse
10) Manganese ores - Dobrich region
3. Relief and morphohydrographic division
A) Relief – mainly hilly and plateau-like.
In the Northern part are located the lowlands: Bregovo -
Novoselska, Svishtovsko - Belenska, Vidinska, Kozloduyska,
Chernopolska, Aydemirska, Brashlianska (Pobrezhie).
In the western part - plains known as Zlatiy or "golden fields".
The biggest one is Zlatiyata between the rivers Tsibritsa and
In the Eastern part - the plateaus and heigths.
Other relief forms: asymmeric (in the swestern part) and
canyon-river valleys (in the eastern part), dry valleys, karst
forms and landslides.
B) Morphohydrographic division
1) The Western part - located between the rivers Timok and Vit.
• Altitude 130 m.
• Area about 7000 sq. km.
2) The Middle part – between Vit and Yantra rivers.
• Average altitude 138 m.
• Area - 4300 sq. km.
3) The Eastern part - between the Yantra River and the Black Sea
• Average altitude – 204 m.
• Area 19,700 sq. km.
4. Climate
• Temperate continental
• Average annual temperature is about +11⁰C
• Temperature inversions are typical for the cold half of the
• Precipitation - May-June maximum and February minimum
• The snow cover lasts 40-50 days
• Fogs are a typical phenomenon
• The western and northern winds are dominant
• Foehn is a typical local wind.
5. Waters
• A) The rivers which originate from the Stara Planina (Iskar
river from the Rila mountain) have snow-rain regime and
spring high-water.
• B) The rivers that originate from the plain (the largest ones
are Roussenski Lom and Provadiyska) have karst regime and
year-round high water.
• C) Karst springs in the eastern part of the plain
• D) Artesian – the Lom artesian basin
• E) Groundwater – along the river terraces of the rivers
• F) Mineral waters- Vidinsko, Plevensko
6. Soils, vegetation and animals
• A) Soils
• - chernozem (the black earth) - widespread
• - grey forests - around the Predbalkan
• - alluvial - around the rivers
• B) Vegetation
• The natural vegetation is replaced by cultivation and
saved only in individual areas by steppe grass such as
bunch- grass (садина) and spear-grass (коило).
• Deciduous forests are represented by Turkey oak (цер),
Hungarian oak (благун), elm (бряст), silver lime (липа),
hornbeam (габър) . On the Danube islands - poplar
(топола) and willow (върба).
C) Animal life is represented by Central European and
steppe species: rabbit, ferret (степен пор), field mice,
European ground squirrel (лалугер).
- The inhabitants of the forests by Euro-Siberian species -
fox, wolf, deer, wild boar.
- Typical representatives of the birds are wild duck, geese,
grey partridge (яребица), quail (пътпъдък) and in the Lake
of Sreberna - Dalmatian pelican (къдроглав пеликан),
heron (чапла), ibis (ибис), etc.
7. Protected areas
• 4 natural parks (Rusenski Lom, Shumensko
plateau, Kobaklaka (Dabovete), Persina (Belene)
and 10 reserves (Beli Lom, Persinski blata, Ibisha,
Kitka, Biosphere reserve “Srebarna”, etc).
II. The Pre-Balkan
• 1. Geographical location, borders and morphogeographical
• This natural area is a transition between the Danube plain and the
Stara Planina.
• Morphographically this is a system of low and medium in height
hills, river valleys, plateaus, gorges, etc.
• The total length of the region is about 500 km.
• The width to the west is 20 km, to the east 40 km.
• The total area of the Predbalkan is 12 000 km² or 9.2 % of the area
of the country.
• The average height 364 m.
• The highest point Vasiliov peak (1490 m) in the Vasiliovska
2. Geological structure, features of the relief,
morphographic division
• The Pre-Balkan is a part of the structure of the Balkanides.
It consists of regular anticlinal and synclinal folds built
from Mesozoic and Tertiary strata. The Pre-Balkan is
mainly made of limestone rocks, which is the reason why
it has a highly developed karst relief. The folding of the
Pre-Balkan took place during the Eocene - at the same
time as the Main Staroplaninska chain.
The Pre-Balkan is divided into three parts:
• A) Western part - bewteen the river valleys of Timok and Malak
• It includes the hills Vrashka Chuka, Vedernika, Shiroka Planina,
Verenishko Bardo, Veslets, Pastrina and others. The Belogradchik
rocks are also located here. They are sculpted in red-painted Triassic
sandstones and conglomerates. They are distributed in a strip about
30 km long and 3 km wide, height 100-200 m. They resemble rock
castles, towers, obelisks and others. The most famous are the
“Schoolgirl”, the “Bear”, the “Sphinx”, the “Horsman”, “Adam and
Eve”, etc.
• The underground karst has also been developed. During which the
famous Magura cave was formated wiithin the Rabishka mound.
The Belogradchik rocks
The Magura cave
B) Middle part - between the rivers Malak Iskar and Stara
It includes Vasilyovska mountain, Devetashko plateau,
Lovchanski, Sevlievski and Tarnovo heights. The Middle
Predbalkan is the widest and the highest part.
The highest peae is located in this part - Vasiliov peak (1490 m)
in the Vasiliovska mountain.
The most famous caves here are: Saeva dupka and Bacho Kiro.
The Saeva dupka cave
The Bacho Kiro cave
Vasiliov peak
• C) Eastern part - stretches between river Stara reka and the
Black sea. It includes Lisa mountain, Preslav-Dragoevski heights,
Slannik, Gerlovo, Provadia plateau, the gorge and the valley of
the river Golyama Kamchia.

