Safal Training

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Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning


Training of IT Nodal Teachers

1. Introduction to SAFAL

The National Education Policy 2020 recommends an annual competency-based census
assessment in key grades 3, 5 and 8

The National Education Policy 2020 recommends an annual census assessment in grades 3, 5 and 8 to monitor
progress on core competencies in all schools. Under the head ‘Transforming Assessment for Student Development’,
the NEP 2020 states the following:

4.40:“To track progress throughout the school years, and not just at the end of Grades 10 and 12 - for the benefit
of students, parents, teachers, principals, and the entire schooling system in planning improvements to schools and
teaching-learning processes - all students will take school examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8 which will be
conducted by the appropriate authority. These examinations would test achievement of basic learning outcomes,
through assessment of core concepts and knowledge from the national and local curricula, along with relevant
higher-order skills and application of knowledge in real-life situations, rather than rote memorization. The Grade
3 examination, in particular, would test basic literacy, numeracy, and other foundational skills. The results of
school examinations will be used only for developmental purposes of the school education system, including for
public disclosure by schools of their overall (anonymised) student outcomes, and for continuous monitoring and
improvement of the schooling system.”

The Structured Assessment for Analysing Learning (SAFAL) is an annual competency based
census assessment launched by CBSE

Key Features of the SAFAL Assessment

Test core Conduct Student level data is Data may be used for
competencies and assessments for all anonymised, school continuous
moves away from rote schools (Govt.+Pvt.) level reports of their diagnosis and
memorisation overall outcomes development

SAFAL hopes to nudge the system towards competency based teaching-learning, and establish
a learning markers for schools based on reliable learning data


1 2

Better understanding of learning gaps to Standardised learning marker for schools

design and implement targeted interventions to benchmark their performance and
to improve teaching and learning create school improvement plans



3 4

Increased availability of reliable data on Encourage shift from rote learning to

school performance and greater the development of critical skills
transparency to increase trust in the essential for success in a rapidly
education system
changing world

Unique Features of SAFAL

As per one of the key recommendations of NEP 2020 for conducting Key Stage Assessment at classes 3,5,8

1st digitally conducted large scale assessment of India

Students assessed in major subjects

Questions based on Competencies

Being scaled up with a systematic approach in all ~29000 schools of CBSE

Schools in areas with limited internet access can also participate. Internet is required only at the time of
downloading of QP and uploading of answers by schools
SAFAL is conducted for 3 subjects through MCQ type of questions

Subject Type of questions


● Objective type Multiple Choice

Language ● Each question will carry one mark
● No negative marking
● Assessment will be offered in the
medium of instruction

2. SAFAL’s Impact on Teaching Learning

Use of SAFAL data

SAFAL data would generate classroom level insights that can be used by teachers and school heads to improve
learning outcomes by developing classroom level interventions.

How can parents use SAFAL How can teachers use SAFAL

1. Stay informed about SAFAL results 1. School report cards to identify

to make informed decisions problem areas
2. Use data to support at home 2. Report to suggest classroom-level
learning interventions
3. NOT to be used to pass/fail

Through SAFAL School’s can benefit in many ways:

1. Generation of reliable 2. Provide diagnostic 3. Monitor Progress 4. Benchmark School 5. Advance the System
and high quality learning insights to educators Quality Towards Competency-
data Schools can use scaled Based Learning
Schools can use the scores and the Schools can use the
SAFAL school reports competency report to proficiency distribution proficiency distribution Schools are inspired to
provide reliable and high identify specific areas of to monitor school to benchmark school include competency
quality data to schools on strength of weakness and progress year on year quality against a based pedagogy, even
student learning undertake targeted national/regional/state beyond SAFAL grades
outcomes, year on year remediation average

Sections of the SAFAL School Report

Competency Report Scaled Scores Proficiency Distribution

School results (aggregated at national level) from the 2022-23 diagnosis shows that roughly half of
the students meet the proficiency standards for SAFAL.

The proficiency scales for SAFAL reporting were built in collaboration with psychometrics and assessment experts, and
experienced and qualified CBSE affiliated teachers based on best practices and teachers’ understanding of learning
benchmarks for students in CBSE affiliated schools

Takeaways from results

1. School performance is promising,

with more than half the students
achieving proficient and above levels,
especially given schools closures and
learning loss due to the COVID-19

II. There is room for improvement, as

highlighted by the diagnostic nature of
the assessment. The schools can use the
diagnostic SAFAL reports to guide their
improvement activities
3. Roles and responsibilities of Schools
during SAFAL


Functionaries involved in SAFAL Assessment in schools

Role Brief Description Responsibilities

Center Superintendent is responsible for all the essential

arrangements such as appointment of invigilators, seat
Centre principal of the
arrangements, allotment of duties, providing all the instructions
Superintendent school where the
sheets and collaterals along with students’ roll list)
SAFAL Assessment
is being done

Schools teachers of Invigilators role is crucial for the smooth and fair conduct of
non-sampled grade the assessment, requiring them to be meticulous, vigilant, and
School and non-testing attentive. They must strictly maintain invigilation and
Facilitators subject to invigilate discipline in the assessment hall/room and follow instructions
(Invigilators) the SAFAL from the Center Superintendent. Detailed rules and
assessment responsibilities are provided for their guidance.

