Unit 3

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Environmental Pollution

UNIT - 3
Introduction to Environment Pollution

Pollution is generally understood as the introduction of harmful

contaminants into the natural environment. Humanity’s constant
journey of development has led to the exploitation of natural
resources and its mismanagement leading to various types of
What is Pollution ?
1.Pollution is defined as the contamination of
the environment by foreign or toxic substances and excess
forms of energy that are harmful for the environment.
2.The substance or energy that constitutes a particular kind of
pollution is known as the pollutant. Pollutants can be in the
form of solid, gas, liquid or energy.
3.Pollution always has a source and a recipient. For example, a
factory that produces harmful gases is the source of pollution.
It ends up in the atmosphere and gets inhaled by human beings
and other animals who are the recipients.
Types of Pollution

Air Pollution Air pollution occurs due to the presence of Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any Primary Pollutants : Sulphur , nitrogen and Carbon release
un- desirable solid or gaseous particles in chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural by the human activities in our environment
the air in quantities that are harmful to characteristics of the atmosphere. Secondary Pollutants : Primary pollutants are combined with
human health and the environment. each other and form various secondary pollutants with
volatile organic compounds , oxides and Nitrogen

Reason for Air pollution • Natural causes such as volcanoes which The Burning of Fossil Fuels : Indoor Air Pollution
release ash, dust, Sulphur and other • Coal-fired power stations alone account for 35% of harmful mercury Use of toxic products also called Volatile Organic
gases, or by forest fires that are emissions in the US. Compounds (VOCs), inadequate ventilation, uneven
occasionally naturally caused by lighting. • Two-thirds of SO2 emissions cause acid rain temperature, and humidity level can cause indoor air
• There are five primary pollutants that • The great majority of dust (particle pollution) is released in our air due pollution, whether you are in an office, school, or at your
together contribute about 90 percent of to fossil fuel burning. comfortable home. House air pollution can take place due to
the global air pollution. Industrial Emission ignorant factors, for instance, smoking tobacco inside a
Open Burning of Garbage Waste room or leaving mold-infected walls untreated. The use of
Transportation wood stoves or space heaters is capable of increasing the
humidity level which can directly affect the health of a person
in no time.

Effects of Air pollution • Increased risk of respiratory illness and

cardiovascular problems
• Increased risk of skin diseases
• May increase the risk of cancer
• Global warming
• Acid rain
• Ozone depletion
• Hazards to wildlife

Effects of different Velocity of wind also affects air pollution by Acid Deposition has many harmful effects such as
conditions on Air pollution dispersal of pollutants. When winds transport • Respiratory diseases
(Meteorological sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide they form • Deletion of Soil Nutrients Such as Calcium & Magnesium (Because the
Conditions) secondary pollutants such as nitric acid pH level fall below 5.1 for terrestrial system and below 5.5 for aquatic
vapour, droplets of sulphuric acid and systems).
particles of sulphate and nitrate salts. These
chemicals descend on the earths surface in
two form Wet (acid rain, snow, fog and cloud
vapour) and dry (as acidic particles). The
resulting mixture is called acid deposition or
acid rain.
Types of Pollution AIR POLLUTION

Effects of • Exposure to carbon dioxide / carbon monoxide for several • Nitrogen dioxide can irritate the lungs, aggravate asthma • Many volatile organic compounds (eg: benzene and
Air Pollution hours can cause collapse, coma and even death. It also and increase the susceptibility to respiratory infections like formaldehyde) and toxic particulates (eg: lead and cadmium)
on living causes headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea. Carbon influenza. can cause mutations, reproductive problems or cancer.
organisms monoxide in heavy traffic causes headaches, drowsiness and
blurred vision; in large doses, can cause death. • Repeated inhalation of ozone causes coughing, chest pain,
• Suspended particles aggravate respiratory tract, leading to breathlessness and irritation of the eye, nose .
• Sulphur dioxide irritates the respiratory tissues; causes bronchitis and asthma. Prolonged exposure can cause
bronchitis. cancer.

