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Overview of Coaching

Concepts and Fundamentals

Why Coaching and
Leadership Development ?
What Exactly is Coaching?
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and
creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and
professional potential.

In its simplest form, coaching is about helping another person achieve their
personal or professional goals.

Coaching is about helping people make profound and lasting shifts in their
lives by pushing them to dig deeper so they can unlock their true potential.
What Exactly is Coaching?
Coaching is about guiding individuals or groups as they set and reach their own objectives.
Unlike training, there is no clear path or set curriculum; it is less linear and more organic.

A professional coach, on the other hand, helps their clients find clarity from within,
overcome challenges with their own solutions, and ultimately accomplish their goals on their
own terms.

***If you’re like most people, you probably envision an athletic coach when you hear
the word “coach” but they are two very different relationships. A sports coach assists
athletes in developing to their full athletic potential by analyzing their performance and
providing instruction for relevant skills.
The advantages of coaching in the
Coaching helps employees improve their productivity, efficiency, and
quality of work. According to Personnel Management Association, people’s
productivity improves by an average of 86% when training is complemented
with coaching

Leadership coaching equips managers with the skills and knowledge to

successfully motivate and manage their teams

Coaching fosters open communication, promoting trust and teamwork

The advantages of coaching in the

Coaching enables employees to confidentially discuss their weaknesses

with a coach, helping to boost their job satisfaction

Coaching fosters continuous improvement. Employees are encouraged

to embrace new skills, challenges, and opportunities.
Difference Between Coaching and
Coaching is a process where a coach guides and supports individuals in reaching their
professional goals.
Mentorship involves a more holistic approach. Mentors, typically experienced
professionals, share their knowledge and wisdom to guide and nurture the mentees’ overall
career development.
Mentorship is a long-term relationship, where the mentor offers guidance, advice, and
support, helping mentees navigate their careers and make informed decisions.

While both coaching and mentorship are invaluable for personal growth, it’s
crucial to tailor the approach to individual team members’ needs and goals.

Some employees may benefit more from coaching, Others may benefit from
Coaching, Performance Management,
and employee experience
Coach employees during performance reviews and career development conversations.
Incorporating it can help employees set personal objectives to improve their skills.

Coaching isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.

According to Gallup, coaching is an essential part of the employee experience in an

organization. The best form of development happens when employees receive coaching
while working, which involves goal setting and receiving meaningful feedback. When
employees’ mental needs are met, they can concentrate on mastering their jobs and
producing excellent results.
Employee engagement, performance
and development are the three stages
that capture most of the day-to-day
experiences of employees.
They are also the responsibility of
engaging the team,
coaching for high performance,
shaping personalized,
 long-term growth.
What Coaching Isn’t
Coaching isn’t consulting
Consultants improve situations; coaches improve people.
Coach facilitates the client in discovering their own answers. In this process,
people get the outcome they desire.

Coaching isn’t therapy

Therapy examines the past to help a client cope with the present.
Coaching builds on the present to create the future.
What Coaching Isn’t
Coaching isn’t mentoring
A mentor says, “follow me.”
A coach reveals where the client is standing on the map and asks, “where shall
we go next?”

Coaching isn’t a best friend

A best friend has opinions and an agenda. A coach has a process.
Different Types of
Traditional Coaching
Traditional coaching methods focus on helping individuals, couples,
groups, or organizations to clarify their goals, create action plans, and hold
them accountable to the plan.

 In this sense, it can be likened to a personal trainer.

A coach provides their clients with accountability and encouragement.

 This approach often results in short-term benefits.

Traditional Coaching
Many people put limitations on their goals or lessen the accomplishments
they want to achieve.

People do this in the interest of being “realistic” or “practical”. The mindset is

so ingrained that it’s unconsciously done.

This is why traditional coaching often results in short-term benefits. It doesn’t

seek to identify the hidden blocks that cause people to fall short of their goals
or desires. It doesn’t get to the underlying cause behind self-limitations.
Transformative Coaching
Transformative coaching digs deeper into the underlying causes of an individual’s challenges.

Skilled coaches take on the role of raising the deeper questions that a person may not
otherwise ask themselves.

They challenge their clients to think bigger and to question the “story” they’ve sold to

They’re able to present this kind of challenge constructively, with finesse, in a way that is
receptive to their clients.
Transformative Coaching
A masterful coach can help their clients become more aware of their internal world: namely,
their driving motivations and self-limiting factors. Once aware, the coach can guide them in
making permanent and profound shifts in the way they approach their problems, their goals,
their world, and those around them.