• 3. Minerals
• - black coal deposits are small - in Belogradchik, Teteven, Troyan.
• - natural gas in the Lovetch region
• - iron ores - in the Troyan region
• - Limestones for cement - Beli Izvor, Zlatna Panega
• - clays - in the Troyan region
4. Climate
• Temperate continental climatic zone
• The average annual temperature (+10, +11⁰C)
• The absolute minimum for the region have been
measured in the Sevlievo valley (-35.4 ⁰C)
• Annual precipitation 600-1000 mm.
• Snow cover lasts 3-5 months.
• Temperature inversions in Botevgrad and Sevlievo
• Western winds and foehn are dominated.
5. Waters
• The rivers in the Predbalkan are characterized by rain-snow, rain and karst
regime. The maximum of runhoff is in the spring, and the minimum is in the
• Some amounts of ground water are formed in the river terraces of the river
Osam, Ogosta, Vit, Yantra.
• There are several karst basins - Salashki, Pastrinski, Kamenopolski, Panezhki,
Devetashki, Dryanovski, Tarnovski, Preslavski, Vadimirovski. In the Panega
basin is located the largest karst spring in the country - Glava Panega with a
flow rate 4600 l/s.
• The mineral waters near Shipkovo, Voneshta voda and others are important.
• There are many dams such as “Montana”, “Sopot”, “Yastrebino”, “Ticha”,
“Alexander Stamboliyski”, etc.
Glava Panega
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?
6. Soils, vegetation and animals
• A) Soils - gray forest, dark gray, rendzina and alluvial
• B) Vegetation - the natural vegetation is mainly forest, represented by:
• Hungarian oak, Sessile oak, Hornbeam, Manna ash, Maple, Silver lime
European beech.
• The shrub vegetation is represented by dogwood, hazel, common hawthorn,
garland horn, rose-hip, blackberry. In the karst regions by lilac and smoke
tree. Along the rivers by willow and poplar.
• Grass vegetation is represented by meadow fescue, bunch grass, meadow,
benth grass.
• In the Preslav mountain is the only locality of horse chestnut
• C) Animals - represented by Euro-Siberian and European species.
7. Protected areas
• 3 reserves -
“Uchilshtna gora”,
“Patleyna” and “Konski
kesten - Dervishat”
III. Stara planina
Botev peak
• 1.Geographical location, boundaries and morphohydrographic features
• The main Stara Planina chain has appearance of arc, wide open to the north
and northeast. It starts from the Timok river on the border with Serbia and
ends at Cape Emine on the Black sea.
• The average height is 735 meters and the area - 11 000 km². The length of
the mountain is about 500 km and the width varies from 10-30-35 km.
• Saddles (седловини) and passages (проходи) have been formed in more
than 30 places where the ridge is lowered. In two places the chain is cut by
the picturesque gorges of the river Iskar and Luda Kamchia.
• Through the transverse hills Galabets, Koznitsa, Strazhata and Mezhdenik,
Stara Planina connects to Sredna Gora. These hills separate the valleys from
each other.
2. Geological structure, development of the
• Stara Planina is a part of the Alpine - Himalayan orogenic belt. Due to the
tectonic pressure coming from south, the folds of the mountain are sloping
and lying to the north. The central parts of the anticlines, called cores, are
made by Paleozoic rocks - mostly granite and quartzite. Their side parts called
mantles are mainly made by limestones and sandstones.