Effects of Stratospheric pollution means depletion of the ozone layer (ozone The Stratosphere is the layer of earth’s atmosphere just above
Air Pollution hole) by certain compounds like oxides of nitrogen, the troposphere and below the mesosphere. The upper
on the chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) stratosphere consists of a considerable amount of ozone O3
stratosphere which protects us from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiations
coming from the sun. These radiations cause skin cancer in
Formation of the ozone layer in the stratosphere.

On Human Health On Food Production

• Sun burn UV radiation affects the ability of plants to capture light energy
• Cataract during photosynthesis. This reduces the nutrient content and
• Ageing of the skin growth potential of plants.
• Skin Cancer
Which weaken the immune system by suppressing the body’s
resistance to infections such as chickenpox etc.

Control Air pollution can be controlled : Preventive Techniques like To have proper equipment in By making higher smoke stacks facilitates so the discharges of
Measures Industries and Manufacturing. (include the treatment plants for pollutants as far away from the ground as possible.
for air the removal of pollutants from the gases )

Air pollution Main causes of Air Pollution are Vehicle and Industrial emissions Burning of fossil fuels, factories, industrial emissions, mining
in India activities, construction, open burning of garbage waste,
volcanic eruptions, microbial decaying processes
Types of Pollution WATER POLLUTION

Water Pollution Water pollution is the contamination of water Water pollution, the release of substances into
sources by substances which make the subsurface groundwater or into lakes, streams, rivers,
water unusable for drinking, cooking, estuaries(partly enclosed coastal body of water in which river water is
cleaning, swimming, and other activities. mixed with seawater),
Pollutants include chemicals, trash, bacteria, and oceans to the point where the substances interfere
and parasites. with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning
of ecosystems. In addition to the release of substances, such
as chemicals, trash, or microorganisms, water pollution may also
include the release of energy, in the form of radioactivity or heat, into
bodies of water.

Types of Water pollution One of the most destructive types is Sewage Pollution comes from both urban (city) and rural (country) Nuclear-powered ships, power plants and other users of
Petroleum Pollution. Petroleum products, areas. Although many cities and towns have sewage treatment plants, Nuclear Energy are possible sources of Radiation Pollution, not
such as oil and gasoline, enter the water at times, such as during a flood event some may be unable to handle so much from accidents, but from disposal of nuclear materials
from ships and marine terminals, offshore oil the amount of sewage produced. Treatment plant failures and overflows such as spent nuclear fuel cells.
rigs, runoff from parking lots, factories, oil may result in untreated sewage entering rivers and coastal waters. Many factories and nuclear power plants use water cooling
dumping, and other sources. Many of the Some coastal cities may still be using the open ocean as a sewage during manufacturing processes and reactor cooling. Water
worst pollution disasters have been due to dumping site. taken from rivers, bays or lakes is heated and, if returned
accidents involving oil rigs, pipelines, or oil directly to the environment, can lead to what is called Heat or
tankers. Thermal Pollution.

Point sources of Pollution • Point-source pollution is easy to identify. • Nonpoint-source pollution is harder to identify and harder to address. Types of Water Pollution
As the name suggests, it comes from a It is pollution that comes from many places, all at once.
single place. • Example : Agricultural run-off or acid rain • Organic (sewage)
• Example MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL • Inorganic (that caused by chemical pollutants from
PIPES industries)

Causes of Water Pollution Sewage and Wastewater: According to UN Oil Spills : Industrial waste is one of the biggest sources of water
more than 80% of the world’s wastewater • Large oil spills and leaks are some of most significant causes of contamination. Many industrial sites produce waste in the form
flows back into the environment without water pollution. These are often caused by oil drilling operations in of toxic chemicals and pollutants, and some don’t have proper
being treated or reused; in some least- the ocean, but nearly half of the estimated 1 million tons of oil that waste management systems in place. Sometimes, industrial
developed countries, this figure tops 95%. makes its way into marine environments each year come not from oil waste is dumped into nearby freshwater systems. The toxic
Harmful chemicals and bacteria can be tankers, but from land-based sources like factories, farms and cities. chemicals leached from this waste can make the water unsafe
found in sewage and wastewater even after • Oil makes drinking water unsafe and a substantial amount of oil for human consumption, and they can also cause the
it’s been treated. Households release released into oceans or become river water pollution, will destroy temperature in freshwater systems to change, making them
sewage and wastewater, which makes its marine life and the ecosystems that support them. dangerous for marine life.
way to the ocean, mixing with freshwater and
affecting the water quality and marine life.
Types of Pollution WATER POLLUTION

