Parking Structure

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Parking Structure

Dr. Debapratim Pandit

Teaching Assistant: Suchismita Nayak
Department of Architecture and Regional Planning
IIT Kharagpur
Design Elements

Floor layout:
Parking structure type Street access design
Circulation systems

Parking configuration Lighting control/operating

Pedestrian circulation Graphics & signage Facade

Design Concerns

Passive and active security

• Framing system
• Light wells
• Floor height consideration

Safety Measures

Types of Parking
Street Access a parking facility is When designing the
adjacent to a high-volume entrances, a large
Design or high-velocity street, a van should be used
deceleration lane prior as the
Entrances should also to the entrance helps “design vehicle” to
be located away from eliminate rear-ending check dimensional
street intersections accidents and street traffic clearances
Street Access Design: Entrance
 The entrances should be designed to be obvious and to look different from

 a parking facility is adjacent to a high-volume or high-velocity street, a

deceleration lane prior to the entrance helps eliminate rear-ending
accidents and street traffic slowdown
Street Access Design: Exit
Fee collection
•Fixed or variable charged
pay on exit

Barrier capacity
•2 barrier types available
-Rising arm
-Rising kerb
•Entry barrier400
•Exit barrier250
Revenue Control/
vehicles/hour Operating
 Transient or Hourly
 Monthly Contract
 Cashiering
Street Access Design: Exit
 1 cashier lane for each 400 cars
should be adequate
 A minimum of 2 exit lanes for a
parking structure
accommodating at least 200
cars is recommended: One lane
is used as a primary cashiering lane,
and the second lane is used as a
secondary or peak-load cashiering
 The secondary lane: always
available for monthly key-card
exiting, allowing the monthly
parker to bypass any backup that
occurs at the cashier's booth.

Cashier’s booths at exits usually are located to provide space for at least one
vehicle that already has completed the cashiering transaction between the
cashier's booth and the adjacent street system or sidewalk
Circulation Systems- Straight ramp
 Usually rectangular shaped with ramp well along the
structure’s longer side dimension

 more horizontal distance is required to satisfy ramp

grade criteria than accommodate vehicular movement
between ramp ends

 Requires less floor area and simple to construct

 Economical space on lot that is long and narrow

 Cause difficulties to get on and off straight ramp (Sharp


 Having two ways circulation lanes on parking floor may

be hazardous

 Up and down circulation lanes intersect on the parking

floor unless the floor area is so large that each circulation
can be kept within its own half on one-way lanes
Circulation Systems- Straight ramp
Circulation Systems- Curve ramp
 Single surfaces that permits vehicles to travel on a
continuous helical path between parking levels

 Movement
 Up-counterclockwise
 Down-counterclockwise
 Entrance and exit in the side
 Opposite side of ramp oil

 Directly above each other on succeeding floor

 Should be clearway type

 Continuous-360º of rotation between two parking


 Located near corners of rectangular structure to

minimize floor space loss but required more space
than straight ramp.(fit narrow site but waste more
Circulation Systems- Curve ramp
 costly to construct

 Offer better traffic operation by providing gradual

turning as compared to sharp turning movement
usually required at ends of straight ramp

 Super elevation at ends of straight ramp create

undesirable wrapping of floor areas

 No crossing of up and down traffic, even at parking

floor connection

 Each traffic stream confined to its own ramp all the

way from the top to bottom of the building

 Diameter of ramp is controlled by required turning

radiuS (min 45 ft)

 Driver have a clear view each way even there is a

crossing of traffic at each parking floor
Circulation Systems- Ramp system

Opposed ramp

Clearway ramp Adjacent-parking Parallel ramp

system ramp systems design
Circulation Systems- Ramp system
Standard and Regulation: Ramp system
Ramp break over angle
•Measure ability of the car to break over the steep ramp either climbing or
descending without scrapping (Min 10º)

•Can be altered through design techniques

•Transitional blend top and bottom of ramps composed of two or more break
point can multiply the steepness with workable break angles beyond the
normal capacities of cars or driver

•Having pad of asphalt or concrete each side of break point so that the cars
having low break over angle can negotiate potential critical points without

Angle of departure
•Min 10º Angle of approaches
•To reduce incident of tailpipe and rear bumping dragging

Angle of approaches
•Min 15 º Angle of departure
Standard and Regulation: Ramp system
Ramp slopes
•Max 15% Ramp turn super elevation
•For slopes over 10%, transition at least •½ inch/foot of ramp width at
8 feet long should be provided at each sharpest turning
end of the ramp at one half the slope of •Ramp curves not too steeply
the ramp itself
a) Slow driver-difficult to keep
Ramp grades transition way from inside edge of ramp
•Min 12 foot long = 1/2 of ramp grade pavement
b) Fast driver-encourage to speed
Ramp width greater than conditions of grade
One way straight ramp-min 12 feet and
Two way straight ramp-min 22 feet sight distance safety permit
Circular ramp-min 14-18 feet
Ramp radius
•Single lane helical ramp-min 32 -37 feet
•Must kept min to conserve space and
reduce travel distance
•Very sharp can cause dizzy
Standard and Regulation: Ramp system
Driveway exits
a) Ramp driveway exit rising up to
public sidewalk
•have transition section min 16 feet long
at almost level before intersecting the
•Prevent hood of the car from obscuring
the driver’s view of pedestrians on walk