The coaching relationship is truly a collaborative effort that is solely based on what the client
wants and what they think they want to do. Coaches are professionally trained to be
completely objective and non-judgmental.

They’re not attached to any outcome or decision their clients make, and they’re able to
provide guidance and tools that help their clients implement solutions so they can get one step
closer to living their best life.
The improvements are not limited to the individual, either.

Numerous in-depth studies by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) reveal that
employers and coworkers can also benefit in the following areas when one works with a
Work Performance | Business Management | Time Management | Team Effectiveness
Most popular areas of coaching
Leadership: Executive & Management Life Coaching
Coaching Parents & Teens Coaching
 Small Business & Professionals Couples Coaching
 Relationship Coaching
Transitions Coaching
Sports Performance Coaching
Group Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching
5 Coaching Models

1. GROW Model
The GROW coaching framework is a
simple process well-suited for setting and
achieving goals. It is ideal for newbie
coaches and coachees with short-term
goals or specific challenges.

One of the best ways to get better at

nondirective coaching is to try conversing
using the GROW model
1. GROW Model
1. GROW Model- Example
Goal: A marketing manager needs help to meet her sales target. She wants to raise her sales performance by 10%
and increase her team’s productivity.
Current reality: The marketing manager’s sales figures plummeted over the past few months, averaging 15% less
than the sales quota. She is feeling stressed with the performance. Moreover, her team members are not fully
engaged in their work.
Options: The marketing manager has the following options to improve the sales targets:
◦ Develop and implement multiple marketing strategies
◦ Delegate admin tasks to her team members so she can focus on more strategic ones
◦ Train her team members and be more supportive
◦ Implement a new incentive program to reward best performing members.

Will: The marketing manager formulated a comprehensive marketing plan to grow her sales targets:
◦ Use paid ads and social media to boost marketing efforts
◦ Assign tasks to team members like appointment setting and answering after-sales queries so the manager can focus more on
important tasks like reviewing sales performance and meeting high-value clients and leads
◦ Conduct training on different sales techniques and customer relationship management
◦ Give cash incentives to sales staff that exceed their sales targets.
2. OSKAR Model

The OSKAR model is a solution-focused coaching methodology that aims to address

complex problems and accomplish long-term goals. This model is beneficial for
coachees who are feeling overwhelmed or stuck.
2. OSKAR Model
2. OSKAR Model- Example
An employee is often absent at work. He consistently arrives late or leaves early. His behavior causes project
delays and affects the whole team.
Outcome: The coach and the employee discuss the desired outcome: the employee will comply 100% with the
company’s attendance policy and be a team player. The employee must not be absent more than twice every
quarter. He must also not be late or leave early at work.
Scaling: On a scale of 1 to 10, the coach asks the employee to rate his current attendance. The employee is
aware of his numerous absences and rated himself at 5. He is late or absent due to a bad habit of
Know-how and resources: The coach and the employee explore solutions to address the underlying causes of
procrastination: time and stress management strategies. Additionally, the coach recommended employee
assistance programs, wellness benefits, and flexible work schedules.
Affirm and action: The coach acknowledges the employees’ honesty and commitment to address his problems.
Together, they develop a concrete plan with specific steps like:
◦ Implementing time management tools and techniques like creating a work schedule and sticking to it
◦ Discussing the possibility of remote work or flexible work schedule to avoid being late or absent
◦ Establishing a clear communication protocol that the employee will immediately notify his supervisor in case of absences.

Review: In addition, the coach stressed that the employee is 100% responsible for his attendance and
encourages him to prioritize his wellbeing and work commitment.
3. CLEAR Model

