Coaching Ver01 030228
Coaching Ver01 030228
Coaching Ver01 030228
In its simplest form, coaching is about helping another person achieve their
personal or professional goals.
Coaching is about helping people make profound and lasting shifts in their
lives by pushing them to dig deeper so they can unlock their true potential.
What Exactly is Coaching?
Coaching is about guiding individuals or groups as they set and reach their own objectives.
Unlike training, there is no clear path or set curriculum; it is less linear and more organic.
A professional coach, on the other hand, helps their clients find clarity from within,
overcome challenges with their own solutions, and ultimately accomplish their goals on their
own terms.
***If you’re like most people, you probably envision an athletic coach when you hear
the word “coach” but they are two very different relationships. A sports coach assists
athletes in developing to their full athletic potential by analyzing their performance and
providing instruction for relevant skills.
The advantages of coaching in the
Coaching helps employees improve their productivity, efficiency, and
quality of work. According to Personnel Management Association, people’s
productivity improves by an average of 86% when training is complemented
with coaching
While both coaching and mentorship are invaluable for personal growth, it’s
crucial to tailor the approach to individual team members’ needs and goals.
Some employees may benefit more from coaching, Others may benefit from
Coaching, Performance Management,
and employee experience
Coach employees during performance reviews and career development conversations.
Incorporating it can help employees set personal objectives to improve their skills.
Skilled coaches take on the role of raising the deeper questions that a person may not
otherwise ask themselves.
They challenge their clients to think bigger and to question the “story” they’ve sold to
They’re able to present this kind of challenge constructively, with finesse, in a way that is
receptive to their clients.
Transformative Coaching
A masterful coach can help their clients become more aware of their internal world: namely,
their driving motivations and self-limiting factors. Once aware, the coach can guide them in
making permanent and profound shifts in the way they approach their problems, their goals,
their world, and those around them.
The coaching relationship is truly a collaborative effort that is solely based on what the client
wants and what they think they want to do. Coaches are professionally trained to be
completely objective and non-judgmental.
They’re not attached to any outcome or decision their clients make, and they’re able to
provide guidance and tools that help their clients implement solutions so they can get one step
closer to living their best life.
The improvements are not limited to the individual, either.
Numerous in-depth studies by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) reveal that
employers and coworkers can also benefit in the following areas when one works with a
Work Performance | Business Management | Time Management | Team Effectiveness
Most popular areas of coaching
Leadership: Executive & Management Life Coaching
Coaching Parents & Teens Coaching
Small Business & Professionals Couples Coaching
Relationship Coaching
Transitions Coaching
Sports Performance Coaching
Group Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching
5 Coaching Models
1. GROW Model
The GROW coaching framework is a
simple process well-suited for setting and
achieving goals. It is ideal for newbie
coaches and coachees with short-term
goals or specific challenges.
Will: The marketing manager formulated a comprehensive marketing plan to grow her sales targets:
◦ Use paid ads and social media to boost marketing efforts
◦ Assign tasks to team members like appointment setting and answering after-sales queries so the manager can focus more on
important tasks like reviewing sales performance and meeting high-value clients and leads
◦ Conduct training on different sales techniques and customer relationship management
◦ Give cash incentives to sales staff that exceed their sales targets.
2. OSKAR Model
Review: In addition, the coach stressed that the employee is 100% responsible for his attendance and
encourages him to prioritize his wellbeing and work commitment.
3. CLEAR Model
Review: The coach manager and engineer regularly review progress, monitor goals, and adjust action plans as needed.
4. FUEL model
Lay Out the Plan: The coach and project manager collaborated to develop a concrete action plan detailing the steps,
timeline, and resources needed. They also set KPIs to monitor and measure progress like budget adherence, stakeholder
satisfaction, and meeting deadlines. Finally, they agreed to have weekly check-ins and coaching sessions.
5. Peer coaching model
Peer coaching is a collaborative process where individuals work together to
reflect on their practices, set goals, and provide each other with feedback and
A peer coaching model typically involves peers taking on the roles of both coach
and coachee, with the aim of fostering professional growth and development.
Integrating peer coaching into the workplace by HR can contribute significantly
to employee development, teamwork, and overall organizational success.
Provide training for employees who will take on coaching roles. This training
should cover effective coaching techniques, active listening, providing constructive
feedback, and maintaining confidentiality.
Styles of Coaching
One axis shows the information, advice,
or expertise that a coach puts in to the
relationship with the person being
ACC candidates are required to document at least 100 hours (75 paid) of
coaching experience with at least eight clients following the start of their coach-
specific education or training.
* At least 25 of these hours (paid or unpaid) must occur within the 18 months
prior to submitting the application for the credential.
Coach Experience Requirements
PCC candidates are required to document at least 500 hours (450 paid) of
coaching experience with at least 25 clients following the start of their coach-
specific education or training*.
At least 50 of these hours (paid or unpaid) must occur within the 18 months
prior to submitting the application for the credential.
Coach Experience Requirements
MCC candidates are required to document at least 2,500 hours (2,250 paid) of
coaching experience with at least 35 clients following the start of coach-specific
education or training*.
ICF Coach Core Competencies
The ICF Core Competencies are organized into four domains based on
commonalities and interdependencies between competencies within each
There are no domains nor individual competencies that are weighted
they do not represent any kind of hierarchy.
Rather, each competency is considered core and critical for any
competent coach to demonstrate.
ICF Coach Core Competencies
• 1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
A. Foundation • 2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset