CRIM211+ (Human+Behavior) + +Final+Ppt.
CRIM211+ (Human+Behavior) + +Final+Ppt.
CRIM211+ (Human+Behavior) + +Final+Ppt.
Pioneers in Victimology
1. Hans Von Hentig
• 1948 - developed a typology of victims based on
the degree to which victims contributed to
causing the criminal act.
• classified victims into 13 categories depending on
their propensity or risk for victimization.
• led to the development of the concept of “victim-
blaming” and seen as an attempt to assign equal
culpability to the victim.
Pioneers in Victimology
2. Benjamin Mendelsohn
• 1956 - often been referred to as the “father” of
• surveyed both victims and offenders during the
course of preparing a case for trial and
developed a six-category typology of victims
based on legal considerations of the degree
of a victim’s culpability.
Pioneers in Victimology
3. Marvin E. Wolfgang
• 1958 - the first empirical evidence that victims
maybe responsible for their own victimization.
• analyzed police records and noted factors common
to victim-precipitated homicides such as (a)
victim and offender had prior interpersonal
relationship (b) series of escalating
disagreements between the parties and (3) victim
had consumed alcohol.
Pioneers in Victimology
4. Stephen Schafer
• 1968 - classified victims based on the seven-
category functional responsibility typology.
• included von Hentig’s personal characteristics
and Mendelsohn’s behavior-rooted
• victims’ dual role was to function so that they did
not provoke others to harm them while also
preventing the criminal acts.
Pioneers in Victimology
5. Menachem Amir
• 1971 - some rapes were victim precipitated by
such factors as the use of alcohol by both
parties, seductive actions by the victim and the
victim’s wearing of revealing clothing which
could tantalize the offender to the point of
misreading the victim’s behavior.
• criticized by the victims’ and the feminist
movements as blaming the victim.
General Types of Victims - Von Hentig
Victim Characteristics
Young physically weaker, have less mental prowess, have fewer legal rights
Females physically weaker than men and culturally conditioned to accept male authority.
Old same vulnerabilities as children, often physically weaker and mentally less facile
Mentally Defective or Deranged altered perception of reality.
Immigrants unfamiliar with a given culture
Minorities racially disadvantaged or prejudiced
simple-minded persons but same types as those who are mentally defective and
Dull Normal
with various psychological maladies and may expose themselves to all manner of danger,
intentional and otherwise.
Acquisitive greedy and looking for quick gain
Wanton indiscriminate sexual activity and maybe exposed to disease and varying personalities