Effects of Water Pollution On Ground Water : Effects of excess salts in water Effects of pollution of water due to organic wastes:
• Urban run –off of untreated or poorly • Irrigating crops with saline water can result in yield loss and • if organic (Leftover food, Coffee grounds, apple cores, egg shells
treated waste water and garbage decreased quality. Plants vary greatly in their tolerance to and other kinds of food byproducts etc)) matter enters the water
• Industrial waste storage located above or saline water. The extent of yield loss when plants are irrigated bodies, the microorganisms present in the organic matter utilize the
near aquifers with saline water depends on several factors including soil oxygen available in water. Therefore, this will, in turn, cause the
• Agriculture practices such as the type, drainage and the frequency, method and time of oxygen-dependent aquatic life to slowly diminish and die due to
application of large amounts of fertilizers, irrigation. lack of oxygen in the water.
pesticides and animal feed in the rural • The accumulation of salts on the topsoil is called salinization
sector. which can stop or damage the plant growth, lower crop yield
• Leaks from underground storage tanks and eventually kill the crop and left the land useless for
containing gasoline and other hazardous agriculture.
• Poorly designed and inadequately
maintained septic tanks.

Effects of thermal pollution • Refers to the degradation of water Ex: Power plants discharge heated water back into the water Control Measures for thermal pollution on Water recourses
on Water Resources quality as a result of any process that body, which is at least 15 degree higher the normal. • Installation of human-made structures like cooling ponds and
changes the normal water temperature. It effect the oxygen level (drop the level)in the water which is very cooling towers will help the areas where a tremendous amount of
• Its occur or happening because harmful for the marine habitats. heat is released through various processes like evaporation
industries removes water from sources convection, radiation, heat transfer, etc.
(such as river etc) uses the water for • The cogeneration process can also be useful in controlling thermal
cooling purpose in their processes and pollution. This process deals with the recycling of heated water for
returns the heated water to its resources. domestic purposes and industrial heating.
• We can implement the concept of the artificial lake as a solution to
thermal pollution. These are human-made water bodies where
heated substances can be discharged from one end, and water for
cooling purposes can be used from the other end.

Other Important aspect • BOD- BOD is a measure of the amount . COD: The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a measure of
related to water pollution of oxygen required to remove waste water and wastewater quality. The COD test is often used to
organic matter from water in the process monitor water treatment plant efficiency. This test is based on the
of decomposition by aerobic fact that a strong oxidizing agent, under acidic conditions, can
bacteria (those bacteria that live only in fully oxidize almost any organic compound to carbon dioxide.
an environment containing oxygen
Types of Pollution (Polluted river in India)

2. ASSAM 1 9 10
3. BIHAR 1 2 7 8 18
5. DAMAN AND 1 1
6. DELHI 1 1
7. GOA 1 5 6
8. GUJARAT 6 1 1 1 4 13
9. HARYANA 2 1 3
11. JAMMU & KASHMIR 2 4 2 8
12. JHARKHAND 1 2 6 9
13. KARNATAKA 3 3 11 17
14. KERALA 1 2 15 18
15. MADHYA PRADESH 2 1 5 11 19
16. MAHARASHTRA 4 5 18 17 11 55
17. MANIPUR 2 11 13
18. MEGHALAYA 2 1 4 7
19. MIZORAM 2 1 3
20. NAGALAND 1 3 4
21. ODISHA 1 3 3 7
22. PUDUCHERRY 1 1 1 3
23. PUNJAB 3 2 5
24. RAJASTHAN 2 1 4 7 14
25. TAMIL NADU 4 1 1 1 3 10
26. TELANGANA 1 1 2 5 9
27. TRIPURA 1 1
28. UTTAR PRADESH 6 1 2 8 17
29. UTTARAKHAND 2 2 4 1 9
30. WEST BENGAL 1 2 1 3 6 13
GRAND TOTAL 46 16 39 65 145 311
Types of Pollution
Soil Soil Pollution occurs by chemical pollution due to the use of fertilizers • Soil pollution can be defined as persistent of chemicals, salts, toxic
Pollution and pesticides in agricultural landscape. Chemical effluents when compounds, radioactive materials, that have adverse effects on animal
released from industries cause soil pollution. health and plant growth. There are many ways through which soils can
get polluted. These are: Discharge of industrial waste into the Earth

