Title: QR Code Generator: Real - Time Research Project Lab Mini Project

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Real – time Research Project Lab

Mini project

QR code generator

Preferred langauge:PYTHON
Team Members:

B.Likhitha - 521
B.Nagasri – 522
B.Vishwa – 532
D.Sahasra – 547
G.Vennela - 557
G.Pavan - 558
Rishi Vardhan – LE:501
Why python:
•Interactive: You can interact with an interpreter straightaway
to write your agendas.

•Interpreted: Python language is administered

at runtime by an interpreter. You do not require .
to accumulate your program before implementing it.
This is much similar to PHP and PERL.

•Beginner’s language: Python is an excellent programming language for

•beginners. It supports creating a comprehensive range of apps from
www browsers to simple text processing to some games.

•Object-oriented: Python language supports object-oriented

•technique or style of programming that captures code within the objects.
Features of python:
.Extendable: You can include low-level modules to Python
interpreter. Such modules allow programmers to
customize or add tools to be more effective.

•Portable: Python can work on an extensive range

of platforms and has a similar interface on all the
stated platforms.

•GUI Programming: Python programming enables GUI

applications that can be formed and ported to many
Python libraries, system calls, and windows systems,
such as Macintosh, the X Window system UNIX, and Windows MFC.

•Scalable: Python delivers better support and structure for huge

agendas than shell scripting.

•Databases: Python offers interfaces to all chief commercial databases.

QR code generator:
• QR Code is a machine-readable matrix
barcode that uniquely represents information.

• With the increase in optical capabilities of

smartphones, the use of QR codes started increasing.

• In this project, we will build a QR Code

generator using Python Modules.

• QR code stands for Quick Response Code.

It was invented by a Japanese automotive company in 1994.
Use of QR generators:
• about 99.5 million U.S. smartphone users will use QR
Codes to access information online? This is an increase
83.4 million since 2022

• A QR Code is your lightning-fast solution to dwindling

consumer attention spans.

• The user aims their smartphone camera at the QR Code

and the website URL pops up.

• Consumers instantly teleport to their online destination—

no additional steps are required.
Modules & about Tinkter:
• Segno Library:We'll use the Segno library, a popular
Python library for generating QR codes.Install it using

 pip install segno

• Creating a Basic Black-and-White QR Code.

This creates a full-size black-and-white QR code.

• Tkinter is standard python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.

• It’s the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications.

• To crete a Tkinter
 pip install Tkinter
Steps to build the QR Code Generator:

To build the QR code generator project using Python we need to

follow the below steps:

1 . Importing the modules

2 . Creating the main window

3 . Taking the input of the text/URL, location to store the QR

code, name of the QR code and the size of the QR code

ext/URL as Entry() named as ‘text’

2. Location to save the QR Code as Entry() named as ‘loc’

 Our intention is to build a QR code generator.

 That will be with python modules.
 Just like the phone pay scanner just by
understanding it clearly and executing the project.
 And future on idea is that making advancements in
same project.

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