Morphology of Ocean Floor

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Marine Geology

Marine geology, also called geologic oceanography, scientific discipline that is

concerned with all geological aspects of the continental shelves and slopes and the
ocean basins. In practice, the principal focus of marine geology has been on marine
sedimentation and on the interpretation of the many bottom samples that have been
obtained through the years. The advent of the concept of seafloor spreading in the
1960s, the scope of marine geology considerably broadened. Many investigations
of mid-oceanic ridges, remanent magnetism of rocks on the seafloor, geochemical
analyses of deep brine pools, and of seafloor spreading and continental drift may be
considered within the general realm of marine geology.
Morphology of Ocean Flore
_ Introduction
_ Profile of Global elevations
_ Morphology of the Ocean Floor
A - Continental Margins
B - Ocean Basin morphology
C - Oceanic Ridges and Rises
D - Ocean Trenches
E – Island Arcs
F – Marginal Ocean Basin
G – Plateau

_ References
** Oceans make up 70% of the earth s surface .
•There are hundreds of seas and oceans in the world. Among them, the
five major oceans are:

_ Atlantic

_ Pacific

_ Indian

_ Arctic

_ Southern
Lithospheric Crust
• Earth’s crust is divided into continental and
oceanic crusts.
• The oceanic crust is thin and the continental
crust is thick.
The Oceanic Crust :


Of Ocean Floor
Profile Of Global Elevation

The Hypsometric Curve of Surface of the solid Earth

Morphology of Ocean Floor :

• The major features of the ocean floor are :

Continental Margins :

1. Continental Shelf
2. Continental Slope
3. Continental Rise
*Continental shelf :
The zone around the continents, extending from the low-waterline to the depth at which there is a marked increase in slope to greater depth.

* Continental slope :
The declivity from the outer edge of the continental shelf into greater depths.

* Continental rise :
At the base of continental slopes , the steep gradients of the slope decreases to 1 degree or less continuing into the abyssal hills or plains.
Submarine Canyons
• The continental shelf and slope regions are
characterised by the presence of
• A) Submarine canyons
• B) Alluvial fans
• C) Deep cut valleys.
The Ocean Basin Floor

1. Abyssal floor
2. Seamounts and Guyots
1. Abyssal floor :

Abyssal floor are broad ,relatively smooth surfaces and consist of two
sections :

(i) Abyssal plains : The abyssal plain is the flattest of all Earth ‘s surface areas.
They are composed of sediments , most of which came from continents and can be
more than one km thick.

(ii) Abyssal hills : The abyssal hills are small, rolling hills often occurring
in groups near to ocean ridge systems.
2. Seamounts and Guyots
Ocean Trenches

• Ocean trenches are steep depressions in the

deepest parts of the ocean [where old ocean crust
from one tectonic plate is pushed beneath another
plate, raising mountains, causing earthquakes, and
forming volcanoes on the seafloor and on land.
Marianas Trench
Distribution of Ridge of the world
Marginal Ocean Basins

The Marginal ocean Basins are depression in the ocean

bottom lying between either island arcs and continents
(Sea of Japan , Sea of Okhotsk ) or between two separate
parallel island arcs (Philippines Sea).
Plateau also called micro-continental are submarine elevation
of considerable extent with relatively flat tops.
They rise upto 1 or 2 km but do not reach the ocean surface.

Oceanic plateaus
Oceanography By ( K.Siddhartha)

The changing Earth By ( James S. Monroe . Reed Wicander )

The Global Sea By( Harris B . Stewart,Jr)

The Deep –Ocean Floor By (H.W.Menard)

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