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Masalah Hunian,

Penampungan &
Barang Non-Pangan
Masalah umum:
1. Ketiadaan sumber
2. Konflik mengenai lokasi, prioritas dan
• Penantian bahan-bahan
• Kondisi lapangan yang sulit
5. Pemecahan jangka pendek untuk masalah

jangka panjang
• Pekerjaan lapangan yang tetap
7. Jenis dan strategi berbeda di lokasi yang
• Kepadatan, penyebaran penyakit
• Pemerkosaan
10. Kegagalan membangun atau memenuhi
hunian FAO photo
Standar Minimum Hunian,
Penampungan, Barang Non Pangan

1. Hunian dan
2. Barang Non Pangan
Standar Minimum
Dalam Semua Sektor
• 1. Partisipasi
• 2. Pengkajian Awal
• 3. Respons
• 4. Penentuan sasaran
• 5. Pemantauan
• 6. Evaluasi
• 7. Kompetensi dan Tanggung jawab Petugas
• 8. Supervisi Manajemen dan dukungan Personil
Standar Minimum Hunian &

1. Perencanaan Strategis
2. Perencanaan Fisik
3. Naungan Tempat
4. Rancangan
5. Pembangunan
6. Dampak Lingkungan
Standar Minimum Bahan Non

1. Pakaian dan Peralatan

2. Kebersihan Pribadi
3. Alat Masak & Makan
4. Kompor, Bahan Bakar
& Penerangan
5. Alat & Peralatan
Beberapa Indikator kunci :

• Luas area 3.5 - 4.5 m2 per orang.

• Pada cuaca dingin, bahan hunian dan konstruksi

menjamin suhu ruangan optimal

Using the Sphere guidelines,

what would be a basic planning
figure for space per person in a
mass shelter like this?

UNHCR photo
3.5 - 4.5 m2
rox. e t e rs
2 me . 2m
t er s r ox
Catatan Panduan :
“satu keluarga dengan 5 orang anggota menerima sekurang-
2nya 1 lembar (4 m X 6 m) plastik.” - p. 191

Apa artinya dalam praktek ?

4m x 6m = 24 m2
24m2  5 people = 4.8 m2 per p.

> 4.5m2 - the Sphere indicator, cukup ?

Tidak cukup, mengapa ?



A = ± 3.5 m2/p 6m
A = ± 4.0 m2/p


A = ± 3.0 m2/p
Tergantung : konteks, iklim, tradisi, & bagaimana
menggunakannya ! Indikator luas hunian, bukan m2 lembar plastik
What does this mean for planning and programming?
If our study emergency population of 20,000 displaced has
the demographic makeup described below, what
programmatic impact does the information have on the
provision of shelter materials to these people? You have
3,750 pre-cut plastic sheets with metal eyelets at the edges
for fastening with cord, people have access to light wooden
poles. Heavy rain is possible within the next 2 weeks.
Assume plenty of usable site area - no restriction.
• 15,000 are in complete families, avg. fam. size = 6
• 4,000 are minority population, avg. fam. size = 8
• 1,000 are ex-fighters and child soldiers, all male, aged from 10-22
yrs. They claim no family attachment within the larger group

What Sphere guidance will help you design your distribution

program for these plastic sheets? What is your basic plan?
Standard Pakaian
Beberapa Indikator Kunci :

• Masyarakat mempunyai akses selimut

• Bayi < 2th minimum memiliki 1 set pakaian dan
bahan kebersihan sesuai dengan budaya, cuaca, dan
• Setiap orang sekurang-2nya memiliki 1 set pakaian
dengan ukuran memadai, sesuai dengan budaya,
cuaca, dan musim
• Semua wanita mendapatkan keperluan “kewanitaan”
secara teratur
• .
UNHCR photo

Dari mana harus mulai ?

Barang rumah tangga
Beberapa Indikator kunci

• Per keluarga : 1 cooking pot with well-fitting lid, 1 basin, 1 kitchen

knife, 2 wooden spoons; and 2 water collection vessels of 1-20 litres
plus water storage vessels of 20 litres.
• Per orang : 1 eating plate, I metal spoon and 1 mug.
• Per orang 250g of soap per month
• Tools and materials supplied are appropriate and familiar….Items are
appropriate to the conditions in which they are to be used.

• People have access to, and make use of, fuel-economic and low smoke
wood stoves (produced locally if possible), gas or kerosene stoves and
cooking pots with well-fitting lids
• Women are consulted about the location and means of collecting fuel
for cooking and heating
Some Key Indicators….
• The appropriate type of temporary settlement required is determined:
reception or transit centre; self-settled camp; planned temporary settlement
or extension of temporary settlement
• …located at a safe distance from possible external threats ..usually not less
than 50 k
• it is accessible by heavy trucks from an all-weather road
• not less than 3 m above anticipated water table in rainy season
• soil suitable for digging and water infiltration
• topography and gradient is suitable for drainage (ideal is between 2 and 4
%, and should not exceed 7%)
• site provides 45 m2 for each person (includes all infrastructure and access
space except for agricultural crops and livestock)
• adequate firebreaks of at least 2 meters between dwellings, 6 meters
between clusters of dwellings, and 15 m between blocks of clusters.
Q. How big should a site be
to host 20,000 displaced
people in an emergency

900 m = 0.9 km
20,000 X 45 m2/p = 900,000 m2

Let’s say our site is 900m X 1,000 m

A. Sphere indicator of
sufficient site space is
45 m2 / person

1,000 m = 1 km
What about those firebreaks, distances
between dwellings, etc. listed in the

These indicators are based on something

called the “building block” approach to
site layout design. In general, it works like
Master Planning (one approach)

dwelling = 1 family ~ 5 persons

cluster = 16 families ~ 80 persons
block = 16 clusters ~ 1,250 persons
sector = 4 blocks ~ 5,000 persons
camp = 4 sectors ~ 20,000 persons

the “Building block” approach

3.5 M
Example -
One Tent -
Size = 17.5
= 1 Dwelling

Shelter Space per
Person = 3.5 M 2
(if there are 5 in
the family) Storage

A Dwelling
3.5 M




40 m


40 m

A Cluster
zone for latrines

6 m between clusters
180 m
220 m

A Block = 16 clusters
455 m
15 m between blocks
375 m

Water Point

A Sector = 4 Blocks


A Camp = 4 Sectors
Secto Secto
r1 r2
0.925 kilometer

Clinics, Dist Cntr.

Secto Secto
r3 r4
other support

1 kilometer
Site and shelter requirements are
highly site-, climate-, and
1 Analysis culture- specific. The Standards
2 Housing and Indicators relating to
3 Clothing analysis are therefore key in this
chapter. The other more directly
4 Household Items
quantifiable indcators relating to
5 Site Selection site and shelter space relate
6 Human Resource primarily to disaster response
Capacity and camps. Even so, the indicators
Training provide a very useful starting
point and measure for evaluating
adequacy of response in the
shelter sector.

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