W5 - Apriori
W5 - Apriori
W5 - Apriori
5.1 Overview
5.2 Apriori Algorithm
5.3 Evaluation of Candidate Rules
5.4 Example: Transactions in a Grocery Store
5.5 Validation and Testing
5.6 Diagnostics
5.1 Overview
Association rules method
Unsupervised learning method
Descriptive (not predictive) method
Used to find hidden relationships in data
The relationships are represented as rules
Questions association rules might answer
Which products tend to be purchased together
What products do similar customers tend to buy
5.1 Overview
Example – general logic of association rules
5.1 Overview
Rules have the form X -> Y
When X is observed, Y is also observed
Collection of items or entities
k-itemset = {item 1, item 2,…,item k}
Items purchased in one transaction
Set of hyperlinks clicked by a user in one session
5.1 Overview – Apriori Algorithm