Chapter-3 Enhancing A Presentation
Chapter-3 Enhancing A Presentation
Chapter-3 Enhancing A Presentation
Enhancing a Presentation
Grade : 6 Session : 1 to 8
Divine Child International School
:: Recording Audio Narration ::
To add an recording Audio File computer, connect the microphone
compatible with your computer.
Steps : 1. Select the slide where you want to insert a recording.
2. Click Audio drop-down arrow in the media group < Insert tab.
3. Choose the Record Option from drop down menu.
4. Record sound dialog box appears. Type a name for the audio.
5. Click on the record button to start recording. Click on the stop button.
Divine Child International School
:: Inserting Action Button in the Presentation ::
Ꙩ Action buttons are built-in shapes you can add to a presentation
and set to link to another slide, play a sound, or perform a similar
Ꙩ When someone clicks or hovers over the button, the selected action
will occur.
Ꙩ Action buttons can do many of the same things as hyperlinks.
Ꙩ Actions can be assigned to other objects also, such as Clipart ,
Pictures, Shapes or Text in a SmartArt Graphics.
Divine Child International School
Steps :
1.Click the Insert Tab.
2. Click the Shapes Option in the
Illustrations Group.
3. Select the desired Action Button.
4. Insert the button onto the slide by
clicking the desired location. The
Action Settings dialog box will appear.
5. Select the Mouse Click or Mouse
Over tab.
Divine Child International School
Mouse Click or Mouse Over tab
۩ Mouse Click tab means the action ۩ Mouse Over tab will make the
button will perform its action only action button perform its action
when clicked. when you move the mouse over it.
Example Example
My Button
Divine Child International School
:: Importing Data from Word ::
1. Open an existing presentation.
5. Browse the file from the computer , from the ‘Insert Outline’ dialog
6. Select the file and click open button.
Divine Child International School
:: Sharing Presentation online ::
1. Open a presentation , click on the share button
2. Choose the location OneDrive – Personal to save the presentation.
3. Click on the ‘share with people’ option from the share window.
4. The share task pane will appear. Enter the email id of the people
under the textbox of ‘Invite People’ field.
Divine Child International School
Thank You For Learning
Enhancing a Presentation