1 Models in Toxicology - 4 Juni 2024
1 Models in Toxicology - 4 Juni 2024
1 Models in Toxicology - 4 Juni 2024
Toxicology and Toxicity Test
2. Genotoxcity
• Comet assay
• Micronucleus assay
• Chromosome
Chromosome aberration
aberration test
• Apoptosis detection
assay (Annexin V/PI
staining, TUNEL Assay,
Caspase level)
• Forward Gene
Mutation Assay
Model: Ames Test
In Vivo/Animal Model
• The concept of 3Rs (reduce, refine and replace animal use) was first
proposed by William Russell and Rex Burch in the “Principles of Humane
Experimental Technique”.
• In 1981 guideline for acute oral toxicity required the use of only five
animals per sex per dose group, with three dose groups per test which
were chosen, to span the LD50 test.
Body Surface Dose Conversion Between
Animal and Human
Figure 1 Schematic
representation of
five steps to
estimate starting
dose in human
The use of the safety factor should be
based on the possibility that humans
may be more sensitive to the toxic
effects of a therapeutic agent than
predicted by the animal models, that
bioavailability may vary across
species, and that the models tested do
not evaluate all possible human
toxicities. In general, one should
consider using a safety factor of at
least 10.
Rat Mice
(1000 mg/kg BW) (1980 mg/kg BW)
Group Assignment (4 people)
• Find one Animal Model.
• Found its pros (e.g. its similarity to human, quick and easy to breed,
etc.), and cons (e.g. expensive, difficult to maintain, etc.)
• Found one scientific article using this model in toxicity test (Q2-Q1,
after 2020). Explain briefly (random group will be selected to present
next week).
• Each group should find different animal model.
• Deadline 10/6/2024 23:59, submit PPT and report.