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Shadan Women’s College of

Engineering and Technology

Stages of Program
Software Development Life Cycle

The various stages in the development of a computer program are

 Problem Definition
 Program Design
 Coding
 Debugging
 Testing
 Documentation
 Maintenance
Problem Definition.
Program Design
 The first step in the process of program
development is the thorough  The
understanding and identification of the
next stage is the program
problem for which is the program or design. The software
software is to be developed. developer makes use of tools
 In this step the problem has to be defined like algorithms andflowcharts

to develop the design of the
All the factors like Input/output,
processing requirement, memory program.
requirements, error handling,interfacing
with other programs have to be taken into
consideration in this stage.

 Once the design process is complete, the actual computer program is written, i.e. the instructions arewritten in
a computer language.
 Coding is generally a very small part of the entire program development process and also a less
timeconsuming activity in reality.
 Coding
In this process all the syntax errors i.e. errors related to spelling, missing commas, undefined labels etc. are
 For effective coding some of the guide lines which are applied are:
1. Use of meaningful names and labels of variables,
2. Simple and clear expressions,Modularity with emphasis on making modules generalized,
3. Making use of comments and indenting the code properly,
4. Avoiding jumps in the program to transfer control.
Debugging Testing
 At this stage the errors in the programs are detected and
corrected.  The program is tested on a number of
 This stage of program development is an important process. suitable test cases.A test plan of the program
has to be done at the stage of the program
 Debugging is also known as programvalidation. design itself.
 Some common errors which might occur in the programs  This ensures a thorough understanding of
include: the specifications.
1. Un initialization of variables.  The most trivial and the most special cases
2. Reversing of order of operands. should be identified and tested.
 It is always useful to include the maximum
3. Confusion of numbers and characters
and minimum values of all variables as test
4. Inverting of conditions eg jumping on zero instead of on not data
Documentation Maintenance

  Updating and correction of the program

Documentation is a very essential step in
the program development. for changed conditions and field
experience is accounted forin
 Documentation help the users and the maintenance.
people who maintain the software
 Maintenance becomes essential in
 This ensures that future modification if following situations:
required can be done easily.
1. Change in specification
 Also it is required during redesigning and
maintenance. 2. Change in equipment
3. Errors which are found during the actual
execution of the program.

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