Lesson 3 Eastern Ethics
Lesson 3 Eastern Ethics
Lesson 3 Eastern Ethics
For Oriental thinking,
philosophy and religion
is one and the same.
To understand its philosophy, one must study its religion. To study the
religion, one uncovers its philosophy.
Religion in the WEST vs EAST
Abide by the ways of nature
“Lead me from unreal to the real.”
Brahman: Ultimate Reality
● In Hinduism, the ultimate reality is called
Brahman. Brahman is a person in some
form of the religion, and in others it is not a
person, but the one and only reality, of
which we are all manifestations.
Everything is Brahman!
Avatars – appearance
(reincarnations) of deities in human
or animal form to counteract
A particular evil in the world.
Atman: Aspect of
● Atman is the immortal individual soul.
The soul is a manifestation or
representation of Brahman in a person.
Brahmins Priests or teachers. They the lords of all castes. Represented by the head.
Dalits Outcasts such as street swipers, latrine cleaners, and dead body handlers.
“As rivers flowing into the ocean find their final peace and their
name and form disappear, even so the wise become free from
name and form and enter into the radiance of the Supreme Spirit
who is greater than all greatness. In truth who knows God
becomes God.”
- Mundaka Upanishads
Yogas: Deeds
● Yogas means deeds or works or ways of
life. Each of these yogas is an interior
journey of self-discovery that leads to
Atman and thus to Brahman, and each is
for different personalities. Each has its
own moral code, and each code is similar
—purification from all kinds of evil and
impurity and selfishness—but the
psychological emphasis differs:
Four “Roads” (Yogas) to Brahman
A mental, intellectual path by which you learn to
Jnana Yoga understand yourself differently and learn to detach
(Inquiry, Meditation) your thoughts from your body and your ego and its
Raja Yoga
The careful, difficult, experimental and detailed
(Awareness and Transcendence of the Mind- path, that combines elements of all the others
Body complex)
Do not cling to life. Be
Death in Hinduism is only a passing of one body to the next
through reincarnation, for the person to learn the lessons he
didn’t learn last time, to fulfill the karma, your destiny and
cosmic justice, to reap the rewards for virtue and punishments
for vice from his last life. Hindus believe that we should fear
death less, and love life less, then we naturally do because both
are only temporary and repeatable.
To eliminate the effect, eliminate the cause. The prescription for this cure is the Noble
The way to extinguish suffering is to Eightfold Path. Life is divided into
extinguish selfish desire. Nibanna or eight aspects and egotism is
Nirvana is the cure. deliberately reduced to zero in each.
Noble Eightfold Paths
Buddhism Karuna
Compassion means feeling one
with all suffering beings and
overcoming the habitual desires of
the separate self.
Karuna is not the same as Agape
Karuna Agape
It is simply the feeling of This is active love, willing the
empathy with all the suffering good for the other. This is a
beings, which is a matter of matter of the will, given to
feeling and thought and people.
intuition. This is directed to
both people and animals as
The Buddhist sees the human
body as a boat and the sailor is
apparently the soul or self or
ego. Since there is no ego, we are
empty boats, driven by the wind.
Since there is no one there, there
is no one to hate and when we
see this, we can no longer hate.
This was the sought-after goal and solution of Confucian teaching, that would address
the need to reform the social and political life and to relieve the suffering of the
common people. These teachings can be found in
Lun yu, “The Analects of Confucius”.
The Way or Nature, the basic
Tao & Te. Nature flourishes as Virtue
that manifests in the way a person
thinks and acts.
Virtue refers to a human quality
that is a gift received from
Heaven. Power by which men are
ruled by example.
Traditional Values
Chih Jen
Integrity. This concept stood for the principle Righteousness. The principle of activity or
directing our actions towards the pursuit for true action the chun-tzu: the ability to recognize what
values, as well as towards the virtuous path and is right and good under circumstances and act
forming right relationships. To be true to one’s upon it.
words and consistent in one’s actions. Honesty
and integrity as moral values that are critical for
students, leaders, and laypeople to develop. He
believes that honoring one's word, recognizing
one's faults, and encouraging honesty are all
tools that create good students of the Way and
effective leaders.
Traditional Values
● Use language according to the truth of Li
● Doctrine of the Golden Mean – proper Propriety. Rite. It implies to two things:
action is the way between two extremes
● The Five Relationships – the way things 1. concrete guide to human relationships or
should be done in social life rules of proper action that genuinely
embody jen.
(a) Father & son (loving/reverential)
(b) Elder brother & younger brother
2. general principle of social order or the
general ordering of life.
(c) Husband & Wife (good/listening)
(d) Older friend & younger friend
(considerate/deferential) Rites help curb the vicious nature of the person.
(e) Ruler & subject (benevolent/loyal)
Parents are revered because they are the
source of your life. They have sacrificed
much for you.
Filial piety (Hsiao) leads to One should do well and make the
love of community. A good family name known and respected:
bring honor to your family.
member of the family is also a
good subject or citizen. Consider someone you respect and admire
who saves your life or someone who has
The gradations of love.
sacrificed his life for you – as, indeed, your
parents did. Hence, the reverence.
Strictly speaking the function (te) of Tao cannot be stated, but since Tao supports all things
in their natural state, its function can be seen, at least partially, by looking to nature. The Tao
is manifested in the workings of nature, for what individual things possess of Tao is the te,
or function, of Tao.
Wu-wei: Non-action
● The reason why acting out of desires leads to evil is that it is contrary to the Way, for the
great Tao is always without desires.
● By "taking no action" is not straining and contriving to accomplish, but letting things be
accomplished in a natural and spontaneous way.
● If the ruler will keep to the way of Tao, government will proceed in a natural and
spontaneous way. There will be no need for harsh laws, conscriptions, punishment and wars.
● By giving up desires and letting the Tao enter and pervade oneself, life will rise above the
distinctions of good and evil. All activity will proceed from Tao, the very source of
existence, and humanity will be one with the world. This is the solution Lao Tzu brought to
the problem of evil and unhappiness in human life. It is a solution that depends ultimately
upon achieving a unity with the great inner principle of reality, and is, therefore, basically
Three Treasures of Taoism
Compassio Frugalit
“…For only he that “…Only he that is “…Only he that refuses
pities is truly able to be frugal is able to be to be foremost of all
brave…” profuse…” things is truly able to
become chief of all
Practical, political side: Practical, political side:
Abstain from aggressive war Absolute simplicity of living Ministers.”
and capital punishment. Practical, political side:
Refusal to assert active
Be like water!
In the West, ultimate reality, is infinitely good and not evil. God
does not have a dark side. The meaning of life is Him, or being
like Him, or surrender to His will etc. So, morality is taken with
ultimate seriousness, because moral goodness is not relative,
like biological goodness or physical goodness. Western religion
tends to toward moral absolutism.
“Even if everything in the physical universal
is relative, morality is not relative to
immorality as Yin to Yang.”
—Peter Kreeft
Eastern Ethics
Thank you!