Junior Doctors Orientation
Junior Doctors Orientation
Junior Doctors Orientation
appointment based on credentialing info
co-ordinate with MS for administrative purposes
Code of Ethics Regulations 2002
Professional Conduct, Etiquette & Ethics
Important Acts for Doctors
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
Pharmacy Act, 1948
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act, 1985
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971
Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994
Mental Health Act, 1987
Environmental Protection Act, 1986
Pre–natal Sex Determination Test Act, 1994
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities and Full Participation) Act, 1995
BioMedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998
write your name, date & time clearly in block letters
Admission Note
Critical Tests
tests or procedures that are conducted & reported
Doctors Notes
make atleast one entry during his/her duty
Documentation of Drug Orders
Right patient Indications
Right route SOS (si opus sit) / PRN (pro re nata) orders
Drug Formulary
Patient Family Education
important to educate & document that education
In House Transfer (SBAR)
Blood Transfusion
written & informed consent - before every transfusion
Restraint Order Sheet
monitoring every hour
Discharge Summary
reflect the high standards High end diagnostics & therapeutic
prepare it meticulously
significant findings & lab data
UHID # & IP #
any significant event & important drugs
date & time of admission & discharge
status at the time of discharge
diagnosis & comorbidities
discharge advice & medications
past hospitalisations & surgery
Follow up - date & time
language of the patient
reason for admission
contact person in emergency
Avoid abbreviations
if transferred - reason for transfer
DAMA (Discharge Against Medical Advice)
Surgical Care
surgical care plan names of surgeons & surgical
type of anesthesia
restraint details if applied
anesthetic technique
brief surgical report
monitoring values
Time of arrival & discharge from
response to complications Recovery
use of reversal agents condition on discharge - vitals,
post OP diagnosis ambulatory, surgical wound, pain,
blood sugar
surgical procedure, findings, and
specimens care after surgery
Time Out
to be in all surgeries / procedures
IN House Patient Transfer Policy
From wards / ER to ICU
duty doctor / ER doctor should accompany to ICU
hand over to ICU doctor informing him details
all medications / investigation reports to be accompanied
transfer summary / inhouse transfer form filled
From ICU / ER to wards
transfer summary should be complete
details of present condition & special care / instructions if any
transferring doctor has to call the ward duty doctor & inform him / her
IN House Patient Transfer Policy
From OTs to ICU / wards
ticket to ride filled by nurses & return ticket when comes back to in patient
from ICU to ICU
patient in the respective specialty ICU - preferable
Inter Hospital Transfer
ensure stabilization is done prior to transfer
Blood Transfusion
check the identity with details written on compatibility certificate / case file
(note colour code)
no air inlet is required & check for air bubbles in the set
Blood transfusion
first 15mins - 10 drops / minute
Allergic related transfusion reaction
give antihistamine
inform physician
Acute non-allergic reactions
stop transfusion immediately but keep IV line open
inform physician
send 5ml clotted bank sample and 2ml of EDTA blood sample with
transfusion reaction feedback form to the blood bank
Policy for Restraints
Physical / Chemical Restraints
implemented only on written instructions from physician
reassessed after 24 hours for further continuation
care provider can take an action in emergency, but treating physician may
be intimated verbally
needs to be attended every hour & documented
vitals documented every fourth hourly or often
restraint implementation - adequately documented & authenticated
Patient’s Rights
need for privacy shall be upheld
HIV or infectious aetiologies - primary consultants
adequately inform & educate patient / family
right to know identity & professional status of care giver
right to choose room / bed of his choice
protected from physical assaults & appropriate protection
informed consent
right to second opinion
Emergency Alerts
codes usually announced over the hospital intercom, along with exact location
Triage Colours
casualties who require immediate life saving
BLACK Deceased
Protocol for death & breaking bad news
involve family members early in resuscitation
Protocol for brought dead patients
ER doctor confirms the death
Protocol for MLCs
Assess & treat the patient first
yellow copy remains in the MLC book & green copy into patient’s folder
in case of death of MLC patient - body handed over to the police for PME
Insulin Policy
insulin order will be on - Diabetic chart, not on Drug chart
on drug chart write ‘please refer diabetic chart for insulin orders’
