Athos Kaynnan
Today’s goal
Welcome to today's vocabulary lesson on animals! Whether you're a nature lover, a pet
owner, or simply interested in learning Portuguese, this lesson will provide you with a
comprehensive list of words and phrases to help you talk about animals with ease.
From the smallest insects to the largest mammals, you will learn about the different types
of animals. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently describe animals and
talk about them in a variety of contexts.
I will show you the complete vocabulary and how to pronounce the words. At the end of
the class, there is an eBook with sentences for all the words!
Veterinário - Veterinarian
Cachorro - Dog Galinha - Chicken
Gato - Cat Galo - Rooster
Pássaro - Bird Pato - Duck
Peixe - Fish Ganso - Goose
Cavalo - Horse Coelho - Rabbit
Porco - Pig Rato - Rat
Vaca - Cow Hamster - Hamster
Cabra - Goat Cobra - Snake
Ovelha - Sheep Tartaruga - Turtle
Lagarto - Lizard
Crocodilo - Crocodile Raposa - Fox
Tubarão - Shark Macaco - Monkey
Baleia - Whale Chimpanzé - Chimpanzee
Golfinho - Dolphin Gorila - Gorilla
Elefante - Elephant
Canguru - Kangaroo
Girafa - Giraffe
Leão - Lion Coala - Koala
Tigre - Tiger Jacaré - Alligator
Urso - Bear Ouriço - Hedgehog
Lobo - Wolf Abelha - Bee
Formiga - Ant
Mosquito - Mosquito Rinoceronte - Rhinoceros
Barata - Cockroach Hipopótamo - Hippopotamus
Borboleta - Butterfly
Crocodilo - Crocodile
Joaninha - Ladybug
Aranha - Spider Tartaruga marinha - Sea turtle
Escorpião - Scorpion Baleia Orca - Orca whale
Caranguejo - Crab Javalis - Wild boar
Polvo - Octopus Doninha - Weasel
Estrela-do-mar - Starfish Texugo - Badger
Camelo - Camel Furão - Ferret
Esquilo - Squirrel
Castor - Beaver
Lontra - Otter
Morsa - Walrus
Foca - Seal
Carneiro - Ram
Cordeiro - Lamb
Cabrito - Kid
Bezerra - Calf
Touro - Bull
Veado - Deer
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