Causes of • Soil degradation refers to the loss of land’s physical, chemical, Some examples of soil degradation processes are the exhaustion of nutrients
soil biological, and ecological qualities due to either natural or human- and organic matter, soil erosion, acidification, desertification, and pollution
degradation caused disturbances.

Effects of • The loss of fertile soil makes land less productive for agriculture, There are a number of factors that affect how much land deteriorates,
soil creates new deserts, pollutes waterways and can alter how water including:
degradation flows through the landscape, potentially making flooding more the land’s starting condition;
common. the nature and severity of the stresses put on it;
the land’s reactions to those stresses;
the feedback from those reactions on the natural assets

Control of • Practices such as organic farming, agroforestry, crop rotation, and Announced by PM during “Save Soil Programme,2022)To make the soil
soil conservation tillage help improve soil health, enhance nutrient chemical free.
Degradation cycling, reduce erosion, and conserve water resources. To save the organisms that live in the soil
• Terracing, contour ploughing, and bunding help reduce surface To maintain soil moisture
runoff and soil erosion by slowing down water flow. To remove the damage that is happening to the soil due to less groundwater.
• Planting trees and restoring forest ecosystems help stabilize soil, To stop the continuous erosion of soil due to the reduction of forests.
reduce erosion, improve water infiltration, and enhance organic • Desert Development Programme For states like Rajasthan ,Gujarat
matter content.
Types of Pollution
Marine Pollution It expands to South Asia in the north, Africa and • Marine pollution can be defined as the introduction of substances to the • Marine pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash, most of which comes from land sources and is washed
Arabia in the west, South East Asia and marine environment directly or indirectly by man resulting in adverse effects or blown into the ocean. This pollution results in damage to the environment, to the health of all organisms, and to
Australia in the east, and Antarctica towards the such as hazards to human health, obstruction of marine activities and lowering economic structures worldwide.
south. It hosts a vast flora and fauna, with 9 of the quality of sea water.
the 36 biodiversity hotspots located at the
Indian Ocean, including Madagascar.

Reason of • Pesticides and fertilizers from agriculture Chemical Pollution • Oil Pollution
Marine or ocean which are washed off the land by rain, Chemical pollution is caused due to the entry of harmful chemicals into the water • The Indian Ocean region accounts for around 40% of the world's off-shore oil production. The Persian Gulf, also
pollution enter water courses and eventually reach bodies. The major source of these artificial components is fertilizers, pesticides and a part of the Indian Ocean region, is the highest oil-producing region of the world.
the sea herbicides, household products like detergents, chemicals used by the • Certain dangerous events like oil spills are tremendously damaging for the oceans. Oil spills can occur for various
• Petroleum and oils washed off from the pharmaceutical industry, beauty products, and sewage. Most countries around the reasons, like accidental leaks and careless release of oil and its products in the water bodies. Illegal discharges
roads normally enter the sewage system Indian Ocean are developing countries largely dependent on agriculture and in a shipping operations are other contributing factors. Oil spills can have a deadly effect on aquatic life and marine
but storm water overflows carry these transitionary phase with rapid industrial development with little regulation birds as it contains highly toxic residual matter.
materials into rivers and eventually into the Example4: Coal Burning, dumping of untreated sewage and • In 2020, a Japanese vessel, MV Wakashio, hit a coral reef on the southern coast of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean
seas. and went aground. The disaster happened at a biodiversity hotspot home to a staggering 1,700 marine species.
radioactive materials Since this event, more than 50 whales and dolphins have washed ashore, numerous people have lost their
livelihoods and there has been a significant setback in the tourism industry of Mauritius.

