AZ 700T00A ENU PowerPoint - 05
AZ 700T00A ENU PowerPoint - 05
AZ 700T00A ENU PowerPoint - 05
• Learning Recap
Routing rules
Backend pools
Web application
firewall (optional)
Health probes
© Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Configure health probes
Probe matching
Frontend IP address
Frontend Port
Basic Associate a listener to the rule basic rule: one back-end pool
Path-based so that the request-routing is allowed. All requests on the
rule that's associated with the associated listener are
listener is evaluated to forwarded to that back-end
Order of processing rules determine the back-end pool pool.
For the v1 and v2 SKU, pattern to route the request to.
matching of incoming requests path-based rule: multiple
back-end pools correspond to
is processed in the order that
each URL path. Requests that
the paths are listed in the URL
match the URL path are
path map of the path-based
forwarded to the
corresponding back-end pool.
• Azure Front Door Standard and Premium • Secure Front Door with SSL and end-to-end
SSL encryption
• Create a Front Door in the Azure portal
• Demo
• Configure routing and redirection rules
• Learning Recap
• Configure an origin (Backend)
Origin type
Host name
Check your : Set up high availability with Azure Front Door Service – Azure portal |
Microsoft Docs
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