• As a result of the repeated ascent of the mountain, 4 denudation plains and 6
river terraces have been formed. Karst forms are widespread and alluvial
cones on the southern slope.
Division of Stara planina:
• A) Western part - stretches from Belogradchik to Zlatitsa
passage. It is an open arc in the north-northeast direction. It
consists of several mountains, the most important are:
Babinnos, Svetinikolska, Chiprovska, Berkovska, Koznitsa,
Golyama Planina, Murgash.
• In the Chiprovtska mountain is located the highest peak (on
the Western part) Midzhur 2168 m.
Midzhur peak
B) Middle part - from Zlatishki passage to Vratnik passage.
It is the highest part of the mountain. The Middle part is
composed by the mountains Zlatitsa-Teteven, Troyan -
Kalofer, Shipka - Tryavna and Elena-Tvurditsa. In the Kalofer
mountain is located the highest peak of the Stara Planina -
Botev peak 2376 m. also called Yumrukchal. To the north
and south on the ridge of Botev peak descend steep,
dizzyingly high steep slope called Djendemi. Very popular is
the Southern Djendem where is located the highest
waterfall in Bulgaria and on the Balkans - the Raiskoto
praskalo 125 m.
Raisko praskalo waterfall
• C) Eastern part - stretches between the Vratnik passage
and Cape Emine on the Black sea. This is the lowest, widest
and most forested part of the Stara Planina. The highest
peak in this part is Bulgarka 1181 m in the Sliven mountain.
Balgarka peak
3. Minerals
• A)Iron ore - Chiprovtsi, Martinovo, Kremikovtsi and Troyan region
• B)Copper and lead-zinc ore - Vratsa and Chiprovtsi
• C)Anthracite coal - in the Svoge basin
• D)Black coal - Balkanbas and near to the villages Gorno and Dolno
• E)Limestones - Vratsa, Gabrovo
• F)Basalt - near to Plachkovtsi
• G)Marbel - Berkovitsa
4. Climate
• - transitional continental - eastern lowest parts and especially the slopes with
souther exposure
• - temperate continental - lands up to 1500 m.
• - mountain - lands above 1500 m.
• The windiest places in our country are Botev peak and Murgash peak (over
10 m/s).
5. Waters
• - the rivers with snow-rain regime the maximum of the river run-off
is in May. This type of regime has river in the high mountain belt.
• - rain-snow regime is typical for the rivers in the belt between 800-
1500m. The maximum of run-off is in early spring.
• - In the lands with hilly relief with southern exposure the river regime
id observed with the rain maximum.
• - In the parts of Stara Planina with limestone relief Vratsa, Ponor, etc.
• - There are many karst springs - for example Zhitolyub near Lakatnik,
the Kotel springs. There are mineral springs in Berkovsko,
Neshkovtsi, Troyansko and others.
• 6. Soils - grey forests, chromic, cambisols, umbrosols, rendzic in the
areas with karst relief, alluvial in the valley of river Luda Kamchia.
• 7. Vegetation
• Deciduous forest predominate up to 800 m. Typical species are oak,
hornbeam, above them is the belt of beech forests. Above this belt are
located spruce forests. On the northern slope of Berkovitsa mountain
there are natural forests by relict chestnut. Edelweiss is found in the
karst terrain of the Central Stara Planina. The highest parts are occupy
by pastures and meadows. The most common shrub species are rose-
hip, hawthorn, smoke tree and lilac.