verbal orders can only be obtained by doctors
only the doctors will inform the blood sugar levels to consultants, on phone
nurse should administer insulin only after the written orders from the doctor
attention needs to be paid on type of insulin syringe used
concerned staff nurse should get insulin verified by shift-in-charge before
administration and both nurses have to document & sign the same
insulin needles not to be re-used & should not be recapped
every incidence of hypoglycemia - incident form is raised
Insulin policy
insulin brought from outside should not be used
Spill Management
Major Spill - >30ml of liquids or 30gms of solids
first cordon of area & call for Hazmat team (if hazardous material)
place the waste into black bag & label the spill (date, time, place, nature)
Medication Management
medication errors are of four types:
Prescription error
Transcription error
Dispensing error
Administration error
Prescription Errors
no route specified
Narcotic policy
used in our hospital - morphine, pethidine, fentanyl
left over narcotic - disposed off in the sink under running water & in front
of two witnesses
Crash Cart
are available in all patient care areas
After a Code Blue
crash cart seal opened
Policy on medication prescription
a licensed & registered medical practitioner shall prescribe
High alert medications
requiring special handling throughout the medication use process
Adverse Drug Reaction
allergy or unexpected side effect
Bio-medical waste categorisation
Category No 1 - Human Anatomical Waste
Color Coding & Container type
Disinfected Container /
Red Plastics
Plastic Bag
Pain Management Policy
pain assessed (within 30minutes in ER setting)
pain score >4
location of pain
character / radiating
aggravating & relieving factors
check pain score after one hour of relief measure given & document
FLACC Scale (0 to 5 years)
Categories Scoring
0 1 2
Occasional grimace or frown, Frequent to constant quivering
FACE No particular expression or smile
withdrawn, disinterested chin, clenched jaw
LEGS Normal postion or relaxed Uneasy, restless, tense Kicking or legs drawn up
Visual Analogue Scale (> 5 years)
Behavioral Pain Score
Item Description Score
Relaxed 1
Facial Expression Partially tightened (brow lowering) 2
Grimacing 3
No movement 1
Partially bent 2
Upper limbs
Fully bent with finger flexion 3
Permanently retracted 4
Toleration movement 1
Compliance with Coughing but tolerating ventilation for most of the same 2
venttilation Fighting ventilator 3
Unable to control ventilation 4
Infection Control
Infection Control Nurses - surveillance activity
post operative wound infections or Surgical Site Infections
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections (CLBSI)
Investigation of any outbreak of infections
Management of MRSA/MDR pathogens
Needle Stick Injury
Hand Washing
When coming on duty
Before and after each patient contact
After removing personal protective equipment (gowns, gloves, booties, caps)
before preparing or serving food
before performing invasive procedures
when moving from contaminated body site to a clean body site
before and after eating food
after blowing & wiping the nose
after using toilet facilities
after contact with patient excretions, secretions or blood
On completions of duties
Waterless Hand Antisepsis
when soap & water are not readily available
hands are not visibly dirty or contaminated with proteinaceous material
before donning sterile gloves when inserting invasive lines
before having direct patient contact
after contact with a patient’s intact skin
after contact with body fluids or excretions, mucous membranes, non intact
skin & wound dressings if hands are not visibly soiled
after touching inanimate objects (medical equipment)
after removing gloves
Isolation / barrier nursing
Strict Isolation Category
Respiratory Isolation Category (Contact Isolation with Mask)
febrile neutropenia
AIDS & AIDS Related Complex (only rare cases)
Immediate post transplant
Open cases of Tuberculosis
Cases from epidemiological suspicion (plague, tularaemia)
Isolation of organisms like VRE
Additional risk for high risk patients
Emergency patients: Risk of radiation exposure
Comatose patients: Risk of pressure ulcers
Patients on life support: BSI, VAP
Patients with communicable diseases: Risk of spread of infections in staff
Immune-suppressed patients: Risk of HAI
Dialysis: cross infections with other dialysis patients
Patients on restraints: risk of injury from physical restraints
Patient on chemotherapy: medication errors
Vulnerable patients: Risk of fall
Quick Reminders
identify patients with two identifiers
document verbal information (Listen - Write - Read back)
document handovers in SABR format
site marking in wards & time out before incision
wash your hands
current summary for radiotherapy, chemotherapy, dialysis (30th day or 6th visit)
DNR not legal in India
Repeat IDTR daily in ICU & every 6th day in wards
Quick Reminders
wear TLD badges in radiation exposed areas
Thanks for listening