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NP Chương 1.4

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Unit 1: Nouns & Articles

SECTION 1.2: Articles

PART 2.1


The definite The zero

article: ‘the’ article

Lesson objectives

Identify the use

of definite Apply them in
article ‘the’ and various contexts.
the zero article.
The definite article: ‘the’
Form and basic uses of ‘the’
• Referring to people or things, singular or plural:
The teacher that I met yesterday is my sister-in-law. ( People- Singular)
They're the books I read yesterday. ( Things- Plural )
• Referring to something that is known:
I'll pick you up at the airport.
Would you pass the salt, please?

Combine: Singular Plural

countable Countable
nouns nouns

The book The books The furniture

The definite article: ‘the’
‘A/an’, ‘the’ and zero in front of abbreviations
• We use a/an to introduce a person or thing for the first time. This shows
that the listener or reader doesn’t know what we are referring to. After this
first reference, we use the:

I just bought a new shirt and some new shoes. The shirt was pretty
expensive, but the shoes weren't.

I just bought a new shirt and tie. The shirt was expensive, but the tie

The definite article: ‘the’
‘A/an’, ‘the’ and zero in front of abbreviations
The first letters
Important words - Institutions when we
Some words are often
Like ordinary nouns and u Titles can't say them as single
used as normal words
se them words

the BBC (the British radar (Radio Detection And

ATM (Automated teller He's a M.ed (Master of Broadcasting Corporation) Raging)
machine), education UNESCO (=the United
LP (a Long Playing Nations Educational,
record) Scientific and Cultural

A / An The Zero

Using no article (zero) with chemical symbols. NaCl2 (Natri Chloride)

‘The’ + nationality noun
We use the in front of nationality nouns to refer to 'all the people in general'.
We can divide nationality nouns into four groups:

Four group of ‘The’ + nationality noun

The + plural ending in –
The + ending s: ...ians, ...ans, ...other - The +
Special cases
nationality nouns -ese or s edings ending nationality nouns -
–ss ch or –sh
Ex: the Spaniards/the
Ex: the Austrians, the
Spanish, the Swededthe
Ex: the Vietnamese, the Americans, the Ex: the Dutch, the
Japanese, the Portugues Koreans, the Arabs, the English, the French.

‘The’ for specifying

When we use THE => the listener or reader knows or can understand what we are
referring to:
a) Back reference:
My house is near a river.
The river is very beautiful.
b) The + Noun + of: The life of Steve Jobs.
c) Before a Noun that has been identified by a phrase, a clause or a relative clause:
-> The mechanic that I met.
d) Context: The listener knows exactly what we are referring to from the context:
-> The boy in the corner is my friend. (Both the listener and the speaker know
exactly which boy it is.
‘The’ for specifying
We often say the cinema, the theatre, the bank, etc. even if we don’t know
exactly which:

He’s visited the museum.

I haven't been to the cinema in a long time
Go to the theater if you want to relax.
If you want a statement, you have to go to the bank

‘The’ for specifying

We refer to the country, the mountains, the seaside even if we don’t know exactly

We’re spending the weekend at the seaside.

They're going to the country.
When I go to Dalat, I like camping in the mountains.
There is a beautiful resort on the beach.

‘The’ for specifying

We use the to refer to “one of a kind”: the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the

The earth is always revolving around the sun.

The moon is always beautiful, and a full moon is always dramatic.
The sun always rises in the east.
Blue like the sky.
The universe is governed by laws.

‘The’ to refer to ‘things that are unique’ (not
place name)
a) Organizations: The United Nations.
b) Ships: The Titanic
c) Documents: The Constitution
d) Public bodies: The Government
e) Titles of books and films: The Rock, The Twilight
f) Climate: The weather
g) Historical events: The Russian Revolution
h) Official title: The Vice President
i) Political parties: The Liberal Party
j) Press: The VN express 12
We treat other, similar, words as proper nouns and use
no article (zero):
a) Organizations: Parliament
b) Titles of books and films: Avatar
c) Beliefs: God
d) Official Title: Queen Victoria
e) The whole species: Man

Thank you


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