Money Concepts

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Financial Literacy

Money and Finances

Goals of this Chapter
➢ F1.1 identify and compare exchange rates, and convert foreign currencies to Canadian
dollars and vice versa
➢ F1.2 identify and describe various reliable sources of information that can help with
planning for and reaching a financial goal
➢ F1.3 create, track, and adjust sample budgets designed to meet longer-term financial goals
for various scenarios
➢ F1.4 identify various societal and personal factors that may influence financial decision
making, and describe the effects that each might have
➢ F1.5 explain how interest rates can impact savings, investments, and the cost of borrowing
to pay for goods and services over time
➢ F1.6 compare interest rates and fees for different accounts and loans offered by various
financial institutions, and determine the best option for different scenarios

Chapter X.X: Money
Goal: to identify and compare exchange rates, and convert foreign currencies to
Canadian dollars and vice versa

Expectation F1.1
Your family decides to go on a trip to Hong Kong!

What currency does Hong Kong use?

How much Hong Kong currency should you take out from the bank?
Hong Kong Travels
Let’s learn more. . .
Currencies - a system of money in use in a given country, typically includes coins and


Indian Rupees

Currency Value
International currencies have different values compared to Canadian

Example: 1 American Dollar (USD) is approximately equal to 1.21

Canadian Dollars (CAD)
Why do you think Click HERE to
currencies from see the current
other countries are value of the
valued at more or Canadian
less than
Why Currency Has Different Value
Ultimately, the value of currency is determined by the DEMAND for

● Economic conditions
Reasons why currencies ● Political instability
from other countries are
● Employment rates
valued more or less than
● Interest rates
the CAD:

Exchange Rates
Exchange rate - the value of a country’s currency in terms of another country’s

Example: the exchange rate of 1.00 Canadian Dollar to 4.31 Brazilian Real means that if
you exchanged $100 Canadian Dollars for Brazilian Real, you would get back $431
Brazilian Real!

Why do you think the Brazilian Real is worth less

than the Canadian Dollar?
Example - Converting Foreign
Your family made it to Hong Kong! You all take the MTR (subway)
from the airport to the hotel. It costs $110 HKD (Hong Kong Dollars).
The exchange rate is currently 1 CAD = 6.40 HKD. Convert $110

Understand the question

I see that 1 CAD is worth more than 1 HKD. I know my answer will
be less than $110.
Example - Converting Foreign
Your family made it to Hong Kong! You all take the MTR (subway)
from the airport to the hotel. It costs $110 HKD (Hong Kong Dollars).
The exchange rate is currently 1 CAD = 6.40 HKD. Convert $110

Simply divide the

amount by the
110 ÷ 6.40 Therefore, if you converted the
exchange rate! = $17.1875 subway trip from the airport to
the hotel to CAD, it would be
Round to $17.19
WHY did we divide the
cost by the exchange
rate? Let’s look at this
question in terms of a
ratio. . .
Example - Converting Foreign
Your family made it to Hong Kong! You all take the MTR
(subway) from the airport to the hotel. It costs $110 HKD (Hong
Kong Dollars). The exchange rate is currently 1 CAD = 6.40
HKD. Convert $110 HKD to CAD. If I multiply
We can write denominator
this as a ratio: ✕ 17.1875 by 17.1875, I
do the same to
= the numerator
6.40 HKD 110 HKD Therefore, if you converted the
How did we ✕ 17.1875
get from 6.40
subway trip from the airport to
to 110? We the hotel to CAD, it would be
multiplied by $17.19
“ Its not how much money you make, its how much
money you keep ”
- RK

“ Its not how much money you make, its how you
use the money matter most ”
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Sesungguhnya Tuhanku
memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya di
antara hamba-hambaNya, dan Ia juga yang menyempitkan
baginya; dan apa sahaja yang kamu dermakan maka Allah
akan menggantikannya; dan Dia lah jua sebaik-baik Pemberi

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