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2024-02-26 RESF 412 LE 2 Eng Afr

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RESF 412

Study Unit 2
Writing a literature review
Mrs Christien Vorster [email protected]
RESF 412 Assignment
School sport Student behaviour
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you interested in?
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• You will learn - how to locate
academic literature and who to
contact to help you?
• Visit the Library and ask the
friendly personnel?
Next Week • Do you know how to apply the
NWU Harvard 2020 reference
Study material
Study Guide - STUDY UNIT 2
Evans, R. & Du Preez, H. 2023. Title, abstract, research problem and research
question. In: Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter, C.C ., eds. Introduction to
research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug: Keurkopié. pp. 61-93.
Mashau, T.S., Ramabulana, L.P. & Visser, A. 2023. Researching, summarising and
writing up literature. In: Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter, C.C., eds.
Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Keurkopié. pp. 94-123
Objectives for today's class
 Explain the reasons for carrying out a  Die redes vir die uitvoering van ‘n
literature review; literatuurorsig te verduidelik;
 Die stappe in die uitvoering van ‘n
 To discuss the steps in carrying out a literature
literatuuroorsig op ‘n logiese,
review in a logical, organized manner;
georganiseerde wyse te bespreek;
 Understand and explain the structure of a  Die struktuur van ‘n literatuuroorsig te
literature review; verstaan en te verduidelik;
 Identify important skills needed for carrying  Belangrike vaardighede wat nodig is vir
out a literature review; and die uitvoering van ‘n literatuuroorsig te
identifiseer; en
 Analyse and apply relevant literature in an  Relevante literatuur op ‘n akademiese en
academic and reflective manner to write a reflektiewe wyse te analiseer en toe te
literature review. pas om ‘n literatuuroorsig te skryf.
What is a literature
It is a critical review of existing
knowledge in areas such as
theories, methodologies, research
findings, assessment and
evaluation of a specific theme.
It is not a summary of
information, but it identifies the
similarities and differences
between existing literature and
what is being undertaken.
How does a literature review look?
Hoe lyk 'n Literatuuroorsig ?

Introduction Content Summary

Inleiding Inhoud Samevatting
Textbook p. 112-113 en Study guide p. 21.
• Voorsien omvang en struktuur van
• Beskryf
• Hang af van hoe kernaspekte
gestruktureer is
• Evalueer, moenie bloot beskryf nie
• Maak 'n opsomming van die
• Bring in verband met hoofdoelwitte/vrae
According to Mouton Hoe word opskrifte in ‘n
(2001) it is one of the literatuuroorsig georganiseer?
following: Volgens Mouton (2001) op een
van die volgende manière:
How do you • Chronological
 Kronologies
organize the • School of thought,  Skool van denke,
titles of a a theoretical or by teoreties of deur
definitions definisies
literature • By themes or constructs  Deur temas of
review? • By hypothesis
 Deur hipotese
• By case study, or  Deur gevallestudie, of
• By method  Deur metode
Why do we need literature review?
Study guide p. 18 / Textbook p. 97-98
• provide a context for the research;
• • justify the research;
provide a context for the research; • justify the research; • ensure the research has not been done before (or if it is repeated,
• • ensure the research has not been done before (or if it is repeated, that it is indicated as a replication study);
that it is indicated as a replication study); • show where the research fits into the existing body of knowledge; • enable the
researcher to • show
• learn where
from the research
previous theory fits intosubject;
on the the existing body ofhow
• illustrate knowledge;
the subject has been studied before; • highlight flaws in
previous research;
• • enable• outline gaps in previous
the researcher to learn research; • show
from previous thaton
theory the work
the would add to the understanding and knowledge of
the field of• study; • helphow
• illustrate refine,
the refocus, or even
subject has been change
studied the topic; and • form the foundation from which the rationale for the
study, the problem statement, hypotheses or research questions, and design of the research emerge.
• • highlight flaws in previous research;
• • outline gaps in previous research;
• • show that the work would add to the understanding and knowledge of the field of study;
• • help refine, refocus, or even change the topic; and
• • form the foundation from which the rationale for the study, the problem statement, hypotheses or research
questions, and design of the research emerge.
Hoekom is 'n literatuuroorsig nodig?

• Dit bied 'n konteks vir die navorsing ;

• die navorsing te regverdig;
• te verseker dat die navorsing nie voorheen gedoen is nie (of indien dit herhaal word, dat dit
aangedui word as 'n herhalingstudie);
• te wys waar die navorsing by die bestaande kennispoel inpas;
• die navorser in staat te stel om van vorige teorieë oor die onderwerp te leer;
• te illustreer hoe die onderwerp voorheen ondersoek is;
• vergissings in vorige navorsing uit te lig;
• gapings in vorige navorsing skets;
• te toon dat die werk sal bydra tot die begrip en kennis van die vakgebied;
• te help om te verfyn, herfokus of selfs die onderwerp te verander; en
• die grondslag te vorm waaruit die motivering vir die studie, die probleemstelling, hipoteses of
navorsingsvrae en -ontwerp spruit.
Which steps can you follow to do a Literature

Study guide p. 20. Textbook p. 98-117

What should I
know and can do
before I can write a
literature review?

• Textbook p. 66-78.
• Textbook chapter 4
• Study guide Study Unit 2
Document as an example of summarising article (see
Verskeie punte moet in ag geneem word wanneer
nagevors en 'n literatuuroorsig geskryf word.
'n Literatuuroorsig (Cohen et al., 2011:121):
• staaf en regverdig die behoefte aan die navorsing wat uitgevoer gaan word;
• staaf en regverdig die fokus van die navorsing;
• is nie net 'n beskrywende opsomming nie, maar 'n geordende en ontwikkelde argument,
gewoonlik met onderskrifte;
• voorsien argumente en teenargumente, bewyse en teenbewyse oor 'n vraagstuk;
• voorsien, kontekstualiseer, analiseer, interpreteer, kritiseer en evalueer bronne en
vraagstukke, en aanvaar nie bloot wat gesê word nie;
• ontbloot ooreenkomste en verskille tussen outeurs oor dieselfde vraagstuk;
• moet gefokus tog omvattend wees in die dekking van tersaaklike vraagstukke;
• moet beide kante van 'n saak of argument stel; en
• moet baie literatuurbronne insluit en nie net een artikel of boek nie.
(Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011:121)
Several points must be considered when
researching and writing a literature review
. A literature review (Cohen et al., 2011:121):
• establishes and justifies the need for the research to be conducted;
• establishes and justifies the focus of the research;
• is not just a descriptive summary but an organised and developed argument, usually with
• presents arguments and counter-arguments, evidence and counter-evidence about an issue;
• presents, contextualises, analyses, interprets, criticises and evaluates sources and issues, and
does not merely accept what is said;
• reveals similarities and differences between authors about the same issue;
• must be focused yet comprehensive in its coverage of relevant issues;
• must present both sides of an issue or argument, and
• must include and utilise many sources of literature and not only one article or book.
(Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011:121).
Book / Article / Chapter in a collected work / internet reference ?
Now it is your chance to
write a literature review
– will you be able to?
Ask at least three questions about a literature review.
and answers

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