UGIB Rits.Latu
Rits.Latu (MBBS5)
Case 2
Blood Supply
More common than lower gastrointestinal bleeding (approximately 70% of GIB) with
hospitalization rate for UGIB estimated to be sixfold higher than for lower GI bleeding
The incidence of UGIB is higher in men than in women (128 versus 65 per 100,000 in one
study) and increases with age.
More recent studies suggest that while still prominent, ulcer disease is now a less common
cause (approximately 20 to 25 percent of cases) other disorders such as esophagitis are
becoming comparatively more common
UGIB can be classified into several broad categories based on anatomic and
pathophysiologic factors
The four major risk factors for bleeding peptic ulcers are
as follows
● Helicobacter pylori infection
● Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
● Physiologic stress
● Excess gastric acid
Portal Hypertension
The goal of the evaluation is to assess the severity of the bleed, identify potential sources of the
bleed, and determine if there are conditions present that may affect subsequent management.
Past Medical History : prev UGIB , comorbidity ( chronic liver dxs/malignancy/AAA) , drug
history of NSAID, anticoagulants & SSRI. Smoker & ETOH consumer
Symptom Assessment
Labs :
● Full Blood count
● Blood Grouping
● Serum biochemistries
● Liver function tests (AST, ALT)
● Coagulation studies. (prothrombin time with INR)