Loan Approval - PPT

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Modern Loan approval prediction

system based on machine learning

Done by –

Exam No :
Name :
Department of Electronics and Exam No :
Telecommunications Name :
Exam No
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College Under the guidance of –
of Engineering for Women,

1. Introduction
2 . Literature Survey
3. Problem Statement
4. Objectives
5. Specifications
6. Block Diagram
7. Methodology
8. Flowchart
9. Future Scope
10. References
1. Introduction

Distribution of the loans is the core business part of almost every

banks. The fundamental piece the bank's resources is
straightforwardly came from the benefit acquired from the credits
appropriated by the banks. The superb target in financial climate
is to put their resources in safe hands where it is. Today many
banks/monetary organizations supports credit later a relapse
cycle of confirmation and approval yet there is no guarantee
whether the picked candidate is the meriting right candidate out of
all candidates. Through this framework we can foresee whether or
not that specific candidate is protected and the entire course of
approval of elements is computerized by AI procedure.
The impediment of this model is that it underscores various loads
to each factor yet, in actuality, at some point advance can be
supported based on single solid component just, which is
unimaginable through this framework. Advance Prediction is
extremely useful for representative of banks just as for the
candidate moreover.

• The point of this Paper is to give speedy, quick and simple
method for picking the meriting candidates. It can give unique
benefits to the bank. The Loan Prediction System can naturally
compute the heaviness of each elements participating in credit
handling and on new test information same highlights are
handled concerning their related weight. A period cutoff can be
set for the candidate to actually take a look at whether his/her
advance can be authorized or not. Advance Prediction System
permits leaping to explicit application so it very well may be
keep an eye on need premise. This Paper is solely for the
overseeing authority of Bank/finance Company, entire course
of forecast is done secretly no partners would have the option
to adjust the handling. Result against specific Loan Id can be
ship off different branch of banks with the goal that they can
make a fitting move on application.
2. Literature Survey
In 2019, Vimala and Sharmili [1] proposed a loan prediction model usingNB and
Support Vector Machines(SVM)methods. Naïve Bayes, an independent
speculation approach, encompasses probability theory regarding the data
classification. On the other hand, SVM usesstatistical learning model for
classification of predictions. Dataset from UCI repository with 21 attributes was
adopted to evaluate the proposed method. Experimentations concluded that,
rather than individual performances of classifiers(NB and SVM), the integration of
NB and SVM resulted in an efficient classification of loan prediction. In 2019,
Jency, Sumathi and Shiva Sri.

[2] proposed a Exploratory DataAnalysis(EDA)regardingtheloanprediction

procedure basedonthe client‘snatureandtheir requirements. Themajor factors
concentrated during the data analysis were annual income versus loan purpose,
customer‘s trust, loan tenure versus delinquent months, loan tenure versus credit
category,loantenure versusnumberof yearsinthecurrentjob, and chances for loan
repayment versus the house ownership. Finally, the outcome of the present work
was to infer the constraints on the customer who are applying for the loan
followed by the prediction regarding the repayment. Further, results showed that,
the customers were interested more on availing short-tenure loans rather than
long-tenure loans. In 2019, Supriya, Pavani, Saisushma, Vimala KumariandVikas
[3] presentedaMLbased loanpredictionmodel.Themodulesin the present
approach were data collectionand pre-processing, applying the ML models,
training followed by testing the data. During the pre-processing stage, the
detection and removal of outliers and imputation removal processing were
carried out. In the present method, SVM, DT, KNN and gradient boosting
models were employed to predict the possibilities of current status regarding
the loan approval process. The conventional 80:20 rule was adopted to split the
dataset into training and testing processes. Experimentation concluded that, DT
has significantly higher loan prediction accuracy than the other models. In
2017, Goyal and Kaur

[4] presented a loan predictionmodel using several Machine Learning (ML)

algorithms. The dataset with features, namely, gender, marital status,
education, number of dependents, employment status, income, coapplicant‘s
income, loan amount, loan tenure, credit history, existing loan status, and
property area, are used for determining the loaneligibility regarding the
loansanctioning process. Various ML models adopted in the present method
includes, Linear model, Decision Tree (DT), Neural Network (NN), Random
Forest (RF), SVM, Extreme learning machines, Model tree, Multivariate
Adaptive Regression Splines, Bagged Cart Model,NB and TGA. When evaluated
thesemodels usingR Environment in five runs, TGA resulted in better loan
forecasting performance than the other methods. In 2016, Aboobyda Jafar
Hamid and Tarig Mohammed Ahmed
[5] presented a loan risk prediction model based on the data mining
techniques, such as Decision Tree (J48), Naïve Bayes (NB) and BayseNet
approaches. The procedure followed was training set preparation, building
the model, Applying the model and finally. Evaluating the accuracy. This
approachwas implemented using Weka Tool and considered a dataset with
eight attributes, namely, gender, job, age, credit amount, credit history,
purpose, housing, andclass. Evaluatingthesemodels on the dataset,
experimental results concluded that, J48 based loan prediction approach
resulted in better accuracy than the other methods.
3. Problem Statement