The CLEAR Model is a process-oriented

coaching method. It promotes building
rapport and trust between the coach and
the coachee.
 It is a good choice for coaches working
with coachees new to coaching or hesitant
to open up about their challenges.
 Organizations should build close
professional relationships among
employees and create a coaching culture.
3. CLEAR Model
3. CLEAR Model- Example
A software engineer needs help meeting deadlines and passing his manager’s quality checks. He feels overwhelmed
and stressed, and his performance has declined recently.
Contracting: The coach and engineer discuss the purpose of their coaching agreement. The engineer expressed
unhappiness with his performance and his desire to improve. The coach then outlined the coaching process and
explained it would be teamwork in identifying solutions and achieving goals.
Listening: The coach asks open-ended questions to fully understand the engineer’s challenges and frustrations about
his inability to send work on time and have high-quality output. The coach actively listens without interrupting or
judging the engineer, providing a supportive environment that allows the engineer to be transparent with his concerns.
Exploring: The coach encourages the engineer to examine the factors causing poor performance. The engineer
identifies his problems: difficulty managing his time, prioritizing tasks, and understanding the manager’s expectations.
He also acknowledges his tendency to delay decision-making whenever he feels overwhelmed with complex projects.
Action: With the coach’s guidance, the engineer developed an action plan to address his performance issues. The plan
◦ Clearly assigning tasks to team members and the deadline for each task to create accountability
◦ Submission of daily reports after work to monitor progress and flag any problems immediately
◦ Providing the necessary tools and resources to members to make them more efficient and avoid delays.

Review: The coach manager and engineer regularly review progress, monitor goals, and adjust action plans as needed.
4. FUEL model

The FUEL model aims to change

behavior or improve performance.
It emphasizes understanding the
coachee’s motivation, challenges, and
opportunities and creating a plan with
actionable steps to achieve goals.
4. FUEL model
4. FUEL model- Example
The new project manager has difficulty managing a complex project with multiple stakeholders’ approval, conflicting
deadlines, and limited resources. He feels stressed and uncertain of his ability to complete the project.
Frame the Conversation: The coach and coachee establish the coachee’s goals, defining the roles and responsibilities of
each person.
Understand the Current State: Next, the coach asks open-ended questions regarding the project manager’s challenges:
problems delegating tasks, communicating with team members, and managing stakeholders’ expectations. The project
manager acknowledged he didn’t have enough experience for the project and was anxious about his ability to complete it on
time and satisfy stakeholders’ expectations.
Explore the Desired Goal: The coach encouraged the project manager to envision the desired outcome: getting the
stakeholders’ approval, confidently leading, and completing the project. They discussed various steps to help accomplish the
◦ Implement project management tools like Agile or Kanban
◦ Communicate effectively with members through progress reports and regular meetings
◦ Delegate tasks effectively so everyone contributes equally to project completion and avoid missing deadlines
◦ Regularly update stakeholders to manage their expectations and avoid misunderstandings.
◦ The coach guides the project manager to create SMART goals to complete the project and communicate frequently.

Lay Out the Plan: The coach and project manager collaborated to develop a concrete action plan detailing the steps,
timeline, and resources needed. They also set KPIs to monitor and measure progress like budget adherence, stakeholder
satisfaction, and meeting deadlines. Finally, they agreed to have weekly check-ins and coaching sessions.
5. Peer coaching model
Peer coaching is a collaborative process where individuals work together to
reflect on their practices, set goals, and provide each other with feedback and
 A peer coaching model typically involves peers taking on the roles of both coach
and coachee, with the aim of fostering professional growth and development.
Integrating peer coaching into the workplace by HR can contribute significantly
to employee development, teamwork, and overall organizational success.
Provide training for employees who will take on coaching roles. This training
should cover effective coaching techniques, active listening, providing constructive
feedback, and maintaining confidentiality.
Styles of Coaching
 One axis shows the information, advice,
or expertise that a coach puts in to the
relationship with the person being

 the other shows the motivational energy

that a coach pulls out by unlocking that
person’s own insights and solutions.
4 styles of coaching in the workplace
1. Directive coaching
In directive coaching, the coach takes a more authoritative and instructive role,
providing specific guidance, solutions, and instructions to the coachee. The coach takes
charge of the conversation and offers clear directives.
 Directive coaching, which takes place primarily through “telling.” Mentoring falls into
this category.

