Kingdom- Animals
• Wings
• Only one pair of antennae and
• Only three pairs of legs.
• There are no limbs on the abdominal segments.
• These are the spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks.
• Their bodies are divided into two regions, the cephalothorax and the abdomen.
• They have four pairs of limbs on the cephalothorax, two pedipalps and two chelicerae.
• The pedipalps are used in reproduction;
• the chelicerae are used to pierce their prey and paralyse it with a poison secreted by a gland at the base.
• There are usually several pairs of simple eyes.
• These are millipedes and centipedes.
• They have a head and a segmented body which is not obviously divided into thorax and abdomen.
• There is a pair of legs on each body segment but in the millipede the abdominal segments are fused in pairs and it
looks as if it has two pairs of legs per segment
• As the myriapod grows, additional segments are formed.
• The myriapods have one pair of antennae and simple eyes.
• Centipedes are carnivorous; millipedes feed on vegetable matter
Arthropods - Summary
• Vertebrates are animals which have a vertebral column.
• Aka the spinal column / spine
• Spine consists of a chain of cylindrical bones (vertebrae) joined end
to end.
• Each vertebra carries an arch of bone on its dorsal (upper) surface
that protects the spinal cord, which runs most of the length of the
vertebral column.
• The front end of the spinal cord form a brain which protected by the
• The skull carries a pair of jaws which, in most vertebrates, have rows
of teeth.
• The five classes of vertebrates are fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds and
Vertebrates- Body Temperature
• Fish, amphibia and reptiles are often referred to as ‘cold-blooded’ or
• These animals have a variable body temperature which, to some
extent, depends on the temperature of their surroundings.
• Reptiles, for example, may control their temperature by moving into
sunlight or retreating into shade but there is no internal regulatory
• ‘warm-blooded’ animals or homoiothermic have a body
temperature higher than that of their surroundings. The main
difference, however, is that these temperatures are kept more or less
constant despite any variation in external temperature. There are
internal regulatory mechanisms which keep the body temperature
within narrow limits.
• The advantage of homoiothermy is that an animal’s activity is not
dependent on the surrounding temperature.
• The toad’s skin is drier than that of the frog and it has glands
which can exude an unpleasant-tasting chemical which
discourages predators.
• In frogs and toads, the hind feet have a web of skin between the
toes offering a large surface area to thrust against the water
when the animal is swimming
• Newts differ from frogs and toads in having a tail.
• Newts swim by a wriggling, fish-like movement of their bodies
and make less use of their limbs for swimming.
• Fertilisation, is external even though the frogs are in close
contact for the event
• Reptiles are land-living vertebrates.
• Their skins are dry and the outer layer of epidermis forms a pattern of
• This dry, scaly skin resists water loss.
• Also the eggs of most species have a tough, parchment like shell.
• Reptiles, therefore, are not restricted to damp habitats, nor do they need
water in which to breed.
• poikilothermic (cold blooded) but they can regulate their temperature to
some extent.
• They do this by basking in the sun until their bodies warm up. When
reptiles warm up, they can move about rapidly in pursuit of insects and
other prey.
• The reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises and crocodiles
• Apart from the snakes, reptiles have four limbs, each with five toes.
• Some species of snake still retain the vestiges of limbs and girdles.
• Male and female reptiles mate, and sperms are passed into the female’s
• The eggs are, therefore, fertilised internally before being laid.
• In some species, the female retains the eggs in the body until they are
ready to hatch.
• Birds are homoiothermic (warm blooded) vertebrates.
• The vertebral column in the neck is flexible
• This is probably an adaptation to flight, as the powerful wing
muscles need a rigid frame to work against.
• The epidermis over most of the body produces a covering of
feathers but, on the legs and toes, the epidermis forms scales.
• The feathers are of several kinds.
• The fluffy down feathers form an insulating layer close to the
• The contour feathers cover the body and give the bird its shape
and colouration;
• The large quill feathers on the wing are essential for flight.
• Birds have four limbs, but the forelimbs are modified to form
• The feet have four toes with claws which help the bird to
perch, scratch for seeds or capture prey,
• The upper and lower jaws are extended to form a beak
which is used for feeding in various ways.
• Fertilisation is internal and the female lays hard-shelled
eggs in a nest where she incubates them.
Exam Tip
Simple dichotomous keys almost always come up in the multiple choice paper, so
make sure you can use one. Very occasionally they show up in the theory paper,
and when they do you almost always have to use one instead of constructing one,
so focus on this rather than spending hours learning to construct them yourself!
1 A- The organism has gills Go to #2.
B- The organism does not have gills Go to #7.
2 A- The organism has fins Go to #3
B- The organism has no fins. Go to #6
3 A- The organism has large eyes. Go to #4
B- The organism has beady eyes. Go to #5
4 A- The organism has three stripes. Go to #8
B- The organism does not have striped coloration Go to #11
5 A- The organism has teeth. Go to #9
B- The organism does not have teeth. Go to #10
6 A- The organism has tentacles Pearl
B- The organism does not have tentacles Jacques
7 A- The organism has a shell Squirt
B- The organism does not have a shell Peach
8 A-The organism has a large caudal fin Marlin
B-The organism does not have a large caudal fin Deb
9 A- The organism has a uniquely elongated head Anchor Pearl
B- The organism's head is attached to its body Bruce
10 A- The organism has a tail Mr. Ray
B- The organism does not have a tail GiI
11 A- The organism is multi colored Dory
B- The organism is only one color Bubbles