Prompt Go

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Mentor- Dr.

Pooja Sharma
Assistant Professor

Mini Project-2
6th Semester
CSD 3002
Greetings and welcome to the Presentation of Pixel Palette:
This project aims to provide a user-friendly platform that
bridges the gap between complex professional tools and basic
consumer applications. By integrating intuitive interfaces and
seamless workflows, "Pixel Palette" ensures accessibility for
both beginners and experts. The platform also fosters
community and collaboration by enabling users to share and
gain feedback on their work.
About Our Project

The "Pixel Palette" project is driven by the growing

demand for advanced yet accessible image
processing tools in today's digital landscape. As
digital images are increasingly used across social
media, marketing, photography, and research, there
is a need for sophisticated tools that are easy to use.
Technological advancements in AI allow for quick
and precise image processing tasks such as
restoration, recoloring, and object removal

Increase the productivity and provide a boost in time management with the use of PromptGo. The website provides
ready to use prompts that can be used to get the desired result outputs from the AI chatbots. this helps with the to and for
one has to otherwise perform to arrive at the solution that they require from the chatbot.
Technologies We

NextJS ReactJS Tailwind CSS MongoDB

Next.js is a React framework for React lets you build user Tailwind CSS works by MongoDB is a source-available
building full-stack web interfaces out of individual scanning all of your HTML cross-platform document-
applications. You use React pieces called components. React files, JavaScript components, oriented database program.
Components to build user components are JavaScript and any other templates for class Classified as a NoSQL database
interfaces, and Next.js for functions. React components names, generating the program, MongoDB uses JSON-
additional features and receive data and return what corresponding styles and then like documents with optional
optimizations. should appear on the screen. writing them to a static CSS file. schemas.
You can pass them new data in It's fast, flexible, and reliable —
response to an interaction, like with zero-runtime.
when the user types into an
Tech Stack

ShadCN Cloudinary Clerk

Next.js is a React framework for React lets you build user Tailwind CSS works by
building full-stack web interfaces out of individual scanning all of your HTML
applications. You use React pieces called components. React files, JavaScript components,
Components to build user components are JavaScript and any other templates for class
interfaces, and Next.js for functions. React components names, generating the
additional features and receive data and return what corresponding styles and then
optimizations. should appear on the screen. writing them to a static CSS file.
You can pass them new data in It's fast, flexible, and reliable —
response to an interaction, like with zero-runtime.
when the user types into an
Components Used
for our WebApp

1. Collections 2. Transformation 3. Transformed Image


4. Checkout 5. Search 6. Media Uploader

7. Mobile Nav
Our 1.Designing the 2.Implementing
Interface NextJS
Strategy Using Tailwind CSS, we will
design a user interface that is
Use Next.js to implement the
backend of the prompt-sharing
This methodology outlines the steps involved both user-friendly and visually app, including features like user
in designing and implementing a prompt- appealing. authentication, Crud
sharing app using Tailwind CSS for the front functionality, Search
end, Next.js for the backend, and MongoDB functionality for Prompts, tags
Atlas for the database.
or Profiles

3.Connecting 4.Deploying the

MongoDB Web App
Use the MongoDB Atlas driver Once the app is developed and
for Node.js to connect the tested, we can deploy it to a
backend of the prompt-sharing production environment. Next.js
app to the MongoDB Atlas provides a variety of
database. This will allow us to deployment options, such as
store and retrieve user data and Vercel, Netlify, and AWS
prompts. Amplify.
Of Our Project
There are several advantages to using
Pixel Palette :

1. Advanced Image 2. AI Integration 3. Image Restoration


4. Long Term 5. Secure and Reliable 6. User-Friendly

Viability Platform Interface
Presentation By -

Samriddh Kapoor Swastik Sharma Utkersh Uppal

21BCS078 21BCS092 21BCS098

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