NP Chương 1.4
NP Chương 1.4
NP Chương 1.4
Lesson objectives
I just bought a new shirt and some new shoes. The shirt was pretty
expensive, but the shoes weren't.
I just bought a new shirt and tie. The shirt was expensive, but the tie
The definite article: ‘the’
‘A/an’, ‘the’ and zero in front of abbreviations
The first letters
Important words - Institutions when we
Some words are often
Like ordinary nouns and u Titles can't say them as single
used as normal words
se them words
A / An The Zero
‘The’ for specifying
When we use THE => the listener or reader knows or can understand what we are
referring to:
a) Back reference:
My house is near a river.
The river is very beautiful.
b) The + Noun + of: The life of Steve Jobs.
c) Before a Noun that has been identified by a phrase, a clause or a relative clause:
-> The mechanic that I met.
d) Context: The listener knows exactly what we are referring to from the context:
-> The boy in the corner is my friend. (Both the listener and the speaker know
exactly which boy it is.
‘The’ for specifying
We often say the cinema, the theatre, the bank, etc. even if we don’t know
exactly which:
‘The’ for specifying
We refer to the country, the mountains, the seaside even if we don’t know exactly
‘The’ for specifying
We use the to refer to “one of a kind”: the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the
‘The’ to refer to ‘things that are unique’ (not
place name)
a) Organizations: The United Nations.
b) Ships: The Titanic
c) Documents: The Constitution
d) Public bodies: The Government
e) Titles of books and films: The Rock, The Twilight
f) Climate: The weather
g) Historical events: The Russian Revolution
h) Official title: The Vice President
i) Political parties: The Liberal Party
j) Press: The VN express 12
We treat other, similar, words as proper nouns and use
no article (zero):
a) Organizations: Parliament
b) Titles of books and films: Avatar
c) Beliefs: God
d) Official Title: Queen Victoria
e) The whole species: Man
Thank you