The pros The cons When to use

Provides clear guidance and quick Use when there is an urgent need
May discourage independent thinking
decision-making for specific actions or decisions,
Effective for urgent or critical or when the coachee lacks
Might create dependence on the coach experience and requires explicit
Suitable for individuals with limited Limits the coachee’s ability to
experience develop problem-solving skills
4 styles of coaching in the workplace
2. Laissez-faire coaching
This coaching style is characterized by a hands-off approach, where the coach provides
minimal guidance or intervention, allowing the coachee to take the lead in their
That said, coaching is not always the answer. There may be times when all team members
are productively getting on with their work, and the right approach to managing them is to
leave them alone. This approach, which we call laissez-faire, appears in quadrant 2.
When to use
The pros The cons
Laissez-faire coaching can be
Empowers highly self-directed and May lead to a lack of structure or appropriate when the coachee
motivated coachees direction is highly self-directed,
Allows for independent decision- Could result in disengagement or experienced, and capable of
making and initiative lack of progress managing their own
Fosters a sense of responsibility May not be suitable for individuals development with minimal
and accountability who require more guidance oversight.
4 styles of coaching in the workplace
3. Nondirective/ facilitative coaching
Nondirective, or facilitative coaching emphasizes open-ended questioning, active listening,
and allowing the coachee to explore their thoughts and solutions. The coach refrains from
providing direct answers and encourages self-discovery.
It’s an approach that can be highly energizing for those being coached, but it doesn’t come
naturally to most managers, who tend to be more comfortable in “tell” mode.

The pros The cons When to use

Nondirective coaching is
Encourages self-discovery and Requires more time for coachee
independent problem-solving reflection and exploration effective when the coachee
needs to develop problem-
May not be suitable for urgent
Fosters critical thinking and creativity solving skills, gain insights, or
when the focus is on personal
Builds the coachee’s confidence and Effectiveness depends on the coachee’s development.
autonomy readiness for self-directed learning
4 styles of coaching in the workplace
4. Situational coaching
Situational coaching involves adapting the coaching style based on the specific
circumstances and needs of the coachee. The coach assesses the situation and adjusts
their approach accordingly.
All managers in a learning organization should aspire to become expert at situational
coaching—which, as its name suggests, involves striking a fine balance between directive
and nondirective styles according to the specific needs of the moment.
The pros
When to use
Adaptable to the specific needs of the This coaching style is versatile and is
suitable for a variety of scenarios, allowing
Tailors coaching approach to different the coach to tailor their approach based on
the coachee’s developmental stage,
Enhances flexibility and challenges, or goals.
Professional Coaches
What is an ICF Credential?
ICF offers three credentials, corresponding with the quantity of education and
experience required to earn it. The credentials are:
Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – Completed 60 hours of coach specific
education and 100 hours of client coaching experience
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – Completed 125 hours of coach specific
education and 500 hours of client coaching experience
Master Certified Coach (MCC) – Hold or have held a PCC Credential,
completed 200 hours of coach specific education and 2,500 hours of client
coaching experience
What Does it Take to Earn a Credential?
Education: Obtain coach-specific education aligned with the ICF definition of
coaching, ICF Core Competencies and ICF Code of Ethics.
Experience: Coaching experience hours must begin after you’ve started a coaching
education program.
Mentor Coaching: Receive mentor coaching to strengthen your skills within the ICF
Core Competencies.
Performance Evaluation: Pass a performance evaluation(s) that assess your
coaching skills against ICF standards.
Exam: Pass a written exam designed to test your understanding of and ability to apply
the ICF definition of coaching, ICF Core Competencies and ICF Code of Ethics.
Coach Experience Requirements

ACC candidates are required to document at least 100 hours (75 paid) of
coaching experience with at least eight clients following the start of their coach-
specific education or training.
* At least 25 of these hours (paid or unpaid) must occur within the 18 months
prior to submitting the application for the credential.
Coach Experience Requirements
PCC candidates are required to document at least 500 hours (450 paid) of
coaching experience with at least 25 clients following the start of their coach-
specific education or training*.
At least 50 of these hours (paid or unpaid) must occur within the 18 months
prior to submitting the application for the credential.
Coach Experience Requirements

MCC candidates are required to document at least 2,500 hours (2,250 paid) of
coaching experience with at least 35 clients following the start of coach-specific
education or training*.
ICF Coach Core Competencies
The ICF Core Competencies are organized into four domains based on
commonalities and interdependencies between competencies within each
There are no domains nor individual competencies that are weighted
they do not represent any kind of hierarchy.
Rather, each competency is considered core and critical for any
competent coach to demonstrate.
ICF Coach Core Competencies
• 1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
A. Foundation • 2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset

• 3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements

B. Co-Creating the • 4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
Relationship • 5. Maintains Presence

C. Communicating • 6. Listens Actively

Effectively • 7. Evokes Awareness

D. Cultivating Learning • 8. Facilitates Client Growth

and Growth

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