• Plastic pollution: Plastics account for 80%

of all litter in the oceans. This waste is
especially generated because of single-use
plastics such as wrappers, shopping bags,
disposable plastic bottles, and caps. A large
percentage of plastic waste is predicted to
enter the Indian Ocean. Most of the
countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,
India and Bangladesh) contributing to the
highest amount of plastic pollution
worldwide are located in the Indian Ocean

Control Measures 1.Shoreline Flushing: This method uses 2. Booms: These long, floating barriers are used to keep spilled oil off the • Plastic bags, bottles etc. have become one of the big reasons for marine pollution. We
for Marine water to remove or refloat stranded oil, beach, or to collect it after being flushed from the beach into the immediate
Pollution need to stop using plastic made material to save marine life and our environment.
which allows it to be more easily recovered waters.
• We all need to make sure that only rainwater goes into the drainage because most of the
as a slick on the water. One of the lessons 3. Vacuums: Large industrial vacuums can suction oil off the beach or
learned from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill shoreline vegetation. drain water goes into oceans. If we allow sewage and waste material to get into
was to be very careful about water pressure 4. Sorbents: These specialized materials, which can take forms such as the drainage, it will eventually affect the marine life.
and temperature to avoid causing more square pads or long booms, are engineered to absorb oil but not water • Say “NO” to disposables such as straws, tumblers, plastic carry bags, etc. These items
harm to the shoreline. only increase the amount of waste that ultimately goes into oceans.
• Recycling helps a lot to protect ocean ecology.
• We should try to minimize energy use to reduce the oceanic temperature.
Types of Pollution

Effects Of Phytoplankton (algae) blooms or “Red tides” Higher acidity, which can damage the shells and skeletons of More than 600 species are impacted due to marine pollution by 8 million tons of plastic every year.
marine pollution causing a whole area of the water to be marine animals and coral reefs.
on living discolored as a result of large amounts of Choking marine life, which can result from ingestion or
16 species of whales and 89 species of fish have suffered death due to entanglement
organism organic waste entanglement of plastic and other debris. 52% whales of the ocean have ingested plastics
Spoiling birds' feathers, which can reduce their insulation and Litters in the ocean cost almost 82 million dollars due to navigational hazards and vessel damage to the
buoyancy. fishing industry of the European Union
Blocking out the sunlight, which can affect the photosynthesis
and growth of marine plants and algae. All the tourism industry across the seashore destinations is now facing a loss of 600 Million dollars each
year due to litter on the beaches.
Types of Pollution Noise Pollution
Noise Pollution . The word noise is derived from the Latin word • Noise pollution, unwanted or excessive sound that can
‘Nausea’, which means sickness in which one feels have dangerous effects on human health, wildlife, and
the ne environmental quality. Noise pollution is commonly generated
ed to vomit. Noise is the unpleasant and undesirable inside many industrial facilities and some other workplaces,
sound which leads to discomfort in human beings. The but it also comes from highway, railway, and airplane traffic
intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). and from outdoor construction activities.
The faintest sound that the human ear can hear is 1
Db. Due to increasing noise around the civilizations,
noise pollution has become a matter of concern. Some
of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft, industrial
machines, loudspeakers, crackers, etc. When used at
high volume, some other appliances also contribute to
noise pollution, like television, transistor, radio, etc.

Types of Noise • Traffic noise Effect on Wildlife and Marine Life

Pollution • Construction noise Animals and marine life are vulnerable to noise pollution. It can
• Big Events affect their listening skills, which further affects their behavior
• Industrial Noise pattern. These animals find it hard to listen during migration,
which can negatively affect their lives. When it comes to marine
life, noise pollution can lead to internal damage like physical
problems in them.

Effects on Human • Impact on mental health The physical health effects of noise pollution can occur as a direct Additionally, unwanted or loud noise at school or
Health • Unwanted sounds can have a range of mental or indirect result of noise exposure. home may make it challenging for children to
health effects. In severe cases, loud sounds can directly cause hearing learn. They may experience more difficulty with:
impairment. concentration
• The brain is always monitoring sounds for signs of communication and speech development
danger, even during sleep. As a result, frequent or • Hypertension
loud noise can trigger anxiety or stress. With • Hearing loss
continued exposure to noise pollution, a person’s • Sleeping disorder
sensitivity to stress increases

Measures to control We should avoid playing speakers, radios, and Sources of noise such as industries, airports, etc., and residential
Noise Pollution television loudly at home. areas should be separated.
The bursting of crackers unnecessarily should be Fine for exceeding certain noise limits.
avoided. Keep checking the surrounding noise levels and limit the sounds
The horns of vehicles should not be blown that you produce.
unnecessarily and vehicles should be serviced from
time to time to prevent the noisy engine.
Trees should be planted around the buildings and
Solid Waste
• The term ‘solid waste’ refers to any unwanted solid material that can no longer
be used. Solid waste is generated due to human, commercial, agricultural, and
industrial activities. Almost every activity associated with us humans leaves
behind some waste. Solid waste is not only limited to solid materials.

• Solid wastes are the organic and inorganic waste materials such as product
packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, kitchen refuse, paper,
appliances, paint cans, batteries, etc..

• Solid waste refers to materials that are discarded or disposed. Depending on

where the waste is generated, it can be classified as municipal solid waste,
industrial solid waste, or agricultural solid waste.

• Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from human
activities in residential, industrial or commercial areas. It may be categorized in
three ways. According to its: origin (domestic, industrial, commercial,
construction or institutional) contents (organic material, glass, metal, plastic
paper etc)
Problem of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
The Indian government is currently grappling with how to manage its ever-growing
waste population. Currently, the country generates about 640 million metric tons of
municipal solid waste every year – a number that is projected to increase to 1.3
billion metric tons by 2025.

In addition, India’s recycling rate currently stands at only 18 percent, which is well
below the global average of 35 percent. This lack of progress in waste management
has serious consequences for the environment and public health.

Major metro cities such as Mumbai, Delhi , Bengaluru, Kolkata and Chennai
generate about 10 million tones of garbage every day.
There are two major or biggest landfills for Mumbai (Deonar 90 years old) and
Delhi (Ghazipur 33 years old) are functioning beyond their lifespan.
Causes of Solid Waste
 Domestic waste: It includes a variety of materials thrown out from homes.
 Food waste, Cloth, Wastepaper, Glass bottles, Polythene bags, Waste metals, plastic
 scrap, paints etc.
 Commercial wastes: It includes wastes coming out from shops, markets, hotels, offices,
 institutions, etc.
 Wastepaper, packaging material, cans, bottles, polythene bags, etc.
 Construction waste: It includes waste of construction materials.
 Horticulture waste and waste from slaughterhouses include vegetable parts, residues and
remains of slaughtered animals, respectively.
 Biomedical wastes: It includes mostly organic materials. Like anatomical wastes,
Infectious wastes, glass bottles, plastic, metal syringe, etc.
 A large amount of solid waste is released from mining activities.
 The increase in solid waste is due to overpopulation, affluence, and technological
Control Measures for Urban and Industrial Solid Waste

An integrated waste management strategy includes three main components:

1. Source reduction 2. Recycling 3. Disposal
Serial No.

1Source Reduction in the use of raw materials will correspondingly decrease the Reuse of waste materials: The refillable containers which are discarded after use can be
Deduction production of waste. Reduced demand for any metallic product will reused. Villagers make casseroles and silos from waste paper and other waste
decrease the mining of their metal and cause less production of waste materials. Making rubber rings from the discarded cycle tubes which are used by the
newspaper vendors, instead of rubber bands, reduces the waste generation during
manufacturing of rubber bands. Because of financial constraints poor people reuse their
materials to the maximum

Recycling Recycling of materials: Recycling is the reprocessing of discarded materials The process of reducing, reusing and recycling saves money, energy, raw materials,
into new useful products. For e.g. formation of some old type products e.g. land space and also reduces pollution. Recycling of paper will reduce cutting of trees for
old aluminum cans and glass bottles are melted and recast into new cans making fresh paper. Reuse of metals will reduce mining and melting of ores for recovery
and bottles. of metals from ores and prevent pollution.

