Negotiation - Persuasion and Influence
Negotiation - Persuasion and Influence
Negotiation - Persuasion and Influence
The individuals most likely to succeed are the ones best able to manage the many relationships they experience, whether with
colleagues, customers or friends.
Interacting well with people is a major asset requiring a whole range of skills that can be developed by your learners. It’s not dependent
on natural instincts or an outgoing nature.
The success of establishing good relationships is all about understanding yourself and how you relate to others. It’s also about reaching a
satisfactory conclusion for everybody through collaboration and compromise.
Relationships with other people are often very instinctive but there are practical steps you can take to ensure you develop effective
relationships. These activities encourage learners to use their interpersonal skills, effectively sharing information with others by using
their listening, negotiating and persuasion skills.
It’s about providing opportunities and activities for your learners to deal with difficult situations and communicating their creative ideas
to others.
Learning to build better relationships with everyone you will deal with is a vital investment in your personal success.
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence Entrepreneurship
Objective: • Managing Difficult
To enable learners to consider how to manage difficult situations and evaluate persuasion and negotiation skills. Situations
• Negotiation and
Persuasion Influence
Introduction: • Decision Making
This session aims to develop learners’ negotiation skills using a financial crisis scenario set in a football
club. Learners will need to recognise in problem solving, there are stakeholders with different interests
Curriculum Links
and points of view. Successful outcomes may require negotiation skills.
Activity: • EES
1. Introduce the terms bargaining and negotiation using the PowerPoint slides and handouts. Provided Resources:
2. Next, use the Newspaper Article to introduce the scenario. • PowerPoint
3. Allocate learners into groups representing different stakeholders and using the Scenario Cards, • Newspaper Article
learners familiarise themselves with their roles. • Scenario Cards
4. Explain how to apply a sequence of negotiation to address the scenario ie, by following the • Secret Point Cards
Understanding Negotiation Guide: • Handout on Negotiation
• Stage 1: Preparation; learners should research and prepare a proposal for the clubs future.
• Stage 2: Presentation; learners should present an evidenced and well argued proposal. Groups to
and Bargaining
consider all proposals. Use Secret Point Cards to develop scenario further.
• Stage 3: Bargaining; learners to re-evaluate the information available then in their groups use Other Resources:
bargaining skills to persuade the other groups to agree with their proposals. • Flip chart / whiteboard
• Stage 4: Closing Phase; the class reach a solution, for example by voting.
Learning Outcome:
Plenary: Learners evaluate the groups’ negotiation skills and reflect on why the different groups were successful Learners will be able to
or unsuccessful, identify what might have / should have been done differently. The whole cohort to consider select, use and evaluate
which skill in negotiation they consider to be the most important. negotiation skills required to
Extension Activity: Learners to construct and present a TV, radio, newspaper news script, or video report from manage difficult situations.
the stakeholder viewpoint including the process and outcome of the negotiations.
Lesson Plan
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
Understanding negotiation and bargaining
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
Understanding negotiation and bargaining
The key ideas in bargaining are:
Bargaining is used to deal Opposing points of view An agreement on a rate Both sides therefore have a
with opposing points of will have minimum and anywhere between the common interest in striking
view. maximum positions e.g In a extreme positions means a deal. I.e. it is worthwhile
rate of pay bargaining both sides are better off agreeing otherwise
process employers will have than they would be by not everyone loses.
a maximum they are willing agreeing.
to pay and workers will have
a minimum they will work
Differences will be on Agreement will depend on who has the strongest bargaining The agreement is seen as
identifying and agreeing power and/or who uses their bargaining power to the successful by both sides. A
an exact position between greatest advantage e.g. ‘win win’ situation has been
the extreme positions. • What can each side offer as a ‘bargaining’ incentive? (I’d do reached.
this ,if you do that!)
• Who has most to lose by the discussions breaking down?
• How much time does each side have to bargain?
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
Understanding negotiation and bargaining
The Board of Directors is divided between die-hard fans and the major shareholder. The major shareholder also owns a property
development company who will build houses on the existing Dynamo grounds, which should prove a highly profitable venture for her,
and not the club. Additionally it will still be a costly venture to not only buy but locate a suitable ground in England. The die hard fans
are determined that the club is not sold off or moved 50 miles across the border to England because Dynamo will lose its Welsh
identity and will make travelling to games very expensive.
Discuss within your group the merits of the major shareholder’s offer to sell up, re-develop the site and re-locate the club. Consider
the loyalty of the club’s fans and their desire to keep the club and make it a success where it is.
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
Understanding negotiation and bargaining
Your group is dominated by the players, some of whom are still on high wages, having negotiated long contracts 3 years ago, which
are not due to expire in the near future.
Others are more recent recruits on lower wages and shorter contracts, but reaching the end of their careers.
As other staff, you are on low wages and have been with the club for many years but will find it difficult to find new jobs if the club
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
Understanding negotiation and bargaining
Your group is split into two areas – dedicated fans and representatives from the local community.
As dedicated fans, you feel you have a right to defend the fate of your club and don’t want to see it moved 50 miles away, making it
expensive and difficult to get to.
As local community representatives, such as shop owners and parents, you are more concerned about the impact it will have on the
local community. The children in your area have been using the football grounds for football training and other outdoor sports for
years. You’re worried that there will be no provision for replacing this and children will have no safe or suitable place to play, and will
turn to hanging out on the streets, near to the shops
Weigh up the pros and cons of the club moving away and the possibility of a new housing development. Consider the effects on the
community e.g. how will fans visit the new grounds? Will there be extra provision for a children’s sports centre in the local
community? Will the local shops suffer from the club closing? Could a new housing development make the area a more desirable
place to live, increasing the value of existing homes in the local community?
The Wales
Gazette 50p
Issue # 217
The Board of Directors: The players and other staff: Fans and the local community:
The majority shareholder cannot sell The 6 players on long term contracts, One of the members of your group is
the ground unless she can win a which had been arranged at least 3 the Local Planning Officer who has a
majority vote. This was a factor years ago, have a condition within large amount of influence within the
written into the terms and conditions their contracts that they can only be local council and community to stop
of the club’s legal status and cannot sacked with a huge payout from the the club building houses on the land.
be changed. The majority shareholder club. The 5 players who have been
therefore requires more stakeholders with the club less than 3 years are on
to support her decision than those less favourable contracts which state
opposed to it and cannot simply go that there will be no payout.
ahead with the proposal if there is not
a majority vote in support of the
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
What is negotiation?
Understanding negotiation
Whether it’s with your boss, your friends or your family, we all negotiate for things each day, like more money, what to do at the
weekend or settling arguments with other members of your family.
Basic negotiation skills, techniques and strategies can be described in four stages. Study these stages to help you handle negotiation
situations more effectively.
12. Negotiation, persuasion and influence
What is negotiation?
• Shop keepers can bargain too; by giving the customer something extra as an incentive to buy.
Understanding the bargaining process will help you handle bargaining situations more effectively.