Learning objectives
An understanding of the medical assessment
and diagnosis of a patient with cancer,
including staging and classification
An understanding of the various medical and
surgical methods of cancer management
A better understanding of a variety of the
different body system cancers
Examination, evaluation, and intervention
considerations for the physical therapist
• Cancer is a term that applies to a group of
diseases characterized by the abnormal
growth of cells.
• The branch of medical sciences dealing with
tumors including the development origin,
diagnosis and treatment of malignant
Classification of tumor
• Tumors may also be classified as primary or
secondary. Primary tumors are the original
tumors in the original location.
• Secondary tumors are those metastases that
have moved from the primary site.
Etiology and Risk Factors
• External or environmental and generic.
• Person to person
• After obtaining a medical history and
performing a physical examination, the
physician uses specific medical tests to
diagnose cancer.
• These tests may include medical imaging,
blood tests for cancer markers and several
types of biopsy.
• Biopsy, or removal and examination of tissue,
is the definitive test for cancer identification.
Diagnostic test
• Surgery
• Radiation
• Chemotherapy
• Biotherapy
Cancers in the Body Systems
• Pulmonary Cancers
• Musculoskeletal Cancers
• Breast Cancer
• Gastrointestinal and genitourinary cancers
• Hepato-biliary Cancers
• Pancreatic Cancer
• Hematologic Cancers
• Leukemia
• Lymphomas
• Multiple Myeloma
What is the Role of Physical
Therapy in Cancer Recovery?
Role of Physical therapist
• The physical therapist requires an
understanding of underlying cancer pathology,
as well as the side effects, considerations, and
precautions related to cancer care to enhance
clinical decision making to safely and
effectively treat the patient with cancer.
General Physical Therapy Guidelines
for Patients with Cancer
• Knowing the stage and grade of cancer can
help the physical therapist modify a patient's
treatment parameters and establish realistic
goals and intervention.
• Patients may be placed on bed rest while
receiving cancer treatment or post operatively
and will be at risk for developing pulmonary
complications, deconditioning and skin
General Physical Therapy Guidelines
for Patients with Cancer
• Deep breathing exercises, frequent position
changes, and an exercise program that can be
performed in bed are beneficial in
counteracting these complications.
• Patients who have metastatic processes,
especially to bone, are at high risk for
pathologic fracture.
• Pulmonary hygiene is indicated for most
patients who undergo surgical procedures.
General Physical Therapy Guidelines
for Patients with Cancer
• Metastatic processes should al 0 be
considered when prescribing resistive
exercises to patients, as the muscle action on
the frail bone may be enough to cause
• Patient and family education regarding safety
management, energy conservation, postural
awareness, and body mechanics during
activities of daily living should be provided.
Aims of physical therapist