Disposal Sanitary landfill: In a sanitary landfill, garbage is spread out in thin layers, Composting: Due to shortage of space for landfill in bigger cities, the biodegradable yard
compacted and covered with clay or plastic foam. In the modern landfills the waste (kept separate from the municipal waste) is allowed to degrade or decompose in
bottom is covered with an impermeable liner, usually several layers of clay, an oxygen rich medium. A good quality nutrient rich and environmental friendly manure
thick plastic and sand. The liner protects the ground water from being is formed which improves the soil conditions and fertility.
contaminated due to percolation of leachate. Leachate from bottom is
pumped and sent for treatment. When landfill is full it is covered with clay,
sand, gravel and top soil to prevent seepage of water. Several wells are
drilled near the landfill site to monitor if any leakage is contaminating ground
Control Measures for Urban and Industrial Solid Waste

Industrial Solid Waste includes everything from plastics and metals to oil and gas production sites. In order to
properly manage this type of waste, it is important to understand its various components so that effective recovery
and reuse can take place.

Control Measures for Industrial Waste.

 Municipal Solid Waste Management
In order to efficient manage municipal solid waste, municipalities must develop and enforce regulations that
prohibit the discharge of industrial and urban wastes into the environment. In addition, municipalities must
establish a Solid Waste Management Plan that outlines the organization, management, and use of municipal
solid waste.
 Collection and Disposal of Waste Municipalities must collect all waste generated in their jurisdiction in an
environmentally sound manner so that it can be properly disposed. The collection process should include the
 Transfer of Waste from Industry to Municipality When industries discharges waste into the environment, it is
important to transfer this waste as quickly as possible to ensure its safe disposal. Municipalities must
established a Transfer of Waste Program in order to facilitate this transfer process. Industrial waste can be a
complicated and costly problem to manage. To make sure your plants are up to date with latest best
practices, keep an eye on waste water quality and treatment plant controls.
Control Measures for Industrial Solid Waste

Industrial Solid Waste includes everything from plastics and metals to oil and gas production sites. In order to properly manage
this type of waste, it is important to understand its various components so that effective recovery and reuse can take place.

Control Measures for Industrial Waste.

 Municipal Solid Waste Management
In order to efficient manage municipal solid waste, municipalities must develop and enforce regulations that prohibit the
discharge of industrial and urban wastes into the environment. In addition, municipalities must establish a Solid Waste
Management Plan that outlines the organization, management, and use of municipal solid waste.
 Collection and Disposal of Waste Municipalities must collect all waste generated in their jurisdiction in an environmentally
sound manner so that it can be properly disposed. The collection process should include the following:
 Transfer of Waste from Industry to Municipality -When industries discharges waste into the environment, it is important to
transfer this waste as quickly as possible to ensure its safe disposal. Municipalities must established a Transfer of Waste
Program in order to facilitate this transfer process. Industrial waste can be a complicated and costly problem to manage. To
make sure your plants are up to date with latest best practices, keep an eye on waste water quality and treatment plant
Environmental Ethics

 Environmental ethics is a field of study that seeks to understand humans’ moral obligations to protect
and preserve the environment. It is a branch of ethics that recognizes the intrinsic value of nature, the
interconnection of all living things, and the responsibility of humans to act in accordance with ethical

 Environmental ethics is a branch of ethical thought that focuses on the relationship between humans
and their natural environment. It is a holistic approach to understanding and evaluating our moral
obligations to protect and preserve the environment. Environmental ethics seeks to bring together the
interests of both humans and the environment, recognizing that both are interdependent and have
intrinsic value.

Importance of Environmental Ethics

 Environmental ethics is essential for protecting the environment, species, and resources.
 It promotes sustainable practices and encourages people to become more aware of the impact their
actions have on the environment.
 It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the need to respect them. It encourages
us to think about our place in the world and how we can contribute to preserving the natural
 Environmental ethics helps to build better relationships with nature, recognizing its intrinsic value, not
just its instrumental value.
Role of Religion and Cultural Environmental Conservation with reference to India.

The cultural heritage of India show a deep concern for the protection and preservation of the
environment. Indian tradition considered the earth as ‘Mother’. Rivers are described Lokamata. India is a
land of rites
and rituals.