Functionaries involved in SAFAL Assessments in schools

Role Brief Description Responsibilities

School IT incharge for Nodal IT office is responsible for ensuring the availability of digital
operating CBSE SAFAL infrastructure, downloading and uploading question papers, facilitating
Assessment Portal in the the start of assessments for students, and coordinating with relevant
school authorities in case of any issues. They are also responsible for maintaining
the integrity of the assessment process by adhering to prescribed
School Nodal Officer procedures.
(IT Expert)

Preparatory Tasks for the conduct of SAFAL
School head to nominate school staff to invigilate the test.
Nomination of School The school staff should be of non-sampled grade and of subjects not being tested.

School staff to nominate an IT Nodal Officer who provides technical support before and
Nomination of IT Nodal on the days of assessment .

School to confirm that the required number of computer systems are functional, as per
Setup and Testing of the specifications provided by Academic Unit, CBSE, and are able to run the SAFAL tool
Computer Lab

School staff will be issued a login Id and password using which the school staff invigilating
Use of User ID and Login the test would “START” the test on the SAFAL tool, and “END” the test once the batch is
over for a given set

In Batch 1 on Day 1 ensure that students fill the background questionnaire; school staff to
Conduct of Student read out the questions for Grade 5, if needed. Clarify doubts as the students fill the
Questionnaire student questionnaire

SAFAL Administration
The test should be enabled only 15 minutes prior to the start of the Test. Ensure a reliable
and fair conduct of the SAFAL test, and that there is no malpractice or interference to
Conduct of SAFAL Test help the students

Under no situation should a student be punished or penalised for any undesirable

behaviour. SAFAL is NOT AN EXAMINATION. School staff can only issue warnings when
Invigilation Protocol needed.

Concerned subject teacher to fill and submit the teacher questionnaire. School
questionnaire to be filled by the Principal / School head
Filling Teacher and
School Questionnaire

Once the batch is over, the school staff to login into the SAFAL portal using the same ID
Ending Test on SAFAL and password, and “END” the test to submit student responses

Key Points for Schools
Nominate School Staff and IT Coordinator for the Assessment
Schools will have to nominate at least 2 school staff members - not from Grade 5 and 8 and teaching subjects part of SAFAL,
to conduct the assessment at the classroom level. Additionally an IT coordinator to provide technical support in the
computer labs

Conduct in all batches

School to ensure that the assessment is conducted with students in all batches of Grades 5 and 8

Confidentiality performa
School staff members to sign the confidentiality performa

Support from the Region

In case doubt or confusion, refer to the CBSE RO who would guide the school throughout the process. Any externalities
such as delays, system failures etc. should be timely communicated to the CBSE Regional office

Things to Note

Students of Grade 5 and 8 will take the SAFAL assessment digitally on the SAFAL portal in batches.

A school can have a maximum of 3 batches in a day. Sample batch timings are given below.

S.No Sample timings for Grade 5 batches (75 Sample timings for Grade 8 batches (90 mins)

1. 9:00 AM - 10:15AM IST 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM IST

2. 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM IST 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM IST

3. 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM IST 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM IST

Batches should be selected in a manner that the timing of selected batches does not overlap with each other. There
needs to be a gap of minimum 30 minutes between the end of the last batch and the start of the next batch. For eg. for
Grade 8, if the first batch for a school starts at 9:00 AM IST and ends at 10:30 AM IST, then the second batch for this
school will start at 11:00 AM IST and end at 12:30 PM IST and the third batch will start at 1:00 PM IST and end at
2:30 PM IST.

Students need to sit for the SAFAL Assessment as per the roll list. Only those students whose name is in the roll list
can appear for the SAFAL assessment.
In case a student is absent, his/her allotted seat will remain vacant and no other student should be allowed to take the
assessment in his/her place. 18
Certificate of Confidentiality

The schools participating in the SAFAL Test 2024-25 are required to submit an undertaking duly signed by the
Principal / Head of the School to CBSE SAFAL unit at email : [email protected]

‘No data from SAFAL system will be disclosed to any

person / Organization in any manner.

During the assessment, photography / Videography of

the questions displayed shall be strictly prohibited.

School will maintain complete confidentiality during the

conduct of SAFAL 2024-25.’

Any deviation / violation in this regard will amount to appropriate action as per Affiliation
Bye-Laws of the Board.
4. Overview of SAFAL Field Test
(March 2024)


Overview of SAFAL FT

Purpose and Objectives: Administrative purpose: To test the modality of implementation, identify possible hurdles and insights for
scaling of the assessment. It also helps stakeholders (CBSE regional officials, schools) get acquainted with the
assessment modality.
Psychometric purpose: To determine whether the newly developed test items perform well or not, before
they are used in the main assessment.

Mode of administration Digital SAFAL platform developed by CDAC

Schools Covered 94 English-medium schools

Subjects Language (English), Mathematics and Science/EVS

Grades Grades 5 and 8

Scope of assessment Only MCQs ranging from grade minus 2 levels to grade level Eg. Grade 5 students will be assessed on key
concepts and skills from grades 3, 4 and 5.
Grade 5 question papers have 40-45 questions and Grade 8 question papers have 50-60 questions. Each
question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking.

Dates of the Pilot: 14 March 2024 - 22 March 2024

Participating Status of all the CBSE schools from all over the world

Out of the total 94 CBSE schools that participated in the SAFAL field test in March 2024, 92
schools were from India and 1 each from Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Thank you


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