• 8 .Animal life is represented by Central European and Euro-Siberian

species: chamois, bear, fox, wolf, eagle, alpine gargoyle, viper,
salamander, etc.
9. Protected areas
• National park “Central Balkan”
• 2 nature parks - "Vrachanski Balkan" and "Bulgarka"
("The Blue Stones").
• 31 reserves, of which 5 are biosphere reserves -
"Boatin", "Tsarichina", "Steneto", "Jendema",
• Many protected objects - over 260.
IV. The Under-Balkan valleys, Srednogorie
and Kraishte
A) Under-Balkan valleys
• 1. Goeographical location
Valleys Area Altitude

A) Western

Burelska 172 km² 550 m.

Sofia 1100 km² 550 m.
Saranska 35 km² 650 m.
Kamarska 32 km² 650 m.
Zlatitsa-Pirdop 120 km² 750 m.

B) Eastern

Karlovo 400 km² 380 m.

Kazanlak 780 km² 350 m.
Tvarditsa 442 km² 250 m.
Shivachevo 78 km² 200 m.
Sliven 830 km² 150 m.
Karnobat 806 km² 174 m.
Aytos 402 km² 100 m.
Western valleys Eastern valleys By all valleys

The largest by area - The largest by area - The largest by area -

Sofia - 1100 km² Sliven - 830 km² Sofia- 1100 km²
The smallest by area - The smallest by area - The smallest by area -
Kamarska - 32 km² Karlovo km² Kamarska - 32 km²

The highest by altitude - The highest by altitude - The highest by altitude -

Zlatitsa-Pirdop - 750 m. Karlovo - 380 m. Zlatitsa-Pirdop 750 m.
The lower by altitude - The lower by altitude - The lower by altitude -
Burelska, Sofia - 550 m. Aytos - 100 m. Aytos - 100 m.
2. Geological structure and development of the
• Geologically, the Under-Balkan valleys have graben
structure, formed in the young geological times
Neogen- Quaternary period.
• The whole horizontal structure is the Zadbalkanski
deep fault. Most of the valleys are formed as floors of
water basins with deep alluvial loads. As a result of
the endogenetic and exogenetic processes different in
structure rocks are formed - igneous and
3. Minerals
• A)Lignite coal - Sofia basin
• B)Brown coal - the village of Nikolaevo
• C)Refractory clays - Elin Pelin
4. Climate
• In the Western valleys - temperate continental
• In the Eastern valleys - transitional continental
• Average annual precipitation 550- 650 mm
• The orographic shadow of the Stara planina
• Local winds - bora (in the Sliven valley), foehn (in the Sofia
5. Waters
• Rich in water.
• The main rivers - Iskar, Topolnitsa, Strama, Tundzha, Mochuritza, etc.
• Ground waters
• Mineral springs - Gorna Banya, Knyajevo, Pancharevo, Ovcha Kupel,
Bankya, Banya (Karlovo), Pavel Banya, Sliven mineral springs, etc.
• The biggest dams - “Koprinka” and “Zhrebchevo”.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXwX8B078Yo
6. Soils, vegetation and animals
• A) Soils - chromic, vertisols, alluvial
• B) Vegetation - etheric crops - rose, lavender, mint - in the
valleys of Kazanlak and Sliven
• - oak, beech, hornbeam - on the mountain slopes
• - willow, poplar, elm - along the rivers
• - grass vegetation is widespread
• C) Animals - there are animals typical for the Stara Planina
region and Srednogorie - rodents, reptiles, amphibians and
B. The Region of Srednogorie
1. Geographical location and division
Zavala-Plana Sredna Gora Bakadzh Hissar
mountainous itsi Hills Hills