b) Property line wall

•Must not interfere with the driver’s view
of pedestrian on public side walk.
•If exit driveway is parallel and adjacent
to the property line that extends all the
way to side walk, edge of the driveway
should physically establish by curbing or
•min 6 feet from the wall.
Standard and Regulation: Ramp system
Ramp grades
•Computed by : (floor to floor height x 100)/ Ramp length
•Max ramp grades:
a) self park design
-not exceed 15 %
-not exceed than 10% if had a pedestrian walkway on vehicles
b)sloping floor self park design
-ramp grades max 4%
-angle parking 60º-minimizes gravity roll back of vehicle

Signs and Wayfinding

 Color-coding, numbering, visual cues, music, and even machines for
marking your ticket with your exact location to locate your car for easy
 Locate signs in areas where driver can read in a timely fashion
 Clear, simple, and direct messages
 Floor coding can be useful
 Signage should locate all major internal pedestrian access points as well as
external major roads and buildings
Parking Layouts : Parallel
 parallel parking requires experience, confidence, and patience

 Parking spaces (min )

7.5 meters long
2.75 meters wide

 Advantages
•Works well in extremely narrow, linear spaces
•Requires minimum pavement area

 Disadvantages
•Difficult maneuvering for most drivers
•Less than ideal visibility of adjacent traffic
•Inefficient use of on-street space
Parking Layouts : Angle 90°
 Effective in low turnover rate or long term
parking areas, the perpendicular, or 90 degree
parking configuration is the most efficient and
economical since it accommodates the most
vehicles per linear meter.

 Standard dimensions for this configuration

Parking space width2.75 meters
Parking space length6 meters
Driving aisle width (2-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters V
vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 82
 Disadvantages
 Advantages
•Requires widest area
•Works well with either one-or two-way aisles
•Difficult maneuvering for
•Handles the most vehicles per square meter of
some drivers
•Two-way traffic can create
•Handles most vehicles per linear meter
some visibility problems
Parking Layouts : Angle 60°
 ideal for a fast turnover rate/predominantly short term use
 often offset by difficulties of inefficient circulation
patterns and one-way aisles
 Standard dimensions
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way)5.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 16.5 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 65.6

•in and out of parking spaces
•Good visibility
•Lends itself to either one-or two-way aisles
•Most common short term parking configuration

•Requires more pavement per vehicle than
perpendicular configuration
•Handles less vehicles per linear meter
Parking Layouts : Angle 45°
 45 degree angled parking configuration displays similar
benefits and limitations as the 60 degree.

 Standard dimensions
Parking space width 2.75meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 4.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width14 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 52.5

•Reduced width requirements for layout
•Easy maneuvering in and out of parking
•Good visibility to the rear
•Doesn't work well with two-way aisles
•Requires more pavement per vehicle than
perpendicular parking configuration
Parking Layouts : Angle 30°
 Standard dimensions
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear meter double row 39.4

•Easy parking
•Reduced width requirements for layout

•Requires the most pavement per vehicle
•Doesn't work well with two-way aisles
Parking Configurations

Operational Types
 Attendant-park facilities
 self-park facilities
Floor Systems: Split-level Or Staggered Floor
 Floor levels in one section is
staggered vertically by one half
story from those in adjacent
 Applicable to small, high-cost sites
where maximum use of space must
be achieved

 Advantages
 Construction is relatively simple
 The design fits well on rectangular
 Efficient in terms of floor space per
vehicle parking stall

 Disadvantages
 Frequent conflicts may arise
between circulating traffic and
parking and un-parking vehicles
Floor Systems: Split-level Or Staggered Floor

Tandem staggered-floor ramp system

Three-level staggered-floor ramp system

Floor Systems: Sloping-floor Systems
 Consist of sloping levels (full width
ramp/continuous ramp)
 Contains two adjacent parking modules
tilted in opposite directions
 Well-suited to self-park operations

 The relatively flat floor slope permits
comfortable parking and pedestrian
 Each entering customer has an
opportunity to park in the first available
space as parking is adjacent to the
interfloor circulation system
 Floor-to-floor travel distance is greater in
sloping-floor garages than in other types
of ramp garages

Disadvantages: Cause congestion during

peak out-bound movements
Floor Systems: Sloping-floor Systems

Sloping –floor system with

crossover ramp of mid point

Double sloping-floor system

with midpoint crossover
Fire and precaution
 Structural fire resistance
Use non-combustible materials in the construction with structural fire
requirement 1 hour in specific restricted circumstances requirement for
structural fire requirement may be waived for building less than 15.2m high
Eg: Cast in place concrete, pre-cast concrete and structural steel

 Means of escape
All parking spaces within 45.7 m of escape stairway having 1 hour fire

 Fire precaution
 Have adequate
 fire bridge access
 Dry rising main
 Fire points
Fire and precaution
Accessible Parking
Accessible Parking: Ratio of Accessible Parking
Accessible Parking

