Female Perineum
Female Perineum
Female Perineum
Anal Triangle
Urogenital Triangle
Perineal Body
Neurovascular Supply
Clinical Correlation
These fossae contain fat and connective tissue, which allow for expansion of
the anal canal during defecation. They extend from the skin of the anal region
(inferiorly) to the pelvic diaphragm (superiorly).
the pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, and a theorectical line between the
two ischial tuberosities. The triangle is associated with the structures of the
and pouches. Unlike the anal triangle, the urogenital triangle has an additional
Deep perineal pouch – a potential space between the deep fascia of the pelvic
floor (superiorly) and the perineal membrane (inferiorly). It contains part of the
urethra, external urethral sphincter, and the vagina in the female. In males, it also
contains the bulbourethral glands and the deep transverse perineal muscles.
(and the vagina in the female). The role of the membrane is to provide
contains the erectile tissues that form the penis and clitoris, and three muscles
muscles. The greater vestibular glands (Bartholin’s glands) are also located in
perineal body.
Perineal fascia – a continuity of the abdominal fascia that has two components:
Deep fascia: covers the superficial perineal muscles and protruding structures (e.g. penis &
Superficial layer – continuous with Camper’s fascia of the anterior abdominal wall
Deep layer (Colles’ fascia) – continuous with Scarpa’s fascia of the anterior abdominal
Skin – The urethral and vaginal orifices open out onto the skin.
The perineal body is an irregular fibromuscular mass. It is located at the junction of
the urogenital and anal triangles – the central point of the perineum. This structure
contains skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and collagenous and elastic fibres.
Anatomically, the perineal body lies just deep to the skin. It acts as a point
of attachment for muscle fibres from the pelvic floor and the perineum itself:
Levator ani (part of the pelvic floor).
Bulbospongiosus muscle.
Superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles.
External anal sphincter muscle.
External urethral sphincter muscle fibres.
The major neurovascular supply to the perineum is from the pudendal
nerve (S2 to S4) and the internal pudendal artery.
The pudendal nerve (along with the internal pudendal artery and vein) travel
along the inner surface of the ischial tuberosities, through a “canal” formed
by a thickening of the obturator fascia (Alcock’s canal).
The pudendal neurovascular bundle courses downwards through each
ischioanal fossa and gives branches to both the anal and genital triangle.
The perineal artery is a terminal branch of the internal pudendal artery, supplying
blood to the perineal structures inferior to the pelvic diaphragm. It passes within the
superficial perineal pouch towards the scrotum in the male and the labia majora in
the female.
Within the superficial perineal pouch, the perineal artery in females divides into
sets of arteries;
transverse perineal
labial arteries
artery of bulb of vestibule in females.
These branches supply various structures of the perineum, such as the perineal
body, transverse perinei muscles and skin of the perineal region.
The perineal body is a central attachment for perineal muscles, and functions to
support the pelvic floor.
Childbirth can lead to damage (stretching/tearing) of the perineal body, thus leading
to possible prolapse of pelvic viscera. This may be avoided by an episiotomy (a
surgical cut in the perineum). This inevitably causes damage to the vaginal
mucosa, but prevents uncontrolled tearing of the perineal body.
The Bartholin’s glands are located within the superficial perineal pouch of the
urogenital triangle. Their role is to make a small amount of mucus-like fluid.
Normally, the Bartholin’s glands are not detected on physical examination.
However, if the duct becomes blocked, then these glands can swell to
form fluid-filled cysts.
These cysts can become infected and inflamed, a condition known
as bartholinitis. The most common cause of infection is from bacteria such
as Staphylococcus spp. and Escherichia coli.