According to Hindu scriptures all lives have the same right to existence. Human beings have no dominion
over other creatures. They are forbidden to exploit nature; instead, they are advised to seek peace and
live in harmony with nature

Hinduism is a religion deeply rooted in nature. The sacred text (Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita,
Epics) has many references of divinity related to nature, such as rivers, mountains, trees, animals, and
the earth.
To protect them, Hinduism encourages environmental protection and there are organizations who
promote sustainable development and support the protection of the environment through awareness
campaigns and actions.
In India, conservation and preserving natural resources has long been an important part of the
cultural ethos, particularly in remote rural and indigenous populations. Many of these
communities see themselves as part of a spiritual thread that connects them to their natural
surroundings, revering unique plants, animals, rivers and mountains as their ancestors.
• The life on this planet and elsewhere is clearly ingrained in the Hinduism. The supreme
power God has absolute sovereignty over all creatures including human According to Hindu
scriptures all lives have the same right to existence. Human have no dominion over other
• Human being are forbidden to exploit nature, instead they are advised to seek peace and live
in harmony with nature
• The Hindu religion demands veneration, respect and obedience to maintain and protect the
unity of God and nature


Jainism places great emphases on the principle that one should reprise from avoidance act that
are harmful to oneself or others
• Nonviolence is the fundamental unit of Jains way of life
• For the Jains environmental harmony though spirituality should be pursued by all. This can
be done by adhering to three precepts which are the right beliefs, the right knowledge, and
the right conductions
• Everyone should be benevolent towards all living organisms compassionate for the weak,
tolerant for the insolent and joyful at the virtuous. This is way of bringing environmental
• Christianity say that harmonic relationship exist between the divine and humanity, among
human being and nature, and failure to maintain the harmony may alienate humanity from
its creator and from nature
• As the Lord said ‘ I am the alpha and omega , the first and the last , the beginning and the
end’ consequently every part of creation has his divine hand in it and no has absolute right to
destroy it


• In Islam the holy Quran and divinely inspired words of prophet Mohamed from the
foundation of and roles for the conservation of nature
• The Quran message is unity , harmony, balance and order. It stresses that nature law must be
observed, and that defined limit should not be exceeded
• The holy Quran declares that everything is created from water .
• Allah is the owner of land and mankind is guardian whereas other living creatures are the
Sustainable Development- Introduction and The Need for Sustainable Lifestyles.


Sustainable development is a process that envisions a favorable future for human societies in which living conditions and the use of resources
meet human needs without compromising the integrity, beauty, and stability of vital systems.

Environmental governance advocates sustainability as the supreme consideration in managing all human activities – political, social and
economic. The concept of sustainability relies on sustainable development. Sustainable development can be explained in various ways, but the
most widely recognized definition was phrased by the Brundtland Commission in 1987.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.”

Sustainable development is based on the three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental and social sustainability.
Sustainable Development- Introduction and The Need for Sustainable Lifestyles.

Sustainable development goals:

• End poverty in all its forms everywhere
• End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
• Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
• Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
• Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
• Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
• Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
• Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
• Reduce inequality within and among countries
• Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
• Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
• Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
• Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
• Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and
halt biodiversity loss
• Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all
• Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
The Need for Sustainable Lifestyles

Sustainability is one of the most popular lifestyle choices of the past decade and will hopefully become second-nature to us all in the coming years.
Sustainable living is achieved by making choices that aim to reduce our individual and collective environmental impact by making positive changes to
offset climate change and reduce environmental damage. It is a way to reduce our carbon footprint and better use the Earth’s resources to minimize the
environmental damage that can be caused by our lifestyle choices.

Sustainability means making choices today that will positively impact the planet tomorrow. It means thinking of the needs of future generations by
ensuring that they will inherit a safe and healthy planet to live and thrive on.

Example: There are plenty of ways to live more sustainably, like buying local and in-season foods that are farmed sustainably. Foods that aren’t in season often require certain chemicals to be grown that aren’t
necessary for in-season foods, or they need to be shipped from somewhere that experiences a very different climate from your own. Sustainable farming discourages waste and encourages low-impact, seasonal diets.
Eating less meat (or no meat at all) is another way to live sustainably.

Another example of sustainable living is buying items made using recycled materials or designed to be zero-waste. Many cosmetics companies produce items in bottles and jars made from recycled products. You can
also find clothing, bedding, and furniture made from recycled materials.

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