 Location (Maximum distance to parking from entrance /lift

lobby): 30M

 Minimum dimensions of car parking space: 4800 mm ×

3600 mm.
 Where there are two accessible parking bays adjoining each
other, then the 1200 mm side transfer bay may be shared by
the two parking bays.
 The transfer zones, both on the side and the rear should
have yellow or white cross-hatch road markings.
 The designated accessible parking spaces shall be located on
a gradient not greater than 1:50, throughout its length and
its width.
 The accessible route of 1200 mm width is required for
wheelchair users to pass behind vehicle that may be backing
Accessible Parking: Signage

 International symbol of accessibility should be displayed at

approaches and entrances to car parks to indicate the provision of
accessible parking lot.

 Directional signs shall be displayed at points where there is a

change of direction and along the route leading to the accessible
parking lot.

 Accessible parking lot should be identifiable by the International

Symbol of Accessibility.

 The signs should not be obscured by a vehicle parked in the

designated lot.

 Vertical signs shall be provided, to make it easily visible, the sign

should be at a minimum height of 2100 mm.
Automated Parking
 Automated parking is a method of automatically parking and retrieving
cars typically using a computerised system of pallets, lifts and carriers

 Most suitable on expensive sites and where land is very limited-too small
for economical development with a ramp parking

 Advantages  Disadvantages
 increase capacity ; high space utilization  cost ; operation and
 due to lower ceiling height, dense maintenance
parking,  Many structural and functional
 and reduce space width types of automated mechanical
 no ventilation or HVAC required; saving systems exist, such as :
 utility costs  underground systems as part of
 eliminates stairs, elevators and fire exits the building foundation
 enhance safety and security  above grade where they can
 typically requires less building volume match neighboring buildings
and in architectural appearance
 less ground area than a conventional
 with the same capacity
Security and safety
 Open, glass stairwells and glass-backed  ensure safety of
elevators movement of the man
and automobile
 Security devices
 Energy efficiency in
-video, audio and emergency buttons that call into lighting
the booth or local police station
-Public telephones  balance between day
lighting, interior
 Eliminate potential hiding places, such as under lighting and exterior
open stairs control especially on
the exterior design of
 Handicap accessibility with vehicles close to the façade while
stair and elevator cores have a direct path to key providing adequate
movement patterns of the garage ventilation lighting within

 avoid carbon monoxide build-up, designed  Lights should be vandal

adequate air flow for through mechanical resistant and easy to
and/or natural maintain.
 Non-slip floor surface
Architectural and optical effect
 Ramp wall
-Painted with stripes contrasting to wall color
-Parallel to ramp surfaces or at steeper angles
-Use paint marking in between vertical column and travel way
-Built structural features with architectural lines parallel or perpendicular to
ramp surfaces

 Ramp structures: Open ; to provide sight distance and reduce closed in


 Ramp illumination
-Wall opening are restricted-distract the driver’s view
-Artificial lighting should take form of diffused illumination
-Reflector should pointed away from the direction of travel

 Lighting: Services illumination for public should be (lux);

Parking areas: 20
Driveways: 50
Ramps: 70
Roof: 20
Entrance and exit1: 50
Parking Structure Durability
 High-Performance Concrete
 Past Performance
 New techniques to improve performance: precast prestressed parking
Parking Structure Placement
 Basement parking
• Appropriate for residential area, apartment, commercial complex, office
complex and for area around airport that has building high control limit

 Podium parking
 For medium and high density residential area, plus, office complex.
Ground level until level 4 are used for the parking area, while residential
units, office and other functional spaces are located above the parking level

 Independent building for multi story car parking

 For all building types that have large and adequate area for parking, such
as low cost apartment, trade and city center, park and ride system at LRT
station or railway station, bus station, institution, sport complex and
 Normally built separately if the building function is different

 Roof top parking

 Appropriate for shopping complex (less that 5 stories) because it saves cost
compared to basement parking
Source: Department of Town and Country Planning
Facade Treatments
 Brick & Tile Inlays
 Exposed Aggregates: reasonable in cost and provide a good
variety in appearance
 Bullnose or reveals
 plain gray concrete and the use of paint on the exterior surfaces:
cost friendly
 Ground floor retail
buildings support green
roofs and are surrounded
by living walls and
outdoor cafes

 Solar canopies
 Sculptural biofiltration wall
 Rainwater harvesting green walls
 Traditional Seminole Tribe patterns
comprised of perforated metal panels
and wire mesh
Architects: Rob Ley Studio

HHLA Parking Garage

Bus Terminus: Functional Distribution
Bus Terminus: Space requirement
Bus Terminus: Space requirement
Turning Radius
Turning Radius
3. Parking Standards Design and Good Practice Supplementary Planning
Document by Rochford District Council
4. A Brief Analysis and Recommendations by Diversity and Equal
Opportunity Centre (DEOC) for National Centre for Promotion of
Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)
5. Parking policy for clean air & liveable cities a guidance framework by
Centre for Science and Environment
6. National building code of India 2016


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