Enhancement Framework Badi Development
Enhancement Framework Badi Development
Enhancement Framework Badi Development
(BADI Development)
Anthony Cecchini
Information Technology Partners Consulting
The Objective for this session is to:
Educate RICEFW team members responsible for
creating extensions to the delivered SAP standard
code, specifically calling out the use of both Classic
and Kernal Badi’s
The purpose of this presentation is to:
Provide an Overview of the Enhancement Framework
Describe what a BADI is……
Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Tips & Tricks
Address feedback and questions from Audience
Enhancement Framework
Enhancement Framework
Let us first take a look at how the enhancement technique has
evolved so far in SAP.
The ‘BADI-s’ (Business Add-Ins), as they exist in pre NW04s releases are now
called old classic-BADI’s. This was the first object-oriented way to enhance
the ABAP system. This, to a certain extent, allows multiple implementations
with limited filter support. The classic-BADI’s are implemented using ABAP
Enhancement Framework
So what's so cool about this new enhancement
What is a BADI?
Business Add In
What is a BADI?
What's important about this diagram is that it reflects both the definition
3.Adapter class takes care of calling and filtering out the proper
What is a BADI?
SAP guarantees upward If an BADI is called
compatibility of all BADI frequently, performance
interfaces problems can occur
BADIs are not a replacement (No longer an issue with
for Customer Exits (already
existing exits were not
new Kernel BADI’s)
converted to BADIs) Customers can create
Enhancements, interfaces & BADIs
generated classes all lie in the Creating a BADI within a
SAP namespace CMOD project exit can allow
Implementations lie in the multiple developers to share
customer/partner namespace an exit without stepping on
and are transportable each other’s toes
Standard naming conventions
apply for BADIs – start your
implementations with Z
Object oriented coding rules
apply (i.e. – no header lines on
internal tables)
Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
The old classic-BADI’s are implemented purely at the
ABAP Workbench level; that is, both the definition and
implementation are realized as workbench repository
objects (global classes and interfaces)..
Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
The old classic-BADI used to mix both implementation
selection and method call in the same CALL METHOD
statement. The implementations could only be chosen
at run-time because of the above reason and due to the
fact that the BADI handle could only be gotten from
another method call by passing the BADI name.
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 1: Creating an Implementation
The first step involves creating a BADI implementation. Call
transaction SE19. The BADI implementation screen appears, as
shown. Enter a suitable name for your implementation in the field
provided, and click the Create button
Implement a BADI (Classic)
A pop-up screen appears, as shown. Enter the name of
the BADI involved and press the Enter button.
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Enter an appropriate short text in the field provided.
Then, click on the Interface tab. This shows the name
of the class that will be generated as a result of the
implementation. You may change the class if you like.
The Interface tab also contains the name of the BADI
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Then, double-click on the name of the method (in our
case SAP_SCRIPT_TABLES). This takes you to the Class
Builder’s method editor screen. This is the area where
you may write the code that you would like to be
executed when the BADI method is called
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 2: Writing the code for the BADI Method
Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 2: Activate the BADI!
Tips & Tricks
How do we find available BADI’s?
Press F4
Tips & Tricks
A list of all the programs with call to the BADI’s will be listed.
Tips & Tricks
Finding BADI Using SQL Trace (TCODE-ST05)
Push the button "Activate Trace". Start transaction in a new GUI session. Go back to the
Performance trace session.
Tips & Tricks
Finding BADI Using Repository Information System (TCODE-
Further Information
Help Portal
Documentation SAP Netweaver (04s) Application Platform
ABAP technology ABAP Workbench Enhancement Framework
Address Feedback & Questions
from audience
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