Includes the Divided into: Located Located

- Ihtimanska Sredna Gora - between the northeast of
mountains valleys of Iskar and Topolnitsa. The highest
east of the
Zavala, Ljulin, Tundzha the
peak Truna 1275 m in the Septemvri ridge. Bakadzhitsi.
Vitosha and - The Central (Sashtinska) Sredna Gora - river. The highest
Plana. The between rivers Topolnitsa and Stryama. The The point -
highest peak of highest peak for Sredna gora - Bogdan peak highest Hissar peak
the Srednogorie 1604 m. point (Kralimarkova
Cherni Vrah - Sarnena Sredna Gora - bewteen the rivers St. Sava stapka - 402.8
Stryama nad Tundzha near Yambol. The m).
(2290 m) in the highest peak Bratan 1236 m. 514.6 m.
• 2. Geological structure and development of the relief
• The geological structure of the region belongs to the Balkanidi.
• Typical for the formation of the relief forms are the intrusive massifs -
plutons, which consist of igneous and metamorphic rocks granite and
• The sedimentary rocks lie on the floors of the valleys - limestones,
dolomites, mergeles.
• The Vitosha mountain is the highest in the region and it reflects all
relief formation processes - denudation erosion, weathering, karst
formation. Scientifically proved is the origin of the moraines in
Vitosha. They are products of weathering processes, not of glacial
• The second longest cave in Bulgaria - Duhlata (17.5 km) is a typical
relief form, located in the south-west slope of the mountain.
The Duhlata cave
• 3. Minerals
• A) Copper ore - in Medet, Asarel, Elatsite mines
• The town of Panagyurishte is the biggest non-ferrous
plant for the production of electrolytic copper -
Aurubic LTD.
• B) Manganese ore - Sredna Gora
• C) Lignite coal - in the valley of Gabra (Chukorovo)
• D) Feldshpar - Strelcha
4. Climate
• The climate conditions are from temperate continental to
the transitional.
• In the mountains with altitude more than 1500 m, the
climate is mountainous.
• Typical climatic phenomenon is the temperature inversion
(Ihtiman lowland).
• The average precipitation for the region is about 600 mm.
5. Waters
Most of the rivers belongs to the Aegean drainage areasuch as Struma,
Topolnitsa, Luda Yana, Pyasachnik, Stryama, Sazliika.
For the regulation of the river flow and the needs of the power
generation are constructed the dams “Iskar” (the biggest by volume
and area in Bulgaria), “Topolnitsa”, “Pancharevo”, etc.
• There are many mineral springs - Hissarya, Strelcha, Panagyurishte,
• 6. Soils
• - alluvial - along the rivers
• - chromic soils - in the lands up to 1000 m.
• - dark cambisols - in the Vitosha mountain between 1500-1900 m.
• - light cambisols - in the lands up to 1000-1500 m.
• - umbrosols and peat soils - in the mountains

• 7. Vegetation
• Willow, poplar, alder, oak vegetation, coniferous vegetation, spruce, beech
forests, mountain pine, grass vegetation.