Loan approval is a very important process for banking

organizations. Banking Industry always needs a more
accurate predictive modelling system for many issues.
Predicting credit defaulters is a difficult task for the
banking industry. The system approved or rejects the loan
applications. Recovery of loans is a major contributing
parameter in the financial statements of a bank. It is very
difficult to predict the possibility of payment of loan by the
customer. Machine Learning (ML) techniques are very
useful in predicting outcomes for large amount of data
• Collecting genuine bank customer data
• Generating standard sorted dataset based on
selected features of data
• Selecting machine learning algorithms
• Testing Machine learning algorithm
• Result analysis and recording results
• Prediction of loan approval based on trained model
of ML
• Comparing results
Software Tool

• Pycharm IDE – Python Development tool

• Windows 10 – 64 bit OS
• Python Libraries
Hardware and Equipment

• System PC / Laptop

• Intel CoreI5

• 300GB HDD

6. Block diagram

The main aim of this project is to successfully implement the following

design stages.

Step 1: Collect the data: The dataset used in this paper is from
cooperative bank.
Step 2: Prepare the input data: This step was done by the original
owners of the dataset. And the composition of the dataset
Step 3: Analyse the input data: understand the relationship among
different features. A plot of the core features and the entire dataset. The
dataset is further split into 2/3 for training and 1/3 for testing the
algorithms. Furthermore, in order to obtain a representative sample,
each class in the full dataset is represented in about the right proportion
in both the training and testing datasets.
Step 4: Train the algorithm: The various classification algorithms are
trained using a different set of data. The training dataset is been
downloaded from Kaggle.

Kaggle is open source where large dataset is available and can be used
for training.
• Step 5: Test the algorithm: The various algorithms are used to predict
the effectiveness of the algorithm on the test dataset. In evaluating
the performance of the classification algorithms, It include accuracy,
precision, recall, specificity and F-measure (F1- measure). These
values are calculated using the Python scikitlearn tool with input
values as the entities of the confusion matrix. The formula for the
various evaluating metrics is shown in III, with their definitions. A
‘positive’ instance refers to no(signifying there will not be a default in
the payment of the loan) whereas the ‘negative’ instance refers to
yes (signifying there will be a default in the payment of the loan )
● 8. Future Scope
• In near future this module of prediction can be integrate with the
module of automated processing system.
• The system is trained on old training dataset so future software can
be made such that new testing data should also take part in training
data after some fixed time.
10. References

[1] S. Vimala, K.C. Sharmili, ―Prediction of Loan Risk using NB and Support
Vector Machine‖, International Conference on Advancements in Computing
Technologies (ICACT 2018), vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 110-113, 2018.
[2] Pidikiti Supriya, Myneedi Pavani, Nagarapu Saisushma, Namburi Vimala
Kumari, K. Vikas, ―Loan Prediction by using Machine Learning.
[3] X. Francis Jency, V.P.Sumathi, Janani Shiva Sri, ―An Exploratory Data
Analysis for Loan Prediction Based on Nature of the Clients‖, International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, No. 48, pp. 176-
179, 2018.
[4] Anchal Goyal, Ranpreet Kaur, ―Loan Prediction Using Ensemble
Technique‖, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 523 – 526, March 2016.
[5] Aboobyda Jafar Hamid and Tarig Mohammed Ahmed, ―Developing
Prediction Model of Loan Risk in Banks using Data Mining‖, Machine Learning
andApplications: An International Journal (MLAIJ), Vol.3, No.1, pp. 1-9, March
[6] Aditi Kacheria, Nidhi Shivakumar, Shreya Sawkar, Archana Gupta,Loan
Sanctioning Prediction System, International Journal of Soft Computing and
Engineering (IJSCE), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 50-53, 2016.
[7] Anchal Goyal, Ranpreet Kaur, ―Accuracy Prediction for Loan Risk using
Machine Learning Models‖, International Journal of Computer Science
Trends and Technology (I JCST), Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 52-57, Jan- Feb 2016.

[8] Sudhamathy, Credit Risk Analysis and Prediction Modelling of Bank

Loans using R‖, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET),
Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 1954-1966, Oct-Nov 2016.

[9] Rattle data mining tool: available from http://

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