Enhancement Framework Badi Development

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Introducing the Enhancement Framework

(BADI Development)

Anthony Cecchini
Information Technology Partners Consulting

The Objective for this session is to:
 Educate RICEFW team members responsible for
creating extensions to the delivered SAP standard
code, specifically calling out the use of both Classic
and Kernal Badi’s
The purpose of this presentation is to:
 Provide an Overview of the Enhancement Framework
 Describe what a BADI is……
 Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
 Implement a BADI (Classic)
 Tips & Tricks
 Address feedback and questions from Audience

Enhancement Framework

 SAP is known for delivering business software easily

adaptable by customers for their specific needs.
Typically the software (for example, mySAP ERP) can be
adapted by one of the following techniques:

 Customizing (defining system behavior through standard SAP

provided mechanism without coding),

 Enhancement (adding custom code at strategic hook

positions provided by SAP)

 Modification (modifying SAP supplied code directly – often

called Core-Mod

Enhancement Framework
 Let us first take a look at how the enhancement technique has
evolved so far in SAP.

 User-Exit’ is one of the very first mechanisms provided by SAP to execute

custom code in between the standard SAP control flow. This is implemented
as subroutine call (PERFORM xxx). A classical example for User-Exit is
MV45AFZZ include in order processing module of SAP R/3. Though this include
object doesn’t fall under customer namespace, the object doesn’t get
overwritten during upgrade.

 ‘Customer-Exit’ is better than the user-exit, in the sense that it is implemented

using Function Modules and so has a well defined parameter interface. Also
since the custom coding done as part of these customer-exits is located away
from the original SAP code, the maintenance is easier than user-exits.

 The ‘BADI-s’ (Business Add-Ins), as they exist in pre NW04s releases are now
called old classic-BADI’s. This was the first object-oriented way to enhance
the ABAP system. This, to a certain extent, allows multiple implementations
with limited filter support. The classic-BADI’s are implemented using ABAP

Enhancement Framework
 So what's so cool about this new enhancement

» Source Code enhancement

» Function Group enhancement
» Class enhancement
» Kernel-BADI Enhancement

 The first three methods, viz., Source Code enhancement,

Function Group enhancement, and Class enhancement
are brand new ways to enhance the ABAP system. The
final one Kernel-BADI is an improvement of the old
classic-BADI now integrated into the Enhancement
Framework. Remember that all of these techniques are
considered enhancing and not modifying the system.

What is a BADI?
 Business Add In

 Business Add-Ins may be simply defined as an object-oriented

extension of the SAP. They consist of special hooks provided by SAP
core developers for incorporating customer (or company) specific
logic. (BADI Definition) The process of adapting your program
according to your specific scenario is known as implementation of the

 BADIs are based upon the concept of object-orientation. The program

that incorporates the enhancement option calls a method of a
generated BADI class. During the implementation procedure, the
customer-specific code is written in the relevant method. The method
name is specified via a BADI interface. The name of the interface is of
the form IF_EX_BADI, where BADI is the name of the Business Add-In
in question. For example, in the case of the HR Add-In HR_INDVAL, the
involved interface is IF_EX_HR_INDVAL.

What is a BADI?

BADI Architecture in SAP

What's important about this diagram is that it reflects both the definition

of a classic BADI as well as it’s implementation.

What is a BADI?

BADI Architecture in SAP

1 2

1.CORE SAP Application developers define an interface for the


2.SAP generates an adapter class for implementing the add-in

What is a BADI?

BADI Architecture in SAP

1 2

1.Customer/partner developer creates an interface of the adapter class

2.The interface definition ensures that consistent data is passed to the

different add-in implementations

3.Adapter class takes care of calling and filtering out the proper
What is a BADI?
 SAP guarantees upward  If an BADI is called
compatibility of all BADI frequently, performance
interfaces problems can occur
 BADIs are not a replacement (No longer an issue with
for Customer Exits (already
existing exits were not
new Kernel BADI’s)
converted to BADIs)  Customers can create
 Enhancements, interfaces & BADIs
generated classes all lie in the  Creating a BADI within a
SAP namespace CMOD project exit can allow
 Implementations lie in the multiple developers to share
customer/partner namespace an exit without stepping on
and are transportable each other’s toes
 Standard naming conventions
apply for BADIs – start your
implementations with Z
 Object oriented coding rules
apply (i.e. – no header lines on
internal tables)

Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
 The old classic-BADI’s are implemented purely at the
ABAP Workbench level; that is, both the definition and
implementation are realized as workbench repository
objects (global classes and interfaces)..


Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s

 The new Kernel-BADI takes it to the ABAP language level.

Because of this, the new Kernel-BADI’s are much faster
compared to the old classic-BADI’s
 There are two new ABAP statements available now to support
the Kernel-BADI’s, namely GET BADI and CALL BADI.


data bd_hdl type ref to badi_name.

GET BADI bd_hdl filters filt_1 = ‘VALUE’.

CALL BADI bd_hdl->method

exporting param_1 = 10.

Classic vs. Kernel BADI’s
 The old classic-BADI used to mix both implementation
selection and method call in the same CALL METHOD
statement. The implementations could only be chosen
at run-time because of the above reason and due to the
fact that the BADI handle could only be gotten from
another method call by passing the BADI name.

 Whereas in the new Kernel-BADI, the active BADI

implementations are included into the load of BADI
handle at compile time and the filter criterion are
expanded as IF statements. This is the reason the new
Kernel-BADI’s are much faster than classic-BADI’s.

 Some of the other new features of Kernel-BADI’s are,

» • Improved Filters with complex filter condition editor
» • Possibility to inherit the implementations
» • Switchable using Switch Framework

Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 1: Creating an Implementation
 The first step involves creating a BADI implementation. Call
transaction SE19. The BADI implementation screen appears, as
shown. Enter a suitable name for your implementation in the field
provided, and click the Create button

Implement a BADI (Classic)
 A pop-up screen appears, as shown. Enter the name of
the BADI involved and press the Enter button.

Implement a BADI (Classic)
 Enter an appropriate short text in the field provided.
Then, click on the Interface tab. This shows the name
of the class that will be generated as a result of the
implementation. You may change the class if you like.
The Interface tab also contains the name of the BADI

Implement a BADI (Classic)
 Then, double-click on the name of the method (in our
case SAP_SCRIPT_TABLES). This takes you to the Class
Builder’s method editor screen. This is the area where
you may write the code that you would like to be
executed when the BADI method is called

Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 2: Writing the code for the BADI Method

 The next step is to write the appropriate coding for the

BADI method. This code incorporates the enhancement
logic and is executed by the application program upon the
BADI method call. Most of the ABAP statements are
applicable in this case. However, since the BADI technology
is based upon ABAP Objects, some ABAP constructs are not
 The method has importing, exporting, and changing
parameters. The enhancement may be achieved by writing
code that assigns suitable values to the changing and
exporting parameters of the method. The main application
program uses these values for further processing, and in
this way the desired enhancement effect is achieved

Implement a BADI (Classic)
Step 2: Activate the BADI!

Tips & Tricks
 How do we find available BADI’s?

There are multiple ways of searching for BADI’s. First

there is the obvious……

 Go to Transaction Code SE18 (Definition)

 Press F4

 Search by package, Hierarchy, or by program.

Tips & Tricks

 Go to the Transaction, for which we want to find the BADI. Click on


 Double click on the program name.

 Once inside the program search for


 Make sure the radio button “In main program” is checked.

 A list of all the programs with call to the BADI’s will be listed.

 The export parameter ‘EXIT_NAME’ for the method GET_INSTANCE

of class CL_EXITHANDLER will have the METHOD assigned to it.
The changing parameter ‘INSTANCE’ will have the interface
assigned to it.

 Double click on the method to enter the source code.

Tips & Tricks
 Finding BADI Using SQL Trace (TCODE-ST05)

 Start transaction ST05 (Performance Analysis).

 Set flag field "Buffer trace"

Remark: We need to trace also the buffer calls, because BADI database tables are
buffered. (Especially view V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT)

 Push the button "Activate Trace". Start transaction in a new GUI session. Go back to the
Performance trace session.

 Push the button "Deactivate Trace".

 Push the button "Display Trace".

 The popup screen "Set Restrictions for Displaying Trace" appears.

Now, filter the trace on Objects:

 Push button "Multiple selections" button behind field Objects

All the interface class names of view V_EXT_IMP start with IF_EX_. This is the standard SAP prefix
for BADI class interfaces. The BADI name is after the IF_EX_.


Tips & Tricks
 Finding BADI Using Repository Information System (TCODE-

 Go to “Maintain Transaction” (TCODE- SE93).

 Enter the Transaction for which you want to find


 Click on the Display push buttons.

 Get the Package Name.

 Go to TCode: SE84->Enhancements->Business Add-

inns->Definition, enter the Package Name and
Here you get a list of all the Enhancement BADI’s for the given package


 I reviewed the rudiments of Business Add-Ins and their

benefits for SAP users and developers. Then, I
discussed in detail the steps required in implementing
an add-in.

 I hope this presentation will provide you with some

breadcrumbs to help you in adapting standard SAP
programs quickly and easily using BADI’s!

Further Information
 Help Portal
Documentation SAP Netweaver (04s) Application Platform
ABAP technology ABAP Workbench Enhancement Framework

Address Feedback & Questions
from audience

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