• 8. Animals
• In the Srednogorie animals are represented by:deer roe, deer, wild boar, fox,
wolf, capercaillie. In the past in Central Sredna Gora there was a lynx.
9. Protected areas
• Vitosha is the first national park in Bulgaria, established in
1934. The largest of the reserves are the biosphere reserves
“Bistrishko Branishte” and “Tofeno Branishte” in Vitosha, as
well as “Bogdan” in Central Sredna Gora, where centuries-
old beech forests are protected.
C. The Region of Kraishte
• 1. Geographical location and division
• The Kraishte is located in the western part of the Transitional
geomorphological area.
• It stretches southwest of Srednogorieto and north of
Osogovo and Rila.
• The region is a complex mosaic of mountains and valleys
with various directions.
• A) Verila - Ruyska mountain range includes the mountains:
Verila (peak Golyam Debelets 1414.5 m), Golo Bardo (peak
Vetrushka 1157.7 m), Cherna Gora (Tumba peak 1129.1 m),
Ljubash (Ljubash peak 1398.8 m), Strazha (Strazha peak
1388.8 m) and Ruy (the higest peak for this mountain randge
is located here Ruy peak 1705.6 m).
• B) Valleys - Radomirska (area 238 km², altitude 600 - 660 m),
Breznishka (area - 60 km², altitude 750 m), Transka also
named Znepole (area 55 km², altitude 700-800 m), and
Pernishka (altitude 750-800 m). Breznishka and Pernishka
valleys are a part of the Graovo area.
• C) Konyavsko-Milevska mountain randge includes the mountains
Konyavska (the largest by area in the Kraishte, the highest peak is
Viden 1487.1 m), Zemenska (peak Tichak 1294.9 m) and Milevska
(peak Milevets 1732.6 m)
• The highest peak for the Kraishte is the Bilo peak (1737 m) in the
Karvav Kamak mountain.
• D) Valleys - Dupnishka, Kyustendilska, Saparevska, Samokovska,
• 2. Geological structure and development of the relief
• The mountains of the region are built mainly of limestone and sandstone, and
Milevska mountain from metamorphic rocks.
• The contemporary relief of the Kraishte is formed during the young Tertiary
and the Quaternary.
• The region of Kraishte lies on one of the main morphostructures in our
country - Kraishtidi.
• The tectonic movements in this region shared three denudation levels and
beautiful gorges of the rivers - Zemen gorge, Erma gorge, Krakra gorge.
• The karst relief is also typical for the region.
• 3. Minerals
• - brown coal - Pernik and Bobovdol
• - Golden deposits - Transko

• 4. Climate
• The temperate continental climate is diverse due to the mosaic nature of the relief. In
the mountains above 1500 m there is a mountain climate.
• The lowest temperature in the country was measured in the Tran valley (-38.3⁰C)
1947. Mediterranean influence is felt in the Kyustendil and Dupnitsa fields and the
valleys of the rivers Struma and Dzherman.

• 5. Water
• The zone is drained by rivers Struma, Dzherman, Treklyanska, Erma, etc. Most of the
rivers belong to the Aegean drainage basin. The mineral springs are significat natural
resources in the region - Sapareva Banya (+103⁰C) - the hottest in Bulgaria and
Europe; Kyustendil, Dolna Banya, Nevestino, Belchin springs and others.
• 6. Soils
• Vertysols, chromic soils, cambisols, alluvial
• 7. Vegetation
• In the lowlands and foothills the natural vegetation is destroyed and replaced by
• The most distributed by the deciduous vegetation are oak, hornbeam, beech, ash,
• Along the rivers - willow, poplar, alder, etc.
• By shrub vegetation - hawthorn (глог), garland thorn (драка), hazel (леска), on
the karst terrains - smoke tree and lilac.
• By grass vegetaion: meadow fescue (власатка), bunch grass (садина), meadow
(ливадина), common bent grass or brown top (полевица).
• 8. Animals
• Represented by deer, wild boar, fox, wolf and rodents - field mouse, rabbit,
European ground squirrel or souslik (лалугер), rarely - goldfinch (златка) and
wease (невестулка)l. By birds - blackbird (кос), lark (чучулига), songbird (поен
дрозд), barn owl (горска сова).
9. Protected areas
• Only one reserve “Ostritsa” in the Golo Bardo mountain.
There are over